
What the heck did Nexon do to the item pick up rate?

What the heck did Nexon do to the item pick up rate?

I'll tell you what they did, they nerfed it so you would buy a pet to do it for you.

Seriously! What is wrong with this company? I used to be able to just walk past an entire 2 feet of junk lying on the ground, and scoop it all up just holding 'z.' Now i have to walk past like 4 or 5 times. Picking up items is rediculously slow, it's making me rethink coming back to maplestory. I mean heck, a guy leaves for about a year or so and this is what happens? What's next? The give potions cooldown times of 3 minutes unless you buy a pet? Seriously we need to petition this or something. Shame what this game has become.


February 11, 2014

16 Comments • Newest first


I was playing EMS the other day and OMG THE DROPS THEY WENT SO FAST.

I have been told this has to do with your distance to the server.. Aka EMS is perfect for me, GMS, not so much.

In other words, buy a pet already.

Reply February 11, 2014 - edited

So others are experiencing this?
I'd always assumed the problems I was having with picking up drops was due to certain buttons on my gamepad becoming unresponsive.

Reply February 11, 2014 - edited

I noticed that, too. The items seem to drop more prolifically, and it takes longer to pick up everything, and then the monster respawn rate is faster as well. You can't finish picking up your loot before you're surrounded by monsters all over again. If you're the kind of person that wants to pick up every single dropped item before moving on, you could be stuck on the same map for quite some time.

And then I won a bunch of free pets and pet equips with all the winter promotions. The difference was immediate and profound. The picking up of items was no longer an issue at all.

I don't claim to know what the implications of all that is, but it certainly is noticeable. And, like most things, I highly suspect it has something to do with making more money.

Reply February 11, 2014 - edited

[quote=theridon]What the heck did Nexon do to the item pick up rate?

I'll tell you what they did, they nerfed it so you would buy a pet to do it for you.[/quote]

That's a good conspiracy theory.
It goes right along with them making a lot of extraneous drops that fill up your inventory slots so you have to buy slot expansion tickets in the Cash Shop.

My theory is that right around the Big Bang patch Nexon America fired all their programmers and contracted with the local high school to send over one of the sophomore programming class nerds on Wednesdays after school to do their programming.

Ever since then things have gotten worse and worse, hackers and dupers have ruled the game, lag has gotten so bad the game is getting unplayable, and Nexon keeps putting new features and events into the game without testing them. The quality has just gone into the toilet.

The looting lag is so bad now that quest lines like Chryse are almost impossible.
"Bring me 80 Diseased Duck Feathers". "Now bring me 150 Mutant Diseased Duck Feathers". "Now bring me 279 Highly Colorful Mastadon toenails".
With the pickup lag running several seconds per pickup, that adds hours to the time needed to do any of those quests.

It's almost to the point where they might as well just remove all the "bring me" quests if they're not going to do anything about the lag.

Reply February 11, 2014 - edited

@Elufu: Oh, right, I just remembered they patched it when I Magnus'd on my AB last summer.

Reply February 11, 2014 - edited

@CaptCandy: Flip out your pet at HoH or Warrior Grounds with a Kanna increasing the spawn. The lag is incredible. </3

I'm pretty sure they fixed it so that potion pot goes into cooldown as well.

Reply February 11, 2014 - edited

@Elufu: Why do pets lag us? And also, I had my pet out and spammed my Potion pot on my hot key and it still works.

Reply February 11, 2014 - edited

Back in big bang, you'd pick things up instantly.
now look at where maple is.

Reply February 11, 2014 - edited

Yes a petition. That'll show 'em

Reply February 11, 2014 - edited

Pet owners lag like no tomorrow. Pet owners also are restricted with potion cooldown.

There is no discrimination here.

Reply February 11, 2014 - edited

Oh wait I'm lagging >3>

Reply February 11, 2014 - edited

Potion cooldowns are in the game now because people are too overpowered.

Reply February 11, 2014 - edited

What. Maybe it's because you're lagging? Sometimes I can sweep up an entire map just by holding "z", other times I need my pet to pick up everything for me.

Reply February 11, 2014 - edited

i know exactly what you mean dude. When i used to play before the big bang it was so much better. It was harder to level up and the keys actually worked haha

Reply February 11, 2014 - edited

There is a potion cool down.

Reply February 11, 2014 - edited

some bosses have CD on pots as intended.

Reply February 11, 2014 - edited