
10b funding What to fund

As the title says. What is a good class to fund with 10B? It can be any class as long as it's decent/good with the funding. I'm sorry for posting something this. This type of question probably gets asked a lot. Thank you!

December 7, 2014

10 Comments • Newest first


10 bil is nothing. You'll be very weak on any class.

Reply December 7, 2014

Bowmaster. Or Mercedes if you don't mind trading damage for mobility.

Reply December 7, 2014

[quote=truesdale2]Ah! I see. Thank you. So basically as you said, I can pick anything that looks fun to me and just fund whatever I want? I don't have to go with the "Flavor of the Month"?[/quote]

Flavor of the Month is definitely a thing people do but with 10b its unrealistic. You arent getting a perfect weapon with that kind of money a decent one maybe, but not perfect.

Reply December 7, 2014

10b won't even buy you a perfected weapon
You're not going to get much out of 10b, so just pick a class you enjoy playing

Reply December 7, 2014

[quote=rockboarder]What most people are saying is that many of the classes are good, but you are basically unfunded thus no matter what class you pick your damage is going to be bad.[/quote]

Ah! I see. Thank you. So basically as you said, I can pick anything that looks fun to me and just fund whatever I want? I don't have to go with the "Flavor of the Month"?

Reply December 7, 2014

[quote=truesdale2]Hmm... Are DBs good or NW? What about Dex based classes? Sorry, I'm not "dissing" all of your opinions. I'm just trying to see the better options out of the what? 35+ classes that Maple has to offer?[/quote]

What most people are saying is that many of the classes are good, but you are basically unfunded thus no matter what class you pick your damage is going to be bad.

Reply December 7, 2014

Hmm... Are DBs good or NW? What about Dex based classes? Sorry, I'm not "dissing" all of your opinions. I'm just trying to see the better options out of the what? 35+ classes that Maple has to offer?

Reply December 7, 2014

F/p's are pretty good with lower funds but take a bit of control to master. Marksmen are strong too with snipe and are pretty cut and dry besides the fact that distancing yourself yields more damage.

Reply December 7, 2014

Really? Is 10b not a lot any more? And ... I know I said "any" class, but Zero takes too much control for my taste and I got it to 180 day one. (quest exp booster). Are there any other options or is Zero really it?

Reply December 7, 2014

Not much you can do with 10b, but zero is generally the answer to these questions.

Reply December 7, 2014