

tutifruit #Chat Talk

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Please give me some advice To help me you'll need some information about me. I'm Turkish. My whole family are Muslims. We are pretty religious but not my dad. Except there's a problem. I don't really believe in god. And to be honest, I don't know if I ever did. No one knows except my siblings and they don't believe in god either. I'm currently 14 years old. Since I was 7 I've been going to this mosque called Fatih Cami. Every Sunday the people at the mosque come pick us up and bring us there. We learn about Islam stuff for a few hours then they bring us back home. As I got older the people convinced my parents to send me to their summer program which is one month long and cost 300 dollars. You basically just live in a small crappy house wit

General Chat

Anyone else waiting for a package to arrive? I placed an order for some skincare products from Korea on August 3rd and it still hasn't arrived :~(. I didn't get the speedy shipping but I'm still surprised that it hasn't arrived yet. The anticipation is eating me alive. Yesterday I even had a dream about the package not arriving o.o New Yorkers generally receive parcels from Korea in 1.5 to 2.5 weeks so I'm hoping for tomorrow. :/ Please strangers, tell me about your packages cus I have no friends to talk to.

General Chat

anyone else get nauseous while frying food? So sometimes my mom makes me fry stuff for her when I'm helping her out in the kitchen. The other day I was frying slices of eggplant in a large pan of oil, heat on high. 5 to 10 minutes in I started feeling really nauseous, to the point where I was getting really dizzy and my vision was blurring. I almost fell to the ground as I was running to lie on the bed. This has happened to me at least 2 times before, and only when I'm frying food. Anyone else go through something like this?