

Ap English Lang and Comp Help

Theres probably enough AP/IB Threads but I really need help for tomorrows exam.
For anyone who has taken the Lang and Comp AP exam, any tips/advice?
I know that I should pace myself on MC as time is against me, and with the 3 essays, I should pick the strongest to weakest.
But other than that, what else should I know? Is it a hard tesT?

May 9, 2013

4 Comments • Newest first


Believe in yourself and most importantly in the heart of the cards.

Reply May 9, 2013

[quote=aRICHfellowz]I think you're talking about a different AP test.[/quote]

LOL WOOPS. AP LANG. When he said "Comp" I thought he meant Computer Science. Anyway, for the AP Lang one, if you wrote more than 5 essays during your school year. You're going to be honestly prepared for it. What I was taught was to decide how much I'm going to write and state all that points and support them, then go ahead and write the intro or just make a very short one and get to the point, following with a conclusion. The test isn't hard at all. Along with AP Comp Sci A, I'm taking the AP World History, AP Physics B, AP Cambridge ;~;.

Reply May 9, 2013

AP Lang is pretty easy honestly.

Reply May 9, 2013

For the APCS exam test honestly, was pretty easy. Remember || && and what they do. Test yourself to read quickly what loops do. I'm not sure if you guys were tested on BugWorld, but remember all the methods and what they do at least. Which ones to override and not to for Critter and Bug. Also remember how to initialize classes and methods For the free-response of the APCS exam, 98% of that test I just took was writing a sort of loop, while-loops for, if, else, else if and making the logic work behind the program. If you don't know what you're doing on one, write a for-loop and initialize variables if needed be for the extra point.

EDIT: There is definetely alot of BugWorld, for loops, logic(|| or, && and), classes, interface, method questions. Maybe a few arrays, as long as you know how to create one ArrayList, single array, double array.

Reply May 9, 2013 - edited