

anyone else get nauseous while frying food?

So sometimes my mom makes me fry stuff for her when I'm helping her out in the kitchen. The other day I was frying slices of eggplant in a large pan of oil, heat on high. 5 to 10 minutes in I started feeling really nauseous, to the point where I was getting really dizzy and my vision was blurring. I almost fell to the ground as I was running to lie on the bed. This has happened to me at least 2 times before, and only when I'm frying food.
Anyone else go through something like this?

September 28, 2014

11 Comments • Newest first


i enjoy it, especially frying onions. they smell good lol

Reply September 29, 2014

That's what happens to me when I eat too much fast food in a week.

Reply September 29, 2014

do you have a gas stove or something? also maybe try turning on the fan thing on top, should help steer the steam away from you.

Reply September 29, 2014

what lol

Reply September 29, 2014

[quote=ox0Shad0w0xo]It might be the heat, or it's not properly ventilated and you just have the smoke from the frying building up in the air in the kitchen. I know when I fry things and I don't have a window or a fan dispersing the smoke my eyes get really irritated to the point where I have to stop and sit down because they feel like they're on fire. Otherwise I'm not too sure, could it be the smell of the eggplants? Does it happen with anything fried? Or just those in particular?[/quote]
It happens with any food. I think it's just the heat, like some of the others said. There is a window and fan right next to the stove but it still happens.

Reply September 29, 2014

I don't think I'd get nauseous within 10 minutes. Dats cray. Maybe after 5 hours.

Reply September 29, 2014 - edited

It might be the heat, or it's not properly ventilated and you just have the smoke from the frying building up in the air in the kitchen. I know when I fry things and I don't have a window or a fan dispersing the smoke my eyes get really irritated to the point where I have to stop and sit down because they feel like they're on fire. Otherwise I'm not too sure, could it be the smell of the eggplants? Does it happen with anything fried? Or just those in particular?

Reply September 29, 2014 - edited

I do a lot of times.
I will sit on my computer table doing stuff, when my mom starts to fry stuff the oil smell in the air is taking up the space of oxygen, so the only thing i will smell is oil which made me nauseated

Reply September 28, 2014 - edited

[quote=SirKibbleX2]Eating too much fried food can make anyone nauseous. I'm guessing you're just sensitive to it.[/quote]
I have no problem eating fried foods.

Reply September 28, 2014 - edited

any oxygen?

Reply September 28, 2014 - edited

i get nauseous around girls.

Reply September 28, 2014 - edited