tuesdaymorning #Bishop Talk

General Bishop

Should I max Mw or Bahamut first? Hi all, I'm currently a level 150 bishop and I've maxed adv. blessing, angel ray, resurrection, and buff mastery. I have 1 point in Bahamut, Genesis, and Arcane Aim. I also have level 9 Maple Warrior. I think I should either get MW or Bahamut next, but I'm not sure which would benefit me more. I don't boss too often and usually am just looking to train. But I don't have much funding, so I'd have to make a big effort to raise the money for MW 20 and 30.

General Bishop

Whats so shameful about rope-hanging bishops? I don't get why some people treat rope-hanging bishops with such contempt. I made a bishop because I LOVE talking to people and I LOVE helping people and making them happy. I knew if I was a bishop I could just relax, talk to people in my party, and help them at the same time. My bishop has a range of about 7k anyways since I don't have much money, and I hit about 30k on each crockie. I attack maybe 2% of the time, rope-hang and HS maybe 30% of the time, and then 48% of the time I run around and HS my entire party every 3 minutes. The other 20% of the time, if I'm feeling happy, I'll just follow squishier party members around and heal them so they don't need to use pots constantly. But overall,

General Bishop

What is a typical day in the life of a bishop? I'm having trouble deciding whether I want a buccaneer or a bishop to be my main, and I just want to hear what being a priest/bishop is like for ya'll! I imagine one of three things: 1) Chilling at training grounds, HSing while watching tv shows on the side and chatting with party members 2) Getting "HEALPLZ" and "PRIEST" and "HS" yelled at you constantly 3) Feeling really wanted when you go out looking for a bossing party and instantly get one Am I off? What are you experiences as a priest/bishop?

General Bishop

Should I make my priest with +24 magic attack? So I have a level 120 wind archer that gives my other characters +24 attack (yay! :D). Someone told me one time that I should make my priest on a separate account, and give up the +24 attack, but I don't really remember why... Anyways, now I have a level 63 cleric that's on a separate account, but can anyone think of any reasons why I SHOULDN'T make a cleric on my account with the cygnus knight? Is there any point if priests and bishops are so weak now?