

Hoblin king card set

Hey guys, I'm trying to get the hoblin card set for the 15% pdr, but none of the mobs in the PQ are dropping any cards.
Is anyone else experiencing this problem? I know for a fact I have none of the cards in my codex. I got the Hoblin King card on the first kill, but no matter how many times I do the PQ, the regular mobs refuse to drop any cards.
Any idea why?

Thank you in advance

June 2, 2012

5 Comments • Newest first


Just keep killing the monsters. The cards will most likely drop eventualy.

Reply June 2, 2012

To make the cards to drop [i]you[/i] need to attack the goblins in all the stages before the boss otherwise you won't see them. It isn't like LHC or Bosses that drops them non-stop. You aren't going to see any cards if you don't attack.

Then there is another issue what @Darwin: said. If your character is 15 levels away from a monsters' level you will not find any cards from them. Once you are 14 levels different with the monsters (Note: 14 levels [b]BELOW[/b] the monsters' level) you will see the cards. As long you are not below 14 levels of monsters's level you will find the cards, any high level character will have no problem finding any cards from any low level monsters.

So @Tokiee: go to Hoblin PQ again with a party, check what the average party level is (or see the monster level in the PQ minus your character level)

Reply June 2, 2012 - edited

[quote=Darwin]The monsters have to be within 15 levels of you, I believe.[/quote]

I have confirmed this (at least on the high end) through Cygnus cards. I don't think there's a low-end card droprate, else Jr. Boogie cards would be a little more rare.

Reply June 2, 2012 - edited

You need to have people around your level, so the monsters are around your level and will drop the cards. It was happening to my on my Battle Mage until I noticed why.
The monsters have to be within 15 levels of you, I believe.

Reply June 2, 2012 - edited

[quote=RichardGuo97]You can't get Coco card anymore. Its impossible.[/quote]
i want them to remove coco =[ i wanna complete it.
and can someone tell me if zakum altar set is better or the hobling 15% pdr better?
OT: i think it just takes time cuz for me it took me a few pq for the mobs and boss is always faster >< or umm are u doing with people around ur level?

Reply June 2, 2012 - edited