

is 10 double stab and 0 nimble body okay

So, my friend had recently given me his account, which includes his db. After trying it out for a bit, I concluded that I absolutely love the class's mobility and will continue to play it regularly. But, my friend (who was not great at mapling ) had put 10 sp into double stab and 0 sp into nimble body. I looked at the db guide on basil, but it didn't mention whether nimble body was that important. So what I want to know is if not having any sp into nimble body is okay (with no funding, if it matters). I'm level 38 right now.
Thanks in advance ~

October 17, 2011

1 Comment • Newest first


Okay, thank you for the feedback. I'm just going to make a db on my main account and loot my friend's haha xD

Reply October 17, 2011