

How can I improve my marksmans range?

Hi everyone~ I'm kind of at a loss now when it comes to improving my marksman's range. I have limited funding, so I would like to make the most of it. What would you suggest I buy or upgrade? Any advice is appreciate. Thank you!


I have 4 set empress and 32k-38k range buffed.

Hat: 4 atk, 28 dex Empress hat
Face: 3 dex Sweet First Love
Eye: 2 dex Traveler's Wing Glasses
Overall: 9% dex overall (legendary)
Cape: 5 atk Blue Donkey Balloon
Gloves: 5 atk 17 dex Empress Gloves
Pendant: 9% dex tempest pendant
Belt: 9% dex tempest belt
Shoes: 3 atk 15 dex Empress shoes
Earrings: 9% dex earrings
Shoulder: 9% dex tempest shoulder
True shot: 3 atk, 10 dex, crap potential
Badge: 5 atk Democrat Supporter
Crossbow: 132 atk, 33 dex empress crossbow

Bullseye ring: 3 atk, 5% crit
Evolving ring III
6% dex, 4 atk tempest ring
Dark Angelic Blessing ring

April 14, 2013

10 Comments • Newest first


Blast cubes at your equips, qurl.

Reply April 15, 2013

Definitely your crossbow first, then maybe work on scrolling your glove.
Take it slow if anything.

Reply April 15, 2013

Get better crossbow ._. Weapons first, then %

Reply April 14, 2013

I've no idea about Bowman Empress gear in Scania but in Bellonova they're dirt cheap (10m max on most gear, 15m overall, 500m and dropping shoulders, 80m xbows, 1b capes) so putting potential on these items would be efficient (3%dex is ideal unless you're willing to cube/purchase 6% dex), if you're an alchemist just fuse those items that go horribly wrong (2 junk line rare ___). Obtaining Mystic accessories (Face and Eye) are practically free, they're 3rd-tier, come with attack and can be potentialed. On the overall I'd recommend swapping it out to an Empress if you can find a cape as the 30 att and 30% boss would be much more efficient than the 9% and 5 attack currently being used. Scrolling and putting a potential scroll onto your crossbow would also be effective (stick with 60%'s). Regarding the cape they're probably about to experience a significant drop in price as they can be obtained from the Evolving World Instructors (If you feel up for it/want to bring a friend to try, Irena will drop them but not at a 100% rate)

TL;DR: Pot bowman Empress gear for 3% dex but if you fail then fuse them via Alchemy, get Mystic Accessories (Silent Crusade questline), move to Emp Overall + Cape, scroll xbow, kill Evolving World Irena for a chance at a cape drop. If you choose to, chaos scroll your equips after you potential them for more attack.

There's probably better advice but that's my advice for you on your budget.

Reply April 14, 2013

1)get to 195
2)use snipe as only skill
4)do insane damage
5) profit?

Reply April 14, 2013

Knowing how much money you're willing to utilise (NX/mesos) would help quite a bit.

Reply April 14, 2013

@ImJustARanger: Is that really most cost-efficient, though? I've heard from many many people that if you go by the NX:meso ratio, it's much smarter to simply buy % DEX equips than to cube your own empress gear. I can't merch at the moment, and I really want to be [i]extremely[/i] efficient in my spending. If I can get a higher range by converting NX into mesos rather than using NX to cube my equipment, I would rather do that.

Reply April 14, 2013

Could have Sykped me sweetheart.

I'd say work on the crossbow first. make whatever item you have 2 lined 3 lined. and wait for me to get left over cubes~

Reply April 14, 2013

How much funding do you have to spend right now?
That's the most important thing we need to know.

Reply April 14, 2013