

The Mercedes isnt op And isnt going to replace bms

Honest to god The only diffrence is the Merc is a Mobbing Class It needs the moblity due to lack of range But makes up for it via

The Nice dodge and Self healing But overall Its pretty weak unfunded >.> ( i think a unfunded dexless sin does more dmg) Now dont get me wrong

Its Fun cause of the mobbing skills the flashyness and But when you look at it

1.) RoI does 110% x 2 ( i think its actually 105% x 2 not 100% on that one)
2.) videos are of kms which can afford these equips Do you honestly think We can afford that all of us?
3.) Mercedes are just A Bowmaster With Xbows and a Db's skills thrown in the mix

When you really look at it its not gonna be overpowered (except for that DAM magical arrow really nexon like they needed a potable Arrow sheild)

So saying a bm is obsolute is dumb and saying a merc is better isnt true Plus Least we not forget the bandwagoners

This is Can be best put as a The Cognitive dissonance theory Where Some basilers are saying It and therefore Must believe in it Which Leads to a

Bigger Idea of Foor in the door phenomenon Where They say something small then move to a bigger issue Convincing people To agree with them that mercedes

Are overpowered and Better then the bowmaster

The fact is its not op and it isnt going to replace the bms They are gonna come out looking Op But they wont be

This is the same thing as pre bb and Pre chaos when the dbs came out and were buffed people Believed we were OP but those were godly people

Kudos To MrB for actually helping me come up with this thread and for saving it when it was errored log <3

September 17, 2011

27 Comments • Newest first


i like the mobility of mercedes

Reply September 22, 2011

Clearly you havent played mercedes

Reply September 22, 2011

Too long didn't read.

I'm making a mercedes, end of story.

Main reason, rope jump.

Reply September 22, 2011

.... lol i didnt even consider that
@ rtyu

Reply September 17, 2011

[quote=XxSuperMoFoxX]+1 like [/quote]

ARGH i cant find the captain planet vid where he punchs random people >.>
just put godly funded chrs there and u got the jest

Reply September 17, 2011

[quote=tobivs]DB bam merc ds and Dw
With your powers combined i am Captain Unfunded
*shoots nukes at funded chrs*
Save the unfundeds[/quote]
+1 like

Reply September 17, 2011

[quote=XxSuperMoFoxX]lol trust me bro most of my chars are its hard to watch my bam barely hitting 50k with FB so nothing about unfundedness surprises me lol
unfunded chars UNITE![/quote]
DB bam merc ds and Dw
With your powers combined i am Captain Unfunded
*shoots nukes at funded chrs*
Save the unfundeds

Reply September 17, 2011

[quote=tobivs]O-o if u want and show me how i can show u a unfunded db ur gonna laugh how pathtic i am[/quote]
lol trust me bro most of my chars are its hard to watch my bam barely hitting 50k with FB so nothing about unfundedness surprises me lol
unfunded chars UNITE!

Reply September 17, 2011

O-o if u want and show me how i can show u a unfunded db ur gonna laugh how pathtic i am

Reply September 17, 2011

lol i your right just a few more mobbing skills
and everyone see people that have like 300% dex on their chars and everyone thinks its going to be OP'd
and have you guys ever seen a person make a video about an UNFUNDED char?
i dont think any class can replace 1 class
remember when db's came out guys? everyone was like well shads are nothing now might as well make a db...
lol shads still have one of the top dps now a days

Reply September 17, 2011 - edited

[quote=Picochu]I sense someone QQ'ing[/quote]
not qqing stating the facts
Okay number 3 isnt biased but more of a Factual thing
if i was qqing i would rant about how underpowered bms are But alas we are archers not tanks
AND we have range =D

Reply September 17, 2011 - edited

I sense someone QQ'ing

Reply September 17, 2011 - edited

[quote=HylianDrummer]You do know Mercedes have mobbing skills that are pretty much carbon copies of DB skills?
They have a Flying Assaulter-like, Tornado Spin-like and Blade Fury-like (With more range) skill. Many already see them to be as (if not, more) powerful than DBs.[/quote]

Duh thats why i hate em a little They have OUR moves that are stronger I mean its a elf not a freakin tank >.>
LF> dbs to get a buff now

Reply September 17, 2011 - edited

[quote=tobivs]LF>bms to get Super ladder climbing skill and super speed[/quote]
You do know Mercedes have mobbing skills that are pretty much carbon copies of DB skills?
They have a Flying Assaulter-like, Tornado Spin-like and Blade Fury-like (With more range) skill. Many already see them to be as (if not, more) powerful than DBs.

Reply September 17, 2011 - edited

[quote=HylianDrummer]I don't know, just adding "DB skills" makes them more OP than a BM already. Their mobility/mobbing moves are far superior to ours as well.[/quote]

LF>bms to get Super ladder climbing skill and super speed

Reply September 17, 2011 - edited

[quote=tobivs]3.) Mercedes are just A Bowmaster With Xbows and a Db's skills thrown in the mix [/quote]
I don't know, just adding "DB skills" makes them more OP than a BM already. Their mobility/mobbing moves are far superior to ours as well.

Reply September 17, 2011 - edited

[quote=ichordx3]No matter what you say, people will still make them. you cannot disprove their potential for damage, they would be better than BM under some circumstances. Perhaps destroy BMs. That usually wouldn't happen unless the person is upper funded.
Their mobility would most likely be the element that attracts the players to bandwagon it, and flashy-ness. (At least for me)
All their buffs and attacks are really big plus for bonus, decent defensive skills are another plus.
1) RoI hits twice for 110% twice, with hurricane 220%. It's even, except when they hit damage cap on every hit.
2)True, not many people would be able to get to the point where the KMS players are at, but, if they can fund a BM then they can use the similar equips on the Mercedes. So if your doing fine on your BM, you should be fine with the Mercedes too, but more mobility. Who wouldn't want that?
3) Your being bias
BM never will not get replaced, they're really close together from realistic low/mid/high funding damage calculations. In extreme high funding cases, Mercedes will win.
They're one of the Legends anyways, logically they should be stronger.[/quote]
First of all Ur right on most points save 3

They actually use the Same Figures as a db and such

Just in diffrent animations Most the skills copy the Db bm and mm Which is why its mostly praised

Because high mobilty mobbing And etc Go figure i will never win this argurement because i dont have enough patince to keep up with a argurement =P

Reply September 17, 2011 - edited

I really want to make a Merc when it comes out but all the training areas will be congested. </3
Merc combines two of my favorite things: Mobility and Archer skills <3

Reply September 17, 2011 - edited

No matter what you say, people will still make them. you cannot disprove their potential for damage, they would be better than BM under some circumstances. Perhaps destroy BMs. That usually wouldn't happen unless the person is upper funded.
Their mobility would most likely be the element that attracts the players to bandwagon it, and flashy-ness. (At least for me)
All their buffs and attacks are really big plus for bonus, decent defensive skills are another plus.
1) RoI hits twice for 110% twice, with hurricane 220%. It's even, except when they hit damage cap on every hit.
2)True, not many people would be able to get to the point where the KMS players are at, but, if they can fund a BM then they can use the similar equips on the Mercedes. So if your doing fine on your BM, you should be fine with the Mercedes too, but more mobility. Who wouldn't want that?
3) Your being bias
BM never will not get replaced, they're really close together from realistic low/mid/high funding damage calculations. In extreme high funding cases, Mercedes will win.
They're one of the Legends anyways, logically they should be stronger.

Reply September 17, 2011 - edited

About time someone realizes that Mercedes is actually not OP and the only reason people are freakin is cause there seeing the 0.0001% of maple community that is insanely funded beyond anything a normal mapler could accomplish and any class with that funding would be insane in dpm, i mean most of there skills are under 200% and the ones over 200% most of them have a cooldown...... and the only reason people on GMS aren't already doing this dmg is cause we don't have the Legendary potential.

Reply September 17, 2011 - edited

[quote=iLoveSushi]Lets not argue and be friendly like all the other classes. T>T Even though I'm making a Mercedes doesn't mean I have 1 bit of hate for BMs.[/quote]

Im just point that the mercedes isnt jesus H christ its like a archer Nicely balanced with a ( STUPID CHEAP HIDDEN POTTING ARROW ARGH I HATE NEXON) nice mobbing

and high speed gameplay Good for people who cant play bms cause they figure them slow XD

Reply September 17, 2011 - edited

[quote=nightstrikez]regardless of how powerful they are, i can just SEE them ksing most classes. All it takes is a merch to dedicate his funds to a mercedes....[/quote]

=P true but then again Everyones picking a merc so Its really not gonna b Who does more dmg as it is gonna be a Who can hit it first

Reply September 17, 2011 - edited

regardless of how powerful they are, i can just SEE them ksing most classes. All it takes is a merch to dedicate his funds to a mercedes....

it's their amazing mobility that gets to me, not their damage, because damage depends on funds

Reply September 17, 2011 - edited

[quote=Abysseon]If a player is going to decide whether or not to put money into mercedes or a bm, the mercedes class would be a much better option
for funding in nearly every aspect of training/bossing.[/quote]
Uhm .... Self healing yes good
Nice dodge that a bm has Decent but not good
the mercedes lacks a range adding skill meaning it cannot be as far as a bm So do the math
At cygnus Where she can 1 shot ko the archers This means a Literal life or death situation

Reply September 17, 2011 - edited

[quote=bluebomber24]A good amount of what your saying is true...I think. I don't know if its grammar, lack of periods, or something else, but I had a hard time reading this @.@[/quote]

it mostly is and more then likely my lack of periods.

I forget that button is on the keyboard.

Anyways yea they have pdr but what good does that do you when you can only hit 10-20k EA arrow?

I pefer the bm in terms of its bossing capability but, i pefer the merc when its a solo play.

Meh go figure.

Reply September 17, 2011 - edited

They're not as weak as you think, and also not as strong as others thought they would be.

Reply September 17, 2011 - edited

A good amount of what your saying is true...I think. I don't know if its grammar, lack of periods, or something else, but I had a hard time reading this @.@

Reply September 17, 2011 - edited