

Insights regarding Atk

I read some threads about how to increase phantom's range and see that people could have 1000ATK. My current weapon has 272ATK. So here are some things i wonder, please share your knowledge and insights. Please correct my limited knowledge.

- When people say they have 1000ATK, is that total base ATK or is that total ATK including the %ATK pot?
- How do i get the remaining 728ATK? (i know that tyrants will give about 100ATK each after a number of stars being applied on them, so that means there is still a difference
of about 400ATK)

Thanks so much.

July 13, 2014

4 Comments • Newest first


"The attack people list is total attack including %ATK".....this has done the job of answering my questions. Thank you all.

Reply July 13, 2014

You guys forget one major thing: a heart.

Reply July 13, 2014

The attack people list is total attack including %attack. There are passives, buffs, and set effects that give attack and you can get even more from scrolling and bonus potential.

Reply July 13, 2014

rings, character cards, links Cygnus Blessing, etc

Reply July 13, 2014