

What are your preferred Macros?

For buffs. I use two Macros for my skills, but I'm thinking of changing it. I'm definitely out of keyboard space for any additional keys, so I'm trying to keep finger jumping the least awkward as possible.

Anyways, my Macros look like this:

Staff Booster > Blood Drain > Revive
Conversion > Stance

I'll probably switch Blood Drain and Stance as well, but this was just a start.

February 16, 2011

7 Comments • Newest first


@AstarianX: Even if I cleared up the right side of my keyboard, I'm unlikely to put any skills over there anyways. I always use the top 4 buttons for useless skills.
(Corsair's got flash fist, SSK, grenade up there; Drk has ground smash, power strike up there; etc)

As for the tilde, Cash shop is fine there. the buttons pretty out of reach from home row without moving my wrist, so there's no use for a skill to be there. Same goes for the Right facing caret.

My skills are fine, and using macros helps remove any delay from individual key presses.

EDIT: Re-arranged my macro, I think this combination is more [url=]efficient[/url]

Reply February 18, 2011 - edited

I'm gonna get tons of weird looks for my keyboard layout. I use the same layout across all of my characters, it's just what I found comfortable a long time ago, and I've never changed it since. [url=]Here[/url] is my key layout.

I group attacks on one side, commands next, followed by menus. I rest my left hand on home row (A S D F) with my thumb on space.
I shove useless stuff to the far right end, and keep pots directly above my movement keys.

Reply February 18, 2011 - edited

I don't have macros. Maybe that's why my skills stretch from ctrl to - LOL

Reply February 17, 2011 - edited

[quote=xendoflivinx]Wow! Thankyou for this little piece of information. I always had trouble with rebuffing intime because conversion was last in line!

My macros:

Conversion - Blood Drain - Booster (they all last around the same time)

Stance - Maple Warrior

Reaper is by itself because I don't use it at bosses.[/quote]

That's actually the reason why I have reaper at the end. I don't have room to assign it to it's own button, so I just cancel the macro as soon as blood drain takes effect.

Reply February 17, 2011 - edited

i should probably switch my macro around but it's

Magic guard->Meditiate->spell booster[booster has such a big delay if used last, but quite fast if first]

Reply February 17, 2011 - edited

Staff booster+Reaper
Blood Drain+Conversion (I'm a noob for having this at level 100 -_-)
Dark Chain+Quint Blow (I do have each of them separate on some other keys)

Reply February 17, 2011 - edited

blood drain / staff booster / maple warrior
conversion / stance / revive

imo bd and sb must stay together, same with c and s. revive and mw last so I can cancel if needed.

Reply February 16, 2011 - edited