
How is the Gazed Alliance?

I have a Thunder Breaker on Arcania that I haven't played in about 4 months. I just wanted to know what the people are like there, I might start over and I have a decently leveled character there so why not.
Are the people nice?
How crowded is it?
Overall what would you say is good and bad about it.

August 9, 2012

5 Comments • Newest first


Currently a level 84 Thunder Breaker, going to make a UA. Deciding between Night Lord and I/L

Reply August 9, 2012

Ouch, so many negative responses... did not expect that. I'm ok not having the standard Crows,Jesters,Mp3, Aliens path. I rarely train in those places anymore.

Reply August 9, 2012

Well I liked Arcania back when it was just Arcania. It was quiet, you pretty much knew half the world. Now I go back and it feels like I'm in Scania. Aliens 6 Channels 1-20 are packed 2-4 people. Aliens 5 channels 1-20 are packed with 1-2 people in each as well. Too crowded for my taste. Khaini or Bello/Nova seems like the way to go in my opinion.

Reply August 9, 2012

Last time I was there it was pretty crowded so I moved to Renegades. You can look for yourself though.

Reply August 9, 2012