tuesdaymorning #Chat Talk

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Was I right to break up with my boyfriend? Just curious what basil's opinion is. It's fun to hear the opinions of people other than my uni friends. :) So I dated this guy Kevin for 9 months total. We lived in Michigan. 4 months into the relationship, he went on a trip to Chicago alone and ended up having feelings for a girl he met up with there. He had always thought she was really pretty and hadn't gotten the chance to know her well until that trip. He came back and tried to hide it from me, but he was acting really odd and suspicious and I eventually found out. It hurt me badly, and we went through rough times, but he decided he wanted to stay with me. I got over it eventually and we were happy. A few months later, he lands an internship

General Chat

What do you think about Americans? I feel that Americans have a bad reputation among people from other countries. Now whether this is only because I'm not exposed to the ridiculous actions/words of people from other countries besides my home country, I just get the sense that Americans are in general not viewed entirely positively by the rest of the world. I've heard people say Germans are warm and welcoming, that Japanese people are courteous and polite, but I've never once heard someone generalize Americans positively. If you're not from the US, mind sharing your opinion? If you are from the US, could you explain why you think these attitudes exist? P.S. I just got the idea for this after seeing an American comment on an Australian YouTub

General Chat

How do white people eat healthy? What do they eat in general I've known some white girls who eat salads all the time, with maybe a few sandwiches thrown in the mix once in a while. But it all sounds terribly boring. I can see how one could easily deviate from such a diet because it's just so bland, not rich and filling. So I was just wondering, how do white people/Americans who don't eat ethnic foods eat healthy? When I think of American dinners, I think of macaroni and cheese, pasta, meatloaf, rich casseroles, potatoes, fries, chili, pizza, and barbeque, all of which are usually unhealthy. And when I think of American veggies, all I can think of is steamed plain veggies or salads. I can't really think of American foods that consist of most

General Chat

I snooped on my boyfriend and now Im unhappy. -- :| For a really silly reason, too, that doesn't impact our current relationship in any way (I read a short blurb of him sweet talking to a girl he dated very briefly 3 years ago and it made me feel weird). Anywaysss this was my first time doing this in a relationship and I regret it. It was just late and night and I was bored and alone in his apartment. Now I just feel guilty and extraordinarily stupid. I knew he was a good guy, trusted him completely, didn't think I'd find anything, and I really didn't. -____- DON'T DO IT. O_O EDIT: To clarify, I found a short conversation he had 3 years ago with a girl he was at the time dating for a short bit. It was just a few sweet sentences, and I felt

General Chat

Does anyone else 21 here hate alcohol but lt3 getting wasted I feel like I'm the only one out of my friends who feels this way. Most either love alcohol and love getting drunk, or hate alcohol and hate getting drunk. I absolutely ABHOR the taste of alcohol, but being drunk makes me very energetic, easily amused, and amusing to others, apparently. I can't take mixed drinks for the life of me. Moscato is the only drink I can stomach drinking "casually," but even then, the alcohol taste really becomes apparent after 2-3 drinks. I've had at least 4-5 amazingly sweet drinks that my friends all thought tasted like candy, but I felt like they tasted like cream and candy mixed with half vodka. High quality beer is tolerable to me, too, bu

General Chat

Does anyone else 21 here hate alcohol but lt3 getting wasted I feel like I'm the only one out of my friends who feels this way. Most either love alcohol and love getting drunk, or hate alcohol and hate getting drunk. I absolutely ABHOR the taste of alcohol, but being drunk makes me very energetic, easily amused, and amusing to others, apparently. I can't take mixed drinks for the life of me. Moscato is the only drink I can stomach drinking "casually," but even then, the alcohol taste really becomes apparent after 2-3 drinks. I've had at least 4-5 amazingly sweet drinks that my friends all thought tasted like candy, but I felt like they tasted like cream and candy mixed with half vodka. High quality beer is tolerable to me, too, bu

General Chat

Should I waitress when I have a cold sore? I have this tiny cold sore and it's driving me nuts. I'm super germaphobic, and it applies to the possibility that I can transmit viruses to other people, too. It just REALLY pains me to have to go to waitress this week since I have an easily transmittable virus right now and I don't want it to get to anyone. I know technically it will be okay if I wash my hands with soap thoroughly and then avoid touching my face or clothes, but I'm still extremely wary. I know the owner won't care because the hygienic practices at that restaurant are horrific. Should I still work? If I shouldn't what excuse should I give that's believable and will let me avoid working for the next 4-5 days?

General Chat

What Gimme Award would you have gotten in middle/high school I was always the "beastly" girl. :( ..because I'm a She-Hulk of an asian. I've always had more muscle than the average asian girl. In tennis, soccer, and volleyball, I was always the one who was inaccurate and inconsistent, but extremely powerful (think Bowser in Mario Tennis). Hence, my Gimme awards at the end of each year were "The Jock," "The Beast," and "The Jock." -.- Now, it's not as bad as a guy getting the Pansy Award each year, but as a girl, sometimes you want an occasional change from being called "the beast." </3 Anyways, if you had a Gimme for your role in middle/high school, what would it be? The ditz? The jock? Mo

General Chat

I snooped on my boyfriend and now Im unhappy. -- :| For a really silly reason, too, that doesn't impact our current relationship in any way (I read a short blurb of him sweet talking to a girl he dated very briefly 3 years ago and it made me feel weird). Anywaysss this was my first time doing this in a relationship and I regret it. It was just late and night and I was bored and alone in his apartment. Now I just feel guilty and extraordinarily stupid. I knew he was a good guy, trusted him completely, didn't think I'd find anything, and I really didn't. -____- DON'T DO IT. O_O EDIT: To clarify, I found a short conversation he had 3 years ago with a girl he was at the time dating for a short bit. It was just a few sweet sentences, and I felt

General Chat

The saddest part of breakups is when we become strangers To me, at least. What about for you? I had a relationship end abruptly this February (he had feelings for a girl while dating me, felt like he still had to right to be her friend and I decided I couldn't deal with that). It was typical - I hated him, I wanted him back, I tried to make things work, I cried. A lot. He was angry, he told me I should be less sensitive, that I was crazy. We pushed and pulled. Until finally...I gave up. Fast forward to August, and I saw a picture of him holding hands with a new girlfriend. Some girl I'd never seen before. I wasn't angry, I wasn't sad. I was so confused until I realized I just felt nothing. He was a stranger to me. It's like we were never in

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