

trashed #Chat Talk

General Chat

Would you not pursue someone based on what their career is? This weekend I met this guy. Long story short, we hooked up a little and gave eachother our numbers after. When I go to the bar I'm not looking for anything than having fun, but I still keep an open mind about what could happen. Okay, so after texting a little bit he asks to add me on Facebook and I'm looking at his profile and find out that the guy is a male hairstylist, which I found surprising but whatever. Most people have this stigma that only gay men can be hair stylists, or that only guys who are really into themselves are, or whatever. Not that I'm saying I'm even interested in this guy, but then the question came up with some of my friends: Based on what someone's career i

General Chat

Cheap phone plans Hello everyone. So this is my situation: I've been using this outdated [url=]Samsung[/url] phone for way too long now. It's gotten to the point where it's embarrassing that I still have a flip phone and everyone around me is using their toushcreeen androids or iPhones. Whatever, because I wasn't paying for the monthly fees anyway. But now my contract is finally over (FINALLY!), and I'm going to be getting my own phone and paying the monthly fees completely on my own. I liked the idea of having an iPhone, but I can't find any good plans that are around my price range. I'm trying to be as frugal as I can, and not be payi

General Chat

I have a situation here Circumstances have either given me the best week of work, or the worst. You see, everyone else in my office (small company) is away this week on business (tradeshows, what not) and here I am all alone working on my computer. But the problem is this: it's Monday and I already finished my weeks worth of work, so now I can either place myself in 2 situations. The first option is that I can email my boss and request more work to do, or the second option is to come in every day and get paid to fool around on my computer basically. Not coming to work at all isn't an option because other people work in the building and it would be pretty obvious that I'm not coming in, but no one really walks around back here so I can reall

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