
Is the Resistance evil?

Remember Vita, the girl you saved as a Resistance trainee?
If you've looked around the Resistance base a little bit, notice that she's behind bars in the prison, a hidden map all the way at the right in the training room entrance.
I haven't played any Resistance characters besides DA recently, is there some story bit that I'm missing?

July 26, 2013

3 Comments • Newest first


Thanks guys.. mind = blown.
Just wondering because I saw evil Claudine and Elex in TP.

Reply July 26, 2013

In the Alliance Questline, you find from the Resistance that the potion she gave you (to kill the robot in the final training ground) was actually POISON, which is why she was incarcerated. Then, you find out that Gelimer can control Vita remotely as she betrays you into falling into a trap, and then, she defies Gelimer but gets herself killed in the process. Oh, and the antidote was found in Ereve, but Claudine refused to ask the Cygnus Knights for help after what they did (or didn't do), but then Eckhart comes to the rescue by arranging to meet with you in the Makeshift Airport, which is why Claudine accepted the offer to join the Maple Alliance.

Reply July 26, 2013

I made a bam and i think the reson is cuz in the story shes brain washed and or was imprisod when they found her and then set here free but im sure she dies in the story quests

Reply July 26, 2013