
Does Gollux have a limit and mode?

what ch is each mode of gollux and is gollux limit is 1 kill per day? and 3 get 3 key per day and does it mean that we cant go to gollux again?

October 21, 2013

3 Comments • Newest first


[quote=ultimadumb]so what about hard or hell mode?[/quote]

Gullux have 4 parts.

The right shoulder, left shoulder, abdomen and head.

kill everything from his right shoulder, left shoulder and abdomen = easy mode head.
kill either his right or left shoulder only and abdomen = normal mode head.
kill his abdomen only = hard mode head.
go to his head directly = hell mode head.

Reply October 21, 2013

so what about hard or hell mode?

Reply October 21, 2013

Gollux can be done on any channel, and its kill limit is once per day. However, you can enter and farm as many times as you want assuming you have enough keys/pennies for more entries. So long as you don't kill the head, re-entry is infinite.

Reply October 21, 2013