

Why is abortion so wrong?

Okay, let's put yourself in this situation. Pretend you're a girl (if you're not one already) and say you were forced to have sex. You got pregnant, but you're only in you're mid teens and you can't afford to handle a baby. Would you really wait 9 months for the baby to be born then have it cry all day? I mean, to be honest, I'm just 13 and I don't understand this too much, but if I ever got pregnant while I'm still a kid, I would choose abortion without hesitating. How is it wrong though? I'm an atheist, so yeah. The baby didn't grow yet, and it's just an egg inside you. It's like chicken eggs. You'd probably be freaked out if you saw a baby chicken murdered in front of your eyes and then cooked for you to eat. But you eat scrambled eggs like its nothing. I don't see what's so wrong about abortion.

July 27, 2012

66 Comments • Newest first


there's a difference between an egg cell and a real egg though...
protection would be "scrambling the egg", it would remain an egg and would be taken out with the next period.
Same with the pill after... by that time it's still an egg.

After that a baby develops, after a few weeks you can actually already see something and by the time the tummy bulges it got quite big already.

Now imagine opening an egg in your frying pan and there's a tiny little body in there... Would you still have no issues with it?

Reply July 29, 2012

Religion has 0% part in the rights of Abortion. "Religious freedom doesn't mean you can force others to live by your own beliefs." - Obama

So to Christians that are Pro-Life. Try a different country.

Also to the people saying that a fetus has "potential" than you can't mast3rbate or use protection because the sperm has potential.

Reply July 29, 2012 - edited


Hahah, sorry guys. I haven't been posting lately because I was scared of the massive flames I'd get. I did research AFTER this thread (I'm so stupid -.-&quot And I realized that most of the things I said were wrong. Sorry though D: I still support abortion nonetheless. The funny thing is, I'm from Houston. xD

Reply July 29, 2012 - edited

@toid: Hm, I never said that they couldn't have abortions Also, 1% of all abortions occur because of sexually assault or incest; 6% of abortions occur because of potential health problems regarding either the mother or child, and 93% of all abortions occur for social reasons. 42 million bastard kids die a year from abortion and only 1% of that is from sexually assault. I don't have a problem with abortion or the reason why people have abortion but I always find it the last option.

Reply July 28, 2012 - edited

I'm all for killing children. I hate children.

Reply July 28, 2012 - edited

I'm going to read all the comments to improve my mind. zzz

Reply July 28, 2012 - edited

Abortion isn't really 'wrong,' or 'right' but more like what circumstances will impact the impregnated female if she chooses to have a kid. There's a lot of grey area that has no simple yes, or no, right/wrong solution to justify abortions as such.

Personally I don't have an issue with abortions. A woman puts her life on the line when she decides to give birth, so power to them if they make a healthy decision for the long run.

Reply July 28, 2012 - edited

[quote=Buddgie]Unless you're a vegetarian/vegan, the killing a living thing argument doesn't really work.[/quote]

Wouldn't that be true unless the person valued human life above animals' lives (which isn't exactly unheard of)?

Reply July 28, 2012 - edited

[quote=Celyfaye]But you're arguing for the potential of a human being aren't you? So it's basically the same thing. What makes a fetus any different from the egg I lose to my uterus shedding every month? It's a developing bundle of cells. Yes, it has the ability to become human, but so do sperms, so do eggs. It's not murder because it hasn't truly developed into a person yet, unlike the mother, who, if abortion is made illegal, is deprived of her right to have control over what goes on in her own body.

Perhaps we place different values on the fetus, but I think it's absurd for you to say that abortion should be made illegal, seeing as 1) it's the woman's body, and 2) the person could be driven to dangerous lengths to get the fetus out.

edit: of course I could be wrong, and your stance on legalizing abortion isn't what I think it is? Dunno.[/quote]

A couple points:

1) You were indeed wrong- I've never claimed abortion should be illegal. It should be much much rarer than it is now. It should be the very last resort in truly desperate situations, but making it illegal doesn't solve anything, it just makes abortions illegal and dangerous.

2) Since my original postings, which I totally don't blame you for not having thoroughly read every word of- who the heck has that time on their hands? =), I claimed that a fetus/embryo/fertilized is unique from anything else in the known universe in that it is the only thing we know of that has the ability to grow into a human being in its current environment, from it's current state. That's why it's different that a sperm, an egg, or the individual carbon, oxygen and other molecules that make up you and I. It's like saying that an orange is the same as a hydrogen atom since it takes hydrogen to make an orange.

A growing fetus, embryo, even a fertilized egg is unlike anything else we are aware of in the universe. Nothing else has that unique potential in such a complete package in the perfect environment for it to grow in.

You can't dispute those facts. What we can dispute is just how much that matters. That potential has value. It might be insignificant, in your mind, compared to the desires of a girl to not miss graduation. It might be insignificant in my mind against the value of a woman's life. It's that relative value that we argue over, and it's what the laws struggle with. How do we give due respect to that precious value of the already growing human being without trampling on the values we place on the life of the mother. What wins- the little life or the mothers' life? The little life or the mother's financial well being? The little life of the mother simply not wanting to have a baby yet because it will hinder her party years? Some answers are more clear-cut than others.

It's actually a good thing that there is so much strong feelings about this topic. I personally feel that both the mom AND the growing child have utmost value. It makes me have hope for us as a society that we actually take the time to react to those values, as it shows that we, as a society, do care about important things and are willing to defend what we feel is right.

Reply July 27, 2012 - edited

[quote=myrdrex]You don't abort a baby every month. If you loose the baby, you're having a miscarriage. If there's an issue where the egg doesn't implant, it's an early stage miscarriage/'chemical pregnancy'.

You're not that naive, you understand the difference, we all do. It's the difference between someone dying naturally and being murdered. It's the difference between someone dying to cancer, and someone shooting them to death. Not seeing another car coming as you make a turn and causing an accident isn't the same as purposefully getting behind the wheel, selecting a target, and intentionally trying to harm someone with your car.

Yes, dead is dead. And I'm saddened when miscarriages happen. But it's simply absurd to compare a miscarriage to an active act of will by someone else with the intention to snuff out that life.

If you want to claim there's nothing morally wrong with snuffing out the life of a fetus, fine, that's your moral code and values. That's where genuine disagreement comes into play as 2 rational, good people can place different values on the full set of human DNA growing into a human in a womb. But don't lie about the facts. You and I both know that intentions count.[/quote]

But you're arguing for the potential of a human being aren't you? So it's basically the same thing. What makes a fetus any different from the egg I lose to my uterus shedding every month? It's a developing bundle of cells. Yes, it has the ability to become human, but so do sperms, so do eggs. It's not murder because it hasn't truly developed into a person yet, unlike the mother, who, if abortion is made illegal, is deprived of her right to have control over what goes on in her own body.

Perhaps we place different values on the fetus, but I think it's absurd for you to say that abortion should be made illegal, seeing as 1) it's the woman's body, and 2) the person could be driven to dangerous lengths to get the fetus out.

edit: of course I could be wrong, and your stance on legalizing abortion isn't what I think it is? Dunno.

Reply July 27, 2012 - edited

Well look at this way its the women's life and if they do it then they have risks for abortion

Reply July 27, 2012 - edited

[quote=Celyfaye]I abort a baby every month, fyi.

A fertilized egg is still a bundle of cells, potential or not. It doesn't have the same cognitive development that a human mother has. I could potentially be having a baby each time I have sex. If I refrain from having sex, does that mean I'm a baby killer?[/quote]

You don't abort a baby every month. If you loose the baby, you're having a miscarriage. If there's an issue where the egg doesn't implant, it's an early stage miscarriage/'chemical pregnancy'.

You're not that naive, you understand the difference, we all do. It's the difference between someone dying naturally and being murdered. It's the difference between someone dying to cancer, and someone shooting them to death. Not seeing another car coming as you make a turn and causing an accident isn't the same as purposefully getting behind the wheel, selecting a target, and intentionally trying to harm someone with your car.

Yes, dead is dead. And I'm saddened when miscarriages happen. But it's simply absurd to compare a miscarriage to an active act of will by someone else with the intention to snuff out that life.

If you want to claim there's nothing morally wrong with snuffing out the life of a fetus, fine, that's your moral code and values. That's where genuine disagreement comes into play as 2 rational, good people can place different values on the full set of human DNA growing into a human in a womb. But don't lie about the facts. You and I both know that intentions count.

Reply July 27, 2012 - edited

[quote=myrdrex]You're snuffing out a human life. Even if you don't feel it's human yet, you're still snuffing out the only thing in the known multiverse that can grow into a human being if left in it's current state and environment. That potential is what makes it so precious to so many, and it's an absolute inarguable fact that that potential exists.

It's then a matter of values. Do you value that life/potential for human life more than a girls desires to not delay graduation a year? If so that's pretty short sighted and selfish. Do you value it more than the physiological trauma of a sexual assault victim being forced to raise the assulters baby? Ok, that's starting to become something that's much much more valuable.

My belief is that that life (or potential life if you honestly don't consider a fetus a baby yet) is a precious thing. It has an inherent value that is supreme to most ordinary 'conveniences'. If you're going to snuff out that life/potential, it better be for a darn good reason (life of the mother, true psychological trauma, etc...), not simply because it's convenient.[/quote]

I abort a baby every month, fyi.

A fertilized egg is still a bundle of cells, potential or not. It doesn't have the same cognitive development that a human mother has. I could potentially be having a baby each time I have sex. If I refrain from having sex, does that mean I'm a baby killer?

Making abortion illegal would only drive women to do desperate things in order to get the fetus out of her body. If it's legal, it's done safely by doctors.

Reply July 27, 2012 - edited

I think if the female decided to have unprotected sex, she should be well aware of the risks of pregnancy and STI's and should NOT abort the baby.
If you're talking about [i]forced sex[/i] then I think the female should have the option to abort.
Really in the end though, it's her decision and not ours.

Reply July 27, 2012 - edited

[quote=TrisaChan]The baby didn't grow yet, and it's just an egg inside you. [/quote]
It is a fetus, not an egg

[quote=TrisaChan]You'd probably be freaked out if you saw a baby chicken murdered in front of your eyes and then cooked for you to eat.[/quote]
Abortion doesn't feed anyone

[quote=TrisaChan]But you eat scrambled eggs like its nothing.[/quote]
*facepalm* the eggs you eat are not fecundated

[quote=TrisaChan]I don't see what's so wrong about abortion.[/quote]
I'm not surprised, you can't even realize how wrong your blatantly broken logic is
According to it, killing other people to feed yourself shouldn't be a moral issue

What a joke the people of this world are. You'd think HIV and the numerous STDs would be a good indicator that you're doing something wrong by whoring yourself out.
Out of your hedonistic desires you soil you body in every fashion hoping to fill the abyss within you.
And then you act as a victim for your foolish actions.
Arrogance at its finest.

Reply July 27, 2012 - edited

Because, most people are just useless trash and by the time you are capable to have babies your life has probably been useless anyways...the egg on the other hand has endless potential while you are just another person no one cares about.

Reply July 27, 2012 - edited

At 5 weeks pregnant the baby looks baby shaped and it has a heartbeat. It has limbs . It's essentially a baby that is just growing. Not an egg. It has actual form.

Reply July 27, 2012 - edited

its not the babies fault the mom had sex, so if they open there legs, get ready for the rest

Reply July 27, 2012 - edited

Pro choice

Reply July 27, 2012 - edited

Erm, the eggs you eat aren't fertilized.

Reply July 27, 2012 - edited

Everyone is Pro Life, but anyone who wants to think for themself is Pro Choice. No one wants to get an abortion. No one would say "I feel like having an abortion today, just for fun".

Being "Pro choice" does not mean that you are "Pro Abortion" or "Pro Death" -- it simply means that the woman is choosing what is best for her, her partner, or her future.

People claim that abortion should be only acceptable in some cases. The problem is that they think who should be allowed to choose and who should not.

People say that if you are "Pro-Choice" you don't value life. However, that is not the case.

These women value life -- not just at birth -- but the realization that creating life means raising and nurturing a human being. These women respect life, they respect their own life, and their choice should be respected in return.

Reply July 27, 2012 - edited

@ultrabeast: That you are right on But to me abortion would be the last resort.

Reply July 27, 2012 - edited

[quote=Rtyu]@Telatsu: Ah, sir, so it's meiosis. So then we have to consider if the genetic information of the forming human is going through changes and is completely different than the sperm's or the egg's, and it could still stand. Also, genetic information only develops its physical traits.

@Snovvy: Basically, you agree that abortion is wrong, but you still want to keep it legal. We can make it illegal and prevent women from undergoing legal abortions, thus saving a few more lives.[/quote]

Um, no. Your genes determine your phenotypes and your genotypes. You really do have no idea what you're talking about. Although I appreciate the attempt.

Reply July 27, 2012 - edited

[quote=TrisaChan]Why is abortion so wrong?[/quote]

It isn't.

Reply July 27, 2012 - edited

@Kingsleh: If they could have sex than they can handle the responsibility that comes with it if they didn't want it they should have been more careful with things then. Just cause they make the mistake doesn't mean the baby should die just cause of there mistakes.

Reply July 27, 2012 - edited

@ultrabeast: I wasn't basing it off of movies or TV shows, I have multiple friends that have had adoptions that went well and there able to see the baby whenever. Even though a lot of adoption aren't that way it doesn't mean that you couldn't find someone ready for a baby and is willing to adopt.

Reply July 27, 2012 - edited

It's really depend on the situation, but in my honest opinion, the baby didn't do anything wrong and abort it would be my last option.
If I was, ahem, r*ped like TS said, the first thing I would do is run straight to a nearby drugstore and get some pregnancy pills to prevent the whole thing before it gets too late. And if the pills somehow didn't work, which I doubt it won't, I will consider every single options I have. I'll pretty much ignore my parents and the Asian society because the way they looked down at women who get pregnant before married, those thoughts are bs anyway, and focus on my responsibilities. Of course I can support both myself and the child, even if I have to work harder than I am now to pay bills, buy diapers and stuffs. The only thing that could makes me worry is the man whom I wish to get married with, will he accept me even when I already had a kid or/and I'm not a virgin anymore (the second one can be ignored because for god sake, who would take virginity that serious ?).

Reply July 27, 2012 - edited

[quote=Rtyu]@Kingsleh: From my knowledge, each sperm is identical besides the fact it carries either an X or Y chromosome. If I'm right, and genetic variation occurs when the human is being formed, I think my distinction is right.[/quote]

Sperm is not genetically identical. Only structurally. Meiosis, sir. Meiosis.

Reply July 27, 2012 - edited

[quote=Snovvy]@myrdrex: Dominican Republican

The "oh-so-pro-life" GOP.
I agree with you entirely. O_o However, when abortion is illegal, it causes serious problems. We just can't have abortion illegal. We can teach sex education to prevent teen pregnancies, we can advocate for safe sex, and both of those would bring down the amount of abortions, but making them illegal will result in more coat-hanger abortions happening. Very bad, very dangerous, very life-threatening.

Should have said that, then. O_o However, is [url=]this[/url] a tree? Is a human being formed the second a sperm touches an egg? What if the sperm and egg haven't come in contact yet, but are both in the woman's machine?[/quote]

However, when abortion is legal we get people complaining why it isn't illegal.


Reply July 27, 2012 - edited

@Sammi: When I met adoption i mean like finding someone that you know will be good parents for the kid then putting it up for adoption. I didn't exactly think of it as putting it in the adoption center as soon as there born and waiting for someone to come and pick the kid out. Even though you have a good point, i just think that adoption is better and will give the baby a chance to even have life and i'm fine with abortion or anyone that wants to have an abortion.

Reply July 27, 2012 - edited

[quote=Inception]idk how long but for a certain time period you've been pregnant, its not even a baby yet its just some cell stuff, so i think it should be legal before that time period...that and r*pe[/quote]

That's how most laws are set up, thankfully. Most states won't let you have a very late term abortion unless the mother's life is at risk. Very few people want to see some 39 week baby get partially delivered and then executed when the doctors could just as easily snip the cord and hand the baby to it's pediatrician for it's first check up. It's only the most extreme (and IMHO sick) people that think that a viable baby who would live just fine if delivered then should be killed.

Reply July 27, 2012 - edited

[quote=JeIIal]I don't see how your comment is relevant. I read somewhere abortion might do damage inside the female's body, causing them to never having a baby. Don't know all the facts. I might also be wrong.[/quote]

I am saying even the most simple of task can have a risk. Like how drinking water can kill you... It can do damage inside your body causing them to never having a life anymore. Don't know all the facts. I might also be wrong. (don't think so)

Reply July 27, 2012 - edited

[quote=JeIIal]I don't see how your comment is relevant. I read somewhere abortion might do damage inside the female's body, causing them to never having a baby. Don't know all the facts. I might also be wrong.[/quote]

Yes, abortion can damage a woman's ability to have future healthy pregnancies. However, having a baby also carries tremendous risks. Some pregnancies (such as my wife's ectopic) will kill the woman 100% of the time if not terminated directly or by the woman's own body.

So it really becomes a case-by-case study. The baby represents something of tremendous value. So does the woman. That's what makes it such a passionate subject for so many.

Reply July 27, 2012 - edited

@Snovvy: Yet who said any of those things are right?
Killing is bad is it not? Yet we can only justify it for wrong doings. Very subjective.

@ultrabeast: it has nothing to do with believing in God just the concept of a God - the one Supreme Being, the creator and ruler of the universe.
Whether you believe in a God or not why should you be able to make decisions between life and death.

Believe me not I don't care for abortion let them do what they want. I'm just providing the logic behind anti-abortion.

Reply July 27, 2012 - edited

[quote=Snovvy]Almost as great a thing as realizing your mistakes when they're made, and then correcting them.

OT: A woman has to have the option to have an abortion. Either they can be safe and in a hospital, or they can be dangerous, illegal, and on the streets. Nobody is pro-abortion, but some people are pragmatic.[/quote]

Never corrected myself- it was my stance from the beginning. To the best of my knowledge, there is absolutely NOT any known organism other than a human embryo/fetus growing in a woman's body that develop into a human being.

That's the unique aspect to it. That's a fact. There's 0 value in splitting hairs over that fact.

The contention is all about the value of that potential. Some extremists feel it is the most valuable thing ever, and women should risk everything (even against their will!) to try to develop that life. Heck, there was just some really sad article about some poor girl in another country (I can't remember which) who was being denied cancer treatment since they had strict anti-abortion laws. That type of extremism sickens me- my value on actual human life vs potential life is tipped towards actual life. (My personal opinion).

Other feel that potential has little to no value and treat abortion as simply a backup form of birth control. That also sickens me.

The trick is that logical and sincere minds typically end up somewhere inbetween, in all the tough cases. And it's a subjective values call, which means that we're unlikely to ever come up with a 1-size-fits-all answer that satisfies everyone. Thus the room for heartfelt debate, and thus the importance for people to at least agree upon the most basic of facts. (ex: The potential of a human embryo is unique when compared to simple stuff like sperm, oranges, dogs, cats, etc... ex 2: A woman hosting that embryo has some very very important rights herself)

Reply July 27, 2012 - edited

[quote=dragon2923]eating cookies have risks.... i don't see how this is relevant.[/quote]

I don't see how your comment is relevant. I read somewhere abortion might do damage inside the female's body, causing them to never having a baby. Don't know all the facts. I might also be wrong.

Reply July 27, 2012 - edited

[quote=myrdrex]You're snuffing out a human life. Even if you don't feel it's human yet, you're still snuffing out the only thing in the known multiverse that can grow into a human being if left in it's current state and environment. That potential is what makes it so precious to so many, and it's an absolute inarguable fact that that potential exists.

It's then a matter of values. Do you value that life/potential for human life more than a girls desires to not delay graduation a year? If so that's pretty short sighted and selfish. Do you value it more than the physiological trauma of a sexual assault victim being forced to raise the assulters baby? Ok, that's starting to become something that's much much more valuable.

My belief is that that life (or potential life if you honestly don't consider a fetus a baby yet) is a precious thing. It has an inherent value that is supreme to most ordinary 'conveniences'. If you're going to snuff out that life/potential, it better be for a darn good reason (life of the mother, true psychological trauma, etc...), not simply because it's convenient.[/quote]

Who knows... that pregnant teen could have become a doctor if she wasn't too busy giving milk to her baby who have "potential"

Reply July 27, 2012 - edited

It's because every life no matter what the circumstance should have the right to live.
Denying ones life is like playing God.

Reply July 27, 2012 - edited

[quote=JeIIal]Doesn't abortion have risks?[/quote]

eating cookies have risks.... i don't see how this is relevant.

Reply July 27, 2012 - edited

[quote=Kingsleh]But they're still living, and hold the potential to become human.

@myrdrex Sorry, I never said poor people don't deserve to live. Some people just think it's better not to be born at all than to be born into a life of hardship.[/quote]

Comparing a sperm to a fetus is like comparing a carbon atom to an Orange. One is the building block of another, but they represent two entirely states of being/life.

Notice the care I took to point out the _unique_ potential (not just potential) of a embryo/fetus. No sperm can grow, in it's current state, into another human being on its own. It simply doesn't have that potential- it needs an egg, a womb, an entire separate half of DNA.

I understand the fun and desire in debating this topic. Debate the merits of the unique potential represented by a fetus. That's fair- there's many excellent points that the financial security of the family is more important that mere 'potential'. That's a valid arguement worth debating that 2 people of sane minds can disagree on. But don't waste time trying to nitpick the fact that a sperm is no different than a embryo, fetus, baby, etc...

You are more intelligent than that- you know darn well there's a fundamental difference. You might not think that difference _matters_ in the decision to have an abortion, that's fine. That's a valid opinion worth exploring as it does say something important about your values, my values, etc...

Reply July 27, 2012 - edited

@myrdrex: I didn't say a fetus wasn't potential life. I'd be pretty short-sighted to disagree with you there.

I said that a fetus being 'potential life' wasn't a viable argument because of what else can be considered as potential life. ie. wasted sperm and eggs.

Everything else there is pointless. On a personal level, my definition of life is a tad different from yours. It's just a bundle of cells.

After 28 weeks that becomes a bit fuzzy and I generally wouldn't advocate for an abortion at that point but...I understand that it's not my place to tell a woman what to do with her body.

Reply July 27, 2012 - edited

Ehh. I think the woman should have a choice if she was sexually assualted, but if the male and female were stupid enough to have unprotected sex, then I'd say they'd have to take responsiblility for their stupidity.

Reply July 27, 2012 - edited

[quote=Snovvy]I didn't know you had a complete understanding of what is out there in the universe. Please educate me.

OT: More people from parents who don't want them = more proletariat to take advantage of. [/quote]

Thus the use of the term "known universe".

Reading comprehension is a great things, isn't it?

Reply July 27, 2012 - edited

[quote=Kingsleh]Not all women who get abortions are irresponsible teen mothers-to-be.
How about in the cases when the couple was planning on raising a baby but one of them lost their job? They get evicted from their apartment? Or when the man suddenly leaves the girl after sex, forcing her to care for the child on her own? Often abortion doesn't just help the girl, it helps the baby too. I'd rather not exist than be raised in a low income single-mother home.[/quote]

I'm sorry, I'm not so obsessed with money that I feel that poor people and children don't deserve the right to exist.

Yes, having children is hard. Very very very hard. Something that unless you've done yourself, you'll never truly understand. (And I'm talking from a father's perspective, I can't fully comprehend how my wife feels having gone through it!).

But I personally fail to see how that hardship equates to a child not deserving the chance to live life.

I grew up poor, we made it, it was hard and we didn't have the frills my friends had. Oh well, I'd rather be alive. I've had job issues, oh well, I'd rather my daughters be alive and one day have children of their own.

Yes, there's extreme cases where the child will truly grow up in an environment that can only be described as 'torture'. (Growing up in a place that has true famine, unspeakable poverty, rampant disease, wars, child slavery, etc...). But I'm sorry, in developed countries that is an extremely unlikely scenario. The 'poverty' we have here in the US would be wealth and care beyond the wildest dreams in many 3rd world nations.

Reply July 27, 2012 - edited

[quote=SomeGuyXXX]There's no potential life argument. There's millions of sperm wasted in the process of it all and not to mention the vast amount of eggs that won't ever be fertilized. If it's done early and the fetus is simply a blotch of cells - that's pretty much all it is. Even with late-term abortions, that fetus hasn't learned a thing. The environment around a born child is what gives it life in my opinion - there's no real life in a fetus that hasn't experience the world around it while trapped in the womb. With that being said, I generally don't agree with late-term abortions anyway since it's a bit careless and labor will have to be forced anyway.[/quote]

You're factually wrong in a very demonstrable way. A growing embryo IS a potential life that has unique characteristics unlike any other organism int he known universe.

There is not a single other thing in the known universe that, if left in it's current environment, will grow into a human being. Nothing.

That's not speculation, it's a simple inarguable fact.

And that unique potential is what is cherished by so many. It's also what makes it so controversial. Some people were raised to not value human life, much less the life of babies, much less unborn babies/potential humans. Therefore they will place a greater value on the desire of a girl to not want to miss prom, graduation, etc...

Other people have a much more profound respect for human life and even the unique potential for life that is a growing embryo/fetus. They will place a much greater value on that then simple convenience. In extreme cases they may even claim it's more important than the life of the mother (which I personally do NOT agree with).

You may have different values than I do, which is understandable. I'd be shocked to find a clone of my own soul. But don't distort facts- a human fetus represent something unique in the known universe.

Reply July 27, 2012 - edited

[quote=Honney]Well i think adoption is better, there are plenty of people who don't want to have a baby themselves and adopt one thats in need. When you do that you saved there life and they'll be in a good family. I think if someone can have sex than they should be able to handle the consequence that come with it, and if you say they might have been forced into it than thats a different story most teens or kids aren't.[/quote]

[url=]Not every child gets adopted, and those that grow up eventually without being adopted... once they turn 18, I believe they're on their own.[/url]

Not every fetus is going to be lucky once they enter the world and get placed into an adoption.

OT: I think my stance is let the mother do what she thinks is right, whether it's a right or wrong decision, who are we to tell her what to do with her body?
Also, I think these kinds of discussions are a bit too immature for Basilmarket, forums of the Trolls and Whatnots.

Reply July 27, 2012 - edited

In the Philippines, they eat eggs with the fetus still inside of it. :o
It looked so gross but apparently it tastes pretty good.

Reply July 27, 2012 - edited

There's no potential life argument. There's millions of sperm wasted in the process of it all and not to mention the vast amount of eggs that won't ever be fertilized. If it's done early and the fetus is simply a blotch of cells - that's pretty much all it is. Even with late-term abortions, that fetus hasn't learned a thing. The environment around a born child is what gives it life in my opinion - there's no real life in a fetus that hasn't experience the world around it while trapped in the womb. With that being said, I generally don't agree with late-term abortions anyway since it's a bit careless and labor will have to be forced anyway.

Reply July 27, 2012 - edited

The baby can't feel anything so it's not losing anything if it were to be aborted. It just ultimately comes down to the women's choice and should be 100% of the time.

Reply July 27, 2012 - edited

You're snuffing out a human life. Even if you don't feel it's human yet, you're still snuffing out the only thing in the known multiverse that can grow into a human being if left in it's current state and environment. That potential is what makes it so precious to so many, and it's an absolute inarguable fact that that potential exists.

It's then a matter of values. Do you value that life/potential for human life more than a girls desires to not delay graduation a year? If so that's pretty short sighted and selfish. Do you value it more than the physiological trauma of a sexual assault victim being forced to raise the assulters baby? Ok, that's starting to become something that's much much more valuable.

My belief is that that life (or potential life if you honestly don't consider a fetus a baby yet) is a precious thing. It has an inherent value that is supreme to most ordinary 'conveniences'. If you're going to snuff out that life/potential, it better be for a darn good reason (life of the mother, true psychological trauma, etc...), not simply because it's convenient.

Reply July 27, 2012 - edited
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