

What life has taught me so far

Before I start, I'm just an average freshman Korean dude in high school, growing up at SoCali, who is a Christian, but more leaning towards the "Sunday-Christian". I can't say I've gone through much, but instead learned from my mistakes and listen to any teachings and experiences from others.( In random order )

1. School is a place to mistakes as much as you want, as long as you can mature from them. This world sadly doesn't wait for those who make mistakes, but being perfect is most of the time
impossible. Its a game of balance on a tight-rope.

2. People are just like you and me. We both know what's right and wrong(usually, even if its in the deepest part inside you), and what hurts you, probably hurts the other person just as much.

3. Probably the greatest journey a man could take is 16 inches. No, not having that special hug with your significant other. I mean from your head to your heart.
Sure, you know all the stuff, what is right and wrong, what to say, how to act, but does it mean anything if it doesn't become heart knowledge?

4. Maybe, just maybe the reason why the world sucks is simple. Think of it like this: you have a infinite container with a small hole at the bottom. All the acts you do that are only concerned about you,
or atleast doesn't help others is liquid. Its temporary pleasure. Its why we try to get more and more of stuff e.g drugs, money, special hugs, ect.. But what if the good acts done with your heart to
help others is like a solid. It doesn't drain away, and makes you feel all happy, and really does fill you up. Sure, being the container infinite, you can't get enough of anything. but the solids last,
liquids don't.

5. Respecting others is good thing to do, and shows good qualities. "If you want to see the true measure of a man, watch how he treats his inferiors, not his equals." - J.K. Rowling

6. Trust is a good thing too, but trust without though is foolish. Being independent and thinking for yourself is key

7. Success doesn't come over-night, nor does changing who you are. Both take dedication and faith.

8. Religion is away of helping defining your morals and what's right and wrong. You don't have to have a religion at all either. Your morals are helped with philosophy.

9. Being artificial is usually pretty bad, unless you're a spy and you need to crush the empire or something like that . Hiding your emotions and feelings usually misleads your friends of who you really
are. People appreciate someone true

10. Now, this is a touchy subject here, but I really need some clarification here. There can't be a gay priest, but there can be a priest who struggles with something else. I get that there are people who
are priest or other religious figures and actively engage in that struggle and aren't working on improving it, but can't gays be allowed the same positions as you and me, as long as he truly is trying
to change?

11. Having pride is what probably hurts us the most in the world. I don't mean like completely destroy who you are and have no value, but there is self-dignity. Have self-dignity, and be humble and
meek. Don't seek for glory yourself, just do what you do and honor will find you instead.

12. Are you really in love, or are you in there for her/his money, looks,ect.

13. Are grades really that important? How can you measure somebody on how well they preform academically? Personaly, I'd rather have someone uneducated and humble and true to his word, than
someone educated and a prick.

14. Don't make assumptions about another; what may seem to be on the outside can be completely different from the inside.

This is all I've got for now . (ignore any grammatical errors here)
What has life taught you?

EDIT: numbering is weird, ignore the eyesore please )

March 10, 2015

7 Comments • Newest first


"Your last enemy is your best friend" - something my grandmother taught me as she was a business women. It means althought its good to trust in others just be wary of everyone you know i.e dont give them too much if you get what i mean. Someone that is like a brother/sister to you may end up turning their back on you or betraying you. Ive wittnessed this a few times during my life and i thought something like this couldnt be possible, but it DOES happen. This is the best advice i can add to youre list

Reply March 10, 2015

i like how it's a list of 1.'s

Reply March 10, 2015


life is great if you are great.

Reply March 10, 2015

If you say anything horrible about most races of people nothing will happen but if you say something horrible about black people, they'll be protesting.

Reply March 10, 2015

Life has taught me that life is hard.

Reply March 10, 2015

Freshman year is bad year. Everyone tries too hard, then after sophomore year no one rly gives a sht

Reply March 10, 2015

life has taught me, if you plan something, something is most likely to go wrong

Reply March 10, 2015