

tips1660 #Dualblade Talk

General Dualblade

Few Questions about Db gearing/zak *Cubing* I got 2L on my Empress Cape right before I was about to cube. I was wondering, what order should I begin to cube in? (ii.e. premium -->super) >> What order should I cube my equips in: Dagger --> cape --> shoe ect ect *Zaking* Well, I havent ever solo'd zak on my db, but because I just got my empress stuff and the revamp, I was wondering if I could solo with a [b]20k range[/b]? Also, I wanted to know how long it would take about. Thanks

General Dualblade

Avg Att Range for 11x Db? I'm in the process of re-gearing my db atm. My current equips include: 114 ATT Blood Dagger 65 ATT Blood Soaked Katara (75 ATT Counting the Pot I believe) 3L 2L 6% Luk Half Earrings LVL 17 (2) Ring Going for Gratias Ring as well. 10 ATT WG Whats the AVG Range for DBs @ 11x What potentials should i go for ( for all my equips)? What should i scroll my top/bottom for What Pendant(s) should I get? (Using a dep star atm :<) What shoes to get? (Not looking for any duped equips..) What Helmet(Scar..Zak...CZak)? Thanks! I just came back to MS and its reallllly different.

General Dualblade

Avg Att Range for 11x Db? I'm in the process of re-gearing my db atm. My current equips include: 114 ATT Blood Dagger 65 ATT Blood Soaked Katara (75 ATT Counting the Pot I believe) 3L 2L 6% Luk Half Earrings LVL 17 (2) Ring Going for Gratias Ring as well. 10 ATT WG Whats the AVG Range for DBs @ 11x What potentials should i go for ( for all my equips)? What should i scroll my top/bottom for What Pendant(s) should I get? (Using a dep star atm :<) What shoes to get? (Not looking for any duped equips..) What Helmet(Scar..Zak...CZak)? Thanks! I just came back to MS and its reallllly different.