

Question about 4th job build

So as I'm approaching level 120 on my Sniper, I'm looking at possible builds for his 4th job. So why do people level pierce up to 21 and not just max it? Is it to just get MMB to a decent level?

December 24, 2010

9 Comments • Newest first


so when ur going for bossing build, do u still want that max SE? like how much sp would u aprox. have for SE and MMB for bossing?

Reply January 11, 2011

Am I not understanding the new Crit system correctly or is it true that SE is much more beneficial in conjunction with MMB? Because MMB increases min crit damage and SE increases crit chance... so overall higher critical damages?

Reply January 2, 2011

GIGANTIC vikings are where you should train at now =O

I honestly don't know much about 120-130 training spots, but what I like to do is look up potential mobs around your level on basil, then try them out for 10 minutes while timing exp. If you feel fine with that, you stay there till you get bored and repeat the process.

At around 127 I imagine that your best skill you have is ultimate strafe; I'd try zombies at el nath just to see how they go, since I heard they're pretty easy to hit despite their level.

Reply January 2, 2011

FIrst thing you max is US
put 1 into fp and db
arrows pierce is your choice depending on how you train and what you prefer
then go make SE lvl 9 since it will give 10% critical rate.
then from there max out MMB and work on marksmenship
then max out SE then work on snipe or mw as for BUILD not sure havnt made one.

Reply January 1, 2011 - edited

i just hit level 102 and this is exactly what i needed now my problem is training build vs bossing build.
i don't know if i am funded but i have less than 100mill in mesos/equips

but i will definitely get at level 120 : 1 snipe, 1 US, 1 (frostprey or somting idk yet )

Reply December 27, 2010 - edited

@SillyHeart: 1 DB is included on the common points. it's the greatest pierce ally, and even with min range gone i keep on using it.

DB is left at 1 because there are [i]way[/i] better skills to max first, and you can walk, DB, walk again, DB again, and form a big mob to be pierced right away.

about training places, i dunno >.<

Reply December 26, 2010 - edited

@StrawberryS3: at 120, i feel that adding 1 point into US is way better than adding 1 MMB. 1 US = ~430% more damage than regular strafe... and that's [i]way[/i] more you can get off one ATT point in MMB

also, i agree with ChibiCross. maxing US is the second most powerful upgrade you can do to a marksman, besides getting pierce to 21. maxed US is 600% the damage over regular strafe (strafe is 600%, max US is 1200%) plus, it's low SP requirement (only 10 SP) makes it easier to master than other skills, like pierce (21 min), snipe (30), MMB (30) or heck, even SE (19-29).

for training, i'd also pick US over MMB. pierce's powerful enough to take down any mob you can train on in under 3-4 shots (i take down skeles in like 2-3 shots) and US would be good to finish off the 1-2 monsters that remain behind with low-ish enough HP. also, you'd be ready for some serious bossing by the time you get it (130+), so either US or snipe are better choices, that is you can actually boss (you don't lag a lot or DC)

Reply December 26, 2010 - edited

Your first three points should be frostprey (completely replaces your golden eagle), marksmenboost (free attack point), and the last point should be on sharp eyes, snipe or pierce.
These are the builds I would recommend but you can change little things here and there if you want. Also note that sharp eyes is less efficient to marksmenboost and will only increase non-critical dealing jobs dmg by a bit.

Training Build:
- Pierce 21 (hits 6 monsters, any further levels would just increase it's dmg)
- Max MMB (Instead of wasting points to max pierce, maxing this would increase pierce and ultimate strafe)
- Max Ultimate Strafe (This is only if you also like to boss sometimes otherwise I suggest you max sharp eyes)
- Max Marksmenship (Hp is always a problem for us xbowmen so why not max this for the 10%hp and the dmg increase)
- Also I personally don't train with db anymore but if you like grouping your mobs for pierce put 1 point on it.

Bossing Build:
- Max Ultimate Strafe (working on this first is better for training or bossing)
- Max Snipe (bossing should be your main exp source now)
- Max marksmenship (hp helps a lot at bosses)
- Max either sharp eyes if you boss in parties or mmb works too i guess.

Reply December 25, 2010 - edited