

ultimo #Warrior Talk

General Warrior

Pros and Cons of Hero Vs Palidan Sooooo I'v given up on my Luminous and I decided to take up a Warrior Class! I know there have been many threads like this before. Just want some fresh comments! So Since I have a Dark Knight already, I wanted to try something new. The only thing I Know about Heroes and Paladins: [b]Hero:[/b] -Strong Attackers -Medium Defense [b]Paladin:[/b] -Medium Attacker -Strong Defenses If anyone could tell me more on them, including what I already states, that would be AWESOME! Thank you Basilers!

General Warrior

UA Dark Knight or UA Palidan Iv got some question for both of these classes. 1) Are there Mastery Books EXPensive? if so which class's mastery book cost more? 2) How much Life do you have at 70 and 120+(list lvl please)? (For Dark Knights or Dragon Knights this is WITH HB) 3)(DK Question) Do you use spears or Pole Arms? If it varies, is there a lvl range in which you use them? (Remeber this is going with the skill Soul Driver) 4) Which one is cheaper on pots? (60% HP Heal in NLC Pots) 5)Which One do you think will/would be more fun? Thanks for reading an answering !

General Warrior

Aran v Dark Knight It's been a while since I'v touched my level 30 Aran and I don't know how the updates have affected it because... ya know I didn't really care about it o.o But, this last day I checked on it and it was really cool to me because of the combo's no longer disappearing which meant you can hold your combo for bosses and have the combo ability effect nearly all the time! So Basilmarket! I was wondering can anyone give me the following things: A. A Revamped Aran skill guide because I think we are lacking one now... B. A Pro and Con of Arans after their update C. Aran comparison to Dark Knights All would be much appreciated! Thanks!

General Warrior

Dark Knight vs Paladin My choices are stuck between staying with my DK or switching over to a Paladin. The only thing preventing me from switching is the DK Buff. I don't know how much my range would go up/dmg. if it is not that much, I would switch over to Paladin because of the variety of skills and cool elements. Right now (pre-red) my DK is lvl 154, and the range buffed is about 45k. How much would it be after red with all the skills? Can anyone tell me the same with Paladin, With a clean range of 30k, with 1 hand sword and shield equipped