

Dual Blade Hyper Stats

Hey guys, I was wondering what the best hyper stats to max first are along with how many points to put in them, or are they just what you need.


December 12, 2015

7 Comments • Newest first


@iamaurian: Ahh ok. Yeah that actually helps a lot. Thanks

Reply December 21, 2015

@veritas: Well the thing is, a lot of the hyper stats like boss damage, pdr, crit, stance, etc. All have caps. And you can meet these caps through other means. If you already have 90% pdr, or 250% boss damage for example, there is no reason to put points into these stats. At the same time, min/max crit are good but not good enough to merit investing your points into an additional 1% for each of those stats when you could get 3% more damage. One strategy might be to disperse your points into many stats initially, then work on acquiring those stats from other sources until you no longer need them as hyper stats. Then you can pay 10m and invest all your stats in damage, your primary stat, or whatever else you may still need.

As for HP, one thing about maplestory in general that I've always found while playing is that if you have enough funds, survivability isn't really an issue. If you DO die at some point it is usually not because you lack HP but because you were seduced or disabled in some way and could not react. HP helps but I don't think it is worth sacrificing damage. Investing hyper stats in status resistance would probably take more priority. Then again though, I have not attempted the hardest bosses like CRA or lotus so maybe it is different for these. Anyway I hope this helps

Reply December 20, 2015

Hey. I tried to make a separate thread for this but an error screwed me over so I decided to just post here instead.
So I only just started playing DB after reboot patch, so perhaps my perspective on things is a little different to you guys who have played DB for a while, but isn't it wise to spread out your points across hyper stats more? I feel like you guys are undervaluing some of the other stats. You guys seem to all be going 10 deep in the damage department, but isn't that suboptimal, as you're essentially paying so much more for the same benefit at earlier levels? I haven't done the maths for it, but it certainly seems like to me at least that the stats are suboptimal if you go 10 deep. The benefit just doesn't seem worth it. It's like playing glass cannon master yi/fiora in league. I mean, you can only do damage when you stay alive right? Having said that, I want to ask you guys about the HP stat. Ever since the change in the reboot patch (I think), where life drain is now %hp instead of %damage dealt, hasn't health then become much more valuable, and especially for reboot where I frequently find myself getting 2 hit sometimes, wouldn't investing in survivability in the form of health be really really beneficial?

So I guess to summarise,
1) Isn't it better to spread your points across multiple stats and capping at like level 7/8 instead of going to 10?
2) What do you guys think about investing in the health stat?


Reply December 20, 2015

I did

Level 6 Minimum Critical
Level 10 Maximum Critical

(I planned to do those two the reverse way with level 10 min level 6 max but when I started putting points into maximum I realized my Min/Max values are reversed, which happens if the numbers are too close together or something idk)

Level 5 IED
Level 10 Damage
Level 8 Boss Damage

Honestly IMO these are the only ones worth doing for a DB but it's up to you.

Reply December 12, 2015

i have 440 points and i went with:

lv 6 min crit (6%) reason: more damage
lv 7 max crit (9%) reason: more damage
lv 5 pdr (15%) reason: just enough to put me at 90% pdr on my stats screen
lv 10 damage (30%) reason: more damage
lv 10 boss damage (35%) reason: more damage
lv 4 stance (8%) reason: just enough to put me at 100% stance with decent combat order i.e. lv 31 thorns

other things u might wanna consider is crit rate, but only if ure at ~90% crit rate alrdy. having 100% crit rate boosts ur damage over time a lot. i know db's have shadow meld but it's not always reliable for 100% crit.

Reply December 12, 2015 - edited

Pretty much that ^. I put my points in damage, min and max crit damage, and a little in pdr. Although I didn't use all of mine yet, I'm waiting for Kinesis and his link first.

Reply December 12, 2015 - edited

I like to max damage first, it boosts my range by a lot. I started with around 490k range buffed and after the points i get 600k range, pretty op in my opinion. And then put in points you don't have and need, such as boss damage, crit damage, status resistance, etc.

Reply December 12, 2015 - edited