

Petition to Ban CoreView of Broa

Hello everybody.

Some of you may know me, and others may not.
I am AoExScizor of Broa, and I would like to say that I am upset with Nexon.
[url=]If you are in Broa, you may notice that CoreView gets rank 1 dojo Every single god damn day. HE IS A HACKER. [/url]
I just want my friggen rank 1 dojo gloves nags. thanks to new db hypers skills, im able to get some pretty dam good times (legit ofc).
the only thing standing in my way of rank 1 is this nagging hacker sadface
Please support me by voting in this petition to ban Coreview, the infamous rank 1 spot hogger.
Thank you.

[header]List of Suporters[/header]
1. Sparkshooter, StyledArrow of Scania.
2. UnderPaying, Proxied of Bera.
3. Nayrb, CorkPlug of Scania.
4. rubiksmaster123, TempoFenrir of Bera.
5. neiljay, respectmehme of Arcania.
6. AnmolxD, Aequimanus of Bera.
7. arankingred, Arankingred of Scania.
8. jianol, jianoltheman of Zenith.
9. FrancisStatiic, TiniLust of Bellocan.
10. Evilcookie33, EvilCookieNL of Winda.
11. Zuksi, NinjaAssas3n of Bera.
12. Geo599, Geozeph of Winda.
13. MaplePlus, ElfsMercedes of Galicia.
14. xIDyNaMiiTE, xidynamiite of Bellocan.
15. DanyyAu, DanyAu of Khaini.
16. dartz321, ShadeOfDartz of Bera.
17. NeoTigra, NeoTigra of Scania.
18. 2BowGuns4U, 2Bowguns4You of Scania.
19. Akatsuki0826, Akatsuki0826 of Scania.
20. Quanni123X, DarkQuannix of Nova.
21. ttekken408, Moviee of Bera.
22. p600air, Nookz700 of Scania
23. SoNyehShiDae, icygnussnsd of Scania.
24. starfoxhgss, HalfHours of Broa.
25. aquaboi23, TimedStars of Bellocan.
26. vi3tGirlv58, AoExScizor of Broa.
27. PhanniLynn, xTamashix3 of Renegades
28. FTWYoshi, DemonY0shi of Bera.
29. IHasDemIGNs, HereIsMyMain of Bera.
30. Dawnalicious, DawnRockz of Bera.
31. PancakeX, ForeverSneak of Renegades.
32. Crowhogan33, PizzaCrow of Windia.
33. TheAzureBlade, Anlure of Chaos.
34. SriLankanKen, Oxygenics of Windia.
35. Laviathan, Euramis of Scania.
36. Jhon221, Jhon221 of Galicia.
37. Jun1567, Jun1987 of Arcania.
38. HermitBoyo, CorsairBoyo of Broa.
39. Erag0n1, Erag0n1 of Bera.
40. thunderbro, combobro of Kradia.
41. iiPiNaYx3, OneKhay of Khaini.
42. TehResisting, TehResisting of Broa.
43. dagayeskimo, Magicaidagga of Demethos.
44. sallybahaha, sallymonkey of Galicia.
45. vRadiatioNv, 0RadianT0 of Scania.
46. Fiction, pandnicorn of Broa.
47. alltwo147, The5thJeff of Windia.
48. Blazeup900, NeoJunker of Bera.
49. PriestsHealz, ElementPunch of Bellocan.
50. Tuvvo, ZaIeros of Broa.
51. RyuuseiRyu, RyuuseiRyu of Bera.
52. JamesFenimore, HorksBalorgi of Galicia.
53. markcuz, xXMarkXx64 of ElNido.
54. SubZeroTempest, Billhartz of Chaos.
55. BurningBladeIV, ZzZzLazyBaM of Bera.
56. alex1234181, YouOweMe5 of Galicia.
57. rhenXD, velonic of Windia.
58. raiku2323, RavensFIash of Bellocan.
59. magicsonic21, Zeznex of Scania.
60. xICutThroats, xICutThroats of Chaos.
61. ImSavvy, GorillazChik of Galicia.
62. GodOfSparks, PurePoisonXD of Windia.
63. alexh1208, alexh1208 of Scania.
64. nindow, nindow of Scania.
65. dracox5234, dracox5234 of Bera.
66. jiracandy, yojira7 of Scania.
67. tobi98, ImExo of Bera.
68. NinjaClns, LuridDream of Windia.
69. SacredSealed, KsiSand of Bera.
70. FaTaLP3NGU1N, FatalPenguin of Scania.
71. TrollingAllDay, LaughsAtDmg of Bera.
72. Zannji, Zannji of Broa.
73. KingsGlory, ManCakesXD of ElNido.
74. MizuiChan, YoukaiMelody of Galicia.
75. koolnan1154, Plunds of Scania.
76. Finn00, Ikzan of Bera.
77. ketchup11, manateehee of Scania.
78. Hwang1, Armydog7 of Bera.
79. iBlaster, Necarch of Bera.
80. iceychill2, IcePimpin of Scania.
81. FlareGoDz, FlareGoDZ of Scania.
82. WowChowMein, WowChowMein of Renegades.
83. dualbladeyo, dualbldeyo of Scania.
84. prodassin, knownpast of Windia.
85. UAPaladin, DuelatDawn of Windia.
86. iCanSeeYou, iLearnMath of Scania.
87. LaViTa, xdeathly123x of Windia.
88. Darknight099, articondo of Yellonde.
89. GraveJokerR, GraveJokerR of Broa.
90. yumm123, yumm123 of Windia.
91. xDerek, BIately of Bera.
92. blablablapie, Equiuin of Scania.
93. Nonterms, Decastich of Windia.
94. ItsDahNinja, Itsdahninja of Scania.
95. jjgpirate, jjgpirate of Yellonde.
96. Mugley, mugley of Bellocan.
97. Saltybandaid, VividSkyway of Windia.
98. nodurr, LoVexMepLz of Scania.
99. xNeoGaiax, KhaosReturn of Mardia.
100. tuesdaymorning, MiniBless of Scania.
101. Bibimbap, WarmCha of Scania.
102. Shephen5, Sheph3n of Windia.
103. ylwnoob, Pickachu of Scania.
104. Ryukara, Grimamoire of Scania.
105. SirMushington, Genblem of Bera.
106. DanteMustDie, Sorustrike of Windia.
107. YoltsBrian, MuziyashiX of Bellocan.
108. XVi3tX, MajesticViet of Bera.
109. HerDemiseMyRise, ToFlagship of Chaos.
110. koopa2488, Olue of Windia.
111. Rodd, Rodd of Scania.
112. demonicrack, CrescentRun of Scania.
113. WiseMango, Veloncia of Windia.
114. EpicPandora, Yuirka of Bera.
115. MeMagicalPie, DancingGlory of Kradia.
116. panicbanana, UAintaPage of Scania.
117. aznnudobo11, arrowstyled of Scania.
118. whotookmycookie, MelAndCereal of Broa.
119. iTardz, ChedarMeRike of Scania.
120. thomas1985, Thomas1985 of Windia.
121. InvisibleToHer, vTerry of Scania.
122. lmaoninja, taekuya of Bera.
123. Amuro, KonnoMakoto of Scania.
124. 1337Jounin, BanMyFannies of Windia.
125. Draguo, JohnnyWave of Scania.
126. deliciouspork, bamfcurry of Scania.
127. HKittyZ, DentistJan of Nova.
128. MaplerJoe, EliteBurst of Windia.
129. applecross, hamsterscool of Scania.
130. overalldk, DkSCA of Scania.
131. Andreww, AnaIExorcist of Bera.
132. issacrandom, IssacDX of Bera.
133. Shawrg, SocialPeanut of Mardia.
134. OreoMonster, MageIzSick of Scania.
135. Draggon654, YukiteruKunn of Windia.
136. DragonSlots, DragonSlots of Bera.
137. Overbreak, LionStance of Bera.
138. mizutonaikura, FacelessArt of Bellocan.
139. XBandit55, Galacticdb of Khani.
140. AccoladesMS, Eperdu of Scania.
141. calebheads, calebheads of Scania.
142. CreamyMilkJr, ghdfhfghnbv of ElNido
143. HappyTraderr, iLordStryker of Broa.
144. AnimeWeedLord, xXnaruto420 of Scania.
145. PikaThunder, PikaThunder of Broa.
146. Psydei, Dimei of Khani.
147. abellet, abellet of Windia.
148. Ahiez, Ampala of Broa.
149. nocturncloud, 85noctcloud of Scania.
150. KniteX0, GeniusKnite of Galicia.
151. CrazeM2,xCRAZEM2x of Galicia.
152. GameAddict209, iVLapieLuck of Scania.
153. shinerxxa, Shiinerx3 of Bera.
154. tips1660, losertipsll of Bera.
155. YeeHAwxDD, Evanewdragon of Bera.
156. Fory, SAlRS of Windia.
157. ShiningHeal, EhotnExplode of Broa.
158. ninjablack99, SpiralDemonx of Scania.
159. FeintHorus, PinkHorus of Nova.
160. brandonx48, I96brandon of Scania.
161. heydude111, MrNoobShad of Scania.
162. Themarkoftrey, StreboJett of Galicia.
163. lureano, lureano of Nova.
164. mathgeek147, proritehere of Broa.
165. OldMapler, Godsthief77 of Scania.
166. s2vietx, AnhUem of Scania.
167. KaiXai, KaiXai of Windia.
168. zchaosmagez1, zchaosmagez1 of Scania.
169. iEvanMaster, Crypticals of Khaini.
170. peaceperson, dragon9xx of Bera.
171. renaflor, RenafIor of Scania.
172. ZIDragonzIZ, XIDualNesslX of Broa.
173. kashi741, xCalibur188 of Windia.
174. Xirsya, Alorisia of Scania.
175. Avakris, Hersheys5 of Windia.
176. LoveMeLater, BlancheCarte of Khaini.
178. PureWhiteSky, PureWhiteSky of Khaini.
179. koreamyh, 777Healer777 of Scania.
180. AcoXD, irandomzxd of Scania.
182. wiiztigruan, wiiztigruan of Nova.
183. abgl015, Irev of Broa.
184. bananargood, pocketcleric of Bera.
185. Kinshima, OneWayTrain of Windia.
186. GoldenBow, Vercux of Windia.
187. KevinKiri, KevinKiri of Khaini
188. nicko2121, BMNick of Scania.
189. knowlt, TrillWaves of Broa.
190. MazeNinjas, HitShadower of Khaini.
191. Tobipal7456, tobipal7456 of Scania.
192. xjumpkid, Tanqy of Demethos.
193. xDarkCIouds, xRedClouds of Bera.
194. 7scythe7, HealerAkuma of Khaini.
195. aznmaestro007, greentea4eva of Scania.
196. HelloTony, JonyChrist of Scania.
197. Jackpoopalot, Koorokii of Scania.
198. Luuiiss, SkuIIies of Scania.
199. chiu88, AngelicOculo of Scania.
200. Vylam, Flatlace of Scania.
201. Crowhogan33, PizzaCrow of Windia.
202. Hauk933, Hauk093 of Galicia.
203. f1uttershy, Gangnam5tyle of ElNido.
204. FOUNDaHufflepuf, HealthDesire of Zenith.
205. Kwamsterr, IceRacer of Bera.
206. 13uyMe, Temptado of Windia.
207. AkatsukiDark, UberLegends of Windia.
208. Whiter, WhitePeoplez of Kradia.
209. JsMcK, jrJim of Khaini.
210. BlueBlueBandit, humpinturtie of Windia.
211. Beezawn, jonnynnoj of Scania.
212. Wasbeer, Reiziger of Windia.
213. sxeykay, Sxeykay of Galicia.
214. jesseTWULFM2011, KUBWAxDIVINE of Windia.
215. Karkain, Karkain of Broa.
216. mepins, FeelMyIpod of Bera.
217. Darkblade132, Darkboy7777 of Broa.
218. DeadWaltz, ShindeSekai of Windia.
219. Sutepunia, Sutepun of Scania.
220. AnotherViet, xAnchors of Bellocan.
221. Aquablader71, RiceMage71 of Windia.
222. cloak645, RapidTruama of Scania.
223. nodexsins, iPhantomated of Bera.
224. CrazyChaosZ0, CrazyChaox of Broa.
225. Silverknight, SuperBala of Bera.
226. urwetdream99, ItsMyMonkey of Chaos.
227. MyNamesBrad, FireLord2317 of Bera.
228. Skyenets, Goates of Scania.
229. jbell93, InvictHero of Scania.
230. GoldenHeracross, gOlDeNhErA of Windia.
231. 47Crushed47, BrawlerGast of Bera.
232. Giedie, PYUT of Bera.
233. hoho, BoItin of Scania.
234. Feeling, Swirlled of Bera.
235. j0shlink, j0shlink of Windia.
236. Hilario70, Hilario70 of Windia.
237. Icephoenix21, icephoenix21 of Scania.
238. SeraphicPhantom, FallenJackalof Khaini.
239. Liam, RomanticHope of Broa.
240. DoomDemise, DemonicWake of Khaini.
241. kizox, Xusc of Scania.
242. darklord666, DXStriker666 of Khaini.
243. BladeLust, AdaValentine of Galicia.
244. vincerulez17, DahPhant0m of Windia.
245. Yathos, Yathos of Zenith.
246. TppcMaster, darkrai of Windia.
247. ImKafei, ChuDatz of Broa.
248. 42isawesome, xlii42 of Khaini.
249. CrucibIes, CrucibIes of Khaini.
250. Sven1120, GeweertjeNL of Windia
251. fishy35690, 1cannoner1 of Windia
252. Gunzrkewl, Trimarans of Scania.
253. puretppc, puretppc of Windia.
254. ChaosStar1, HeroicDraiga of Bera.
255. SemiTho, EffeteElegy of Khaini.
256. Stars0fLight, Stars0fLight of Windia.
257. Miauri, Mjav of Khaini.
258. StingBulb, StingBulb of Broa.
259. firestar311, MercedePride of Khaini.
260. DragonLove, x3TheDragon of Bera.
261. ddtankrock, AksDb of Scania.
262. leopard16, PainfuilStab of Scania.
263. MaplePlus1, InfinityMerc of Galicia.
264. NotSoPro, WindyBelieve of Windia.
265. MeganCutie, TheTrueMegan of Windia.
266. wizard8bird, ohnosin of Bera.
267. mapleperson56, TazotaGuy of Renegades.
268. SlothWhisperer, Hiroyuki56 of Windia.
269. xKreanz, PreludeMagic of Windia.
270. theonlyepixH, HHHAADIS of Galicia.
271. Hayazu, MintStruck of Windia.
272. Arskann, ArskannVii of ElNido.
273. ArthurSam, ArthurSam of Scania.
274. ken1noob, ken1pwner of Windia
275. Ezio1503, ezio1503 of Broa.
276. Curtain, SlyKeyboard of Galicia.
277. zahuumer, skiago of Scania.
278. Swerve, EBRebornof Bera.
279. kakashi4599, apples4599 of Mardia.
280. KingsGlory, ManCakesXD of ElNido.
281. estella1212, Ishotunicorn of Scania.
282. billgates, noremac3 of Windia.
283. berniexu55, heavenofday of Scania.
284. PenguinMoral, PenguinsFate of Windia.
285. WindsOfTheSky, WildSky07 of Windia.
286. infinteZero, zeroinfinii of Demethos.
287. xicestarz, xicestarz of Scania.
288. CynthiaShirona, ShiinaMikado of Windia.
289. HeroWithRice, HeroWithRice of Bera.
290. Ravens, TorrentRaven of Khaini.
291. chickenlady, Fleetrun of Scania.
292. PhoLegend, Styrmling of Broa.
293. TroiSky, EroticViet of Bera.
294. lnfinitiEagle, AeroB of Bera.
295. kyocrisis, ruck1b of ElNido.
296. Darklerty, LikeMySkis of Scania.
297. SugarTurtle, SugarTurtle of Bellocan.
298. R1chard17, H3roWarrior of Scania.
299. SwordsLust, OxKnight of Windia.
300. SheepPB, CaIlMePeter of Broa.
301. torch15, Xionea of Windia.
302. zomgitbeandy, adventflash of Scania.
303. Athetosis, dragonllamaX of Broa.
304. WalkTheDinosaur, ShotTehFkUp of Scania.
305. peemo, Hieray of Scania.
306. tomas1251, elgranmago of Scania.
307. scycron, scycron of Demethos.
308. DaiGako, DaiGako of Windia.
309. Wubzey, StealAsnail of Mardia.
310. Yuuuu, Stellixa of Scania.
311. SeductiveWalrus, CrossBearing of ElNido.
312. HammerDolo, iPhantomiize of Scania.
313. zineolithic, vamk of Demethos.
314. ThePyro, PyroSpikes3 of Scania.
315. iitnathan, Insortion of Galicia.
316. Katastrophe, RiceKathyy of Scania.
317. Skaihart, AdventSkai of Yellonde.
318. theONEstar, Plushys of Bera.
319. ShyShadow, AstoundMe of Scania.
320. armeddragon, ToDKusanagi of Broa.
321. XtraTZu, Xtratzu of Broa.
322. iEmTheOP, TheOniiChan of Scania.
323. Leonidas, Lunariv of Broa.
324. demoneyez97, demonza752 of Windia.
325. DamHer, DamHer of Bera.
326. ShadeCombo, ShadeCombo of Khaini.
327. CampersEnd2, BeginnersEnd of Khaini.
328. TheMagi, MagiKalemora of Renegades.
329. SweetArts, Princession of Broa.
330. MetalBladeArt, Cryositic of Khaini.
331. Arsey12, thisObIivion of Renegades.
332. Pirate8756, Pirate8756 of Galicia.
333. EarthsCore, gokuavenged of Windia.
334. Xonchibi, xivSair of Bera.
335. Spartan, FesojTheBest of Windia.
336. dance11544, MistaBox of Scania.
337. admaplestory, ad2sticks of Scania.
338. DetroitZOO, ScientistSeb of Renegades.
339. QuasarDragon, Wattermelon4 of Windia.
340. purba321, CrazyJettz of Scania.
341. wsly, CombatDusk of Windia.
342. OhhTom, OhhTom of Mardia.
343. Boksunni1, Boksunni1 of Bera.
344. IhasMoolah, XDeathDualX of Scania.
345. @[O]rgasmicInfant, 1inchcocck of ElNido.
346. gonzz4, CountAran of Scania.
347. MyGunner, Forenzic3545 of Bera.
348. NightCodex, Blizzardwoif of Demethos.
349. 2KLeaves, 2KFeurii of Windia.
350. LilAznJayster, lilaznjaysta of Broa.
351. Chasecelibi, AranChase3 of Bera.
352. andersenko12, stickthatass of Broa.
353. ixPiex, xDyingAngel of Khaini.
354. dragon332211, iydiandrakon of Mardia.
355. raicouri, Scaldus of Bera.
356. Patterns, SpadePattern of Khaini.
357. 11paperclipz, SargentPaper of Scania.
358. MeMagicalPie, DancingGlory of Kradia.
359. 350zNitro, SushiEat3r of Chaos.
360. dusk278, Dusk278 of Khaini.
361. xGumiGna, xGumiGna of Broa.
362. feared123, useless44 of Windia.
363. xNeverGive, qhantoms of Windia.
364. KiwiJellyxs, GummyKiwi of Chaos.
365. LittleSneak, LittleSneakX of Bera.
366. superlols, HuyFong of Mardia.
367. EthanSitty, EthanSitty of Windia.
368. Firesword465, SovietCanes of Bera.
369. theifboyb105, Mrpyroid of Bellocan.
370. thailla, thailla of Broa.
371. jack0966, VouchIess of Broa.
372. Koolrip, RipCards of Bellocan.
373. imakeyoueatpoop, bladershane of Windia.
374. Nuzgo, Nuzgo of Broa.
375. Soulboy18, GhostThief18 of Renegades.
376. PetalledSkies, fvvfg of Windia.
377. CloudKnight, FantomThiefG of Khaini.
378. Tennzin, Tennzin of Scania.
379. Piggable, Zorve of Bera.
380. Garchomp52, LubFotPigII of Arcania.
381. iGooglespace, RevoltingDB of Bera.
382. mashimarrr, GalaxPegasus of Scania.
383. Baconman79, NibletFace of Bera.
384. LvLYakkul, lvl1yakkul of Khaini.
385. Valky, Dreadvalk of Scania.
386. fmonglobal, Enstrike of Zenith.
387. Alienstock, FabMechanic of Scania.
388. jaysterrr, berrysweeet of Scania.
389. DrownedMammals, Leafiest of Galicia.
390. Bomber321, Bomber123 of Scania.
391. yoyoyo25971, UEBuccofRay of Broa.
392. DeepNuts, Arkosan of Windia.
393. Israel, ToughByte of Bera.
394. Daulada, jimbae of Khaini.
395. Bluerune137, Supersinjboy of Scania.
396. WeWantPeaceB, WeWantPeaceB of Bera.
397. oiwio, Haenseom of Khaini.
398. sanghyunp2004, XxChrisDream of Scania.
399. necrocandy, WillowNoir of Windia.
400. Kizo, KlZO of Scania.
401. davidnunez12, Phabricy of Bera.
402. barce9296, iHokiez of Windia.
403. xxdrayxx258, xdrayx249 of Scania.
404. jessire, chromatisim of Windia.
405. soulcrafty, Parature of Bera.
406. JimmySG, JimmySG15 of Scania.
407. Killyou2858, Killyou2858 of Scania.
408. kalesko, chidoriyun of Bera.
409. MrTutty, GallantDawn of Khaini.
410. potspans123, Buccconnor of Broa.
411. JazzC87, Jazz64 of Broa.
412. Lactate, Tsueka of Galicia.
413. TangleViper, TangleViper of Windia.
414. FairyTailFanboy, bursted of Scania.
415. Mewly, Kisekina of Windia.
416. Jadoux, Jadoux of Windia.
417. minipapoute, LiFEisFAiR of Renegades.
418. Luckyiam, Luckyiiam of Windia.
419. oli3less, Ziuux of Windia.
420. plxceo, Nkeron3 of Scania.
421. AngelOfLuvee, Uquao of Mardia.
422. AznYoungGun24, SlayinDrago of Scania.
423. Nope, Toskayo of Windia.
424. paul2995, paulsantana of Broa.
425. Staggering, FickleFlames of Windia.
426. battleon456, 2and2make5 of Bera.
427. limcut, SlowAran123 of Scania.
428. ImBlue1562, NewRestarts of Yellonde.
429. SkyAdvanced, Paradigshift of Bera.
430. ace543, Colossalism of Bera.
431. Duckynater, Duckynater of Windia.
432. calabari, Calabari of Windia.
433. iCardsofFate, iCardsofFate of Scania.
434. Eaglesmash56, Eaglesmash34 of Bera.
435. ViralVorpal, ViralVarda of Chaos.
436. Dimple, DlMPLE of Windia.
437. kewnho, methacrylic of Demethos.
438. rbyn10, Tsunayi of Windia.
439. balder944, iEatCrash of Khaini.
440. aaronthecow, xtxoxmx of Bera.
441. annablackz, irandomnamez of Scania.
442. Bloodrill, DontSpitOnMe of Windia.
443. BleuVolleur, xDuexLame of Renegades.
444. Wangsihan, wangsihan of Windia.
445. krazykid813, Hero0fSoul of Scania.
446. XxArchxX, CavaIieri of Bera.
447. thebossSniper, awesome79263 of Galicia.
448. PointyPubes, PointyPubes of Bera.
449. Contaminated, BonetaiI of Demethos.
450. holyups, jettcheezpi2 of Renegades.
451. DivineDimish, YesTheCar of Bera.
452. StrongPinki, StrongPinki of Windia.
453. HisDreamer, NarriChan of Scania.
454. erikhuang, DUIIArrows of Scania.
455. kavvaii, Yope of Scania.
456. mikael0010, Mikael0010 of Renegades.
457. Joya08, Pendelo of Bera.
458. sakichannnnn, SadderSader of Bera.
459. shananay, caual715 of Windia
460. IazuKun, JuanDelCampo of Galicia.
461. ShadowBo0m, JustAProDit of Bera.
462. jnewsome, jnewsome1 of Bera.
463. WalkAlone, Smesygirl of Windia.
464. killahditv2, killahsIayer of Scania.
465. lezhu, TwistTheKids of Bera.
466. sirxfluffy, SirxBlader of Windia.
467. Brolyssj, HerosRampage of Broa.
468. Joshemsaurus, Moosems of Arcania.
469. thenvs, NathanSoared of Bera.
470. Converze, Converze of Bera.
471. dimetrodon, Furanimus of Windia.
472. kopred98, orpheus98 of Eridanus.
473. slojustiz, Siojustiz of Kradia.
474. lmm616, NoobAssDrK of Bera.
475. anzel2, Sshad0wThief of Scania.
476. riceforme2, riceforme2 of Scania.
477. PinkGreen, AuraBlow of Kradia.
478. matiasmiesbello, BoomSharksDX of Bellocan.
479. hihellohi111, magiclskooi of Windia.
480. SkuxxNinja, DisloyalLeaf of Nova.
481. xXhachibiXx, SilverRoy95 of Broa.
482. DragonsLair, DeviantHuntr of Khaini.
483. MindSpaz, MindSpazShad of Windia.
484. Thrashal3, PeepGang of Scania.
485. Chaosblade, Havocridex of Bera.
486. mrjimmy, artofdawn of Scania.
487. jetsalami, Valkog of Bera.
488. linux99, MLIBros of Bellocan.
489. Liqs, Consolable of Windia.
490. j926wu, Sipeth of Zenith.
491. YooriRima, XFantasyAlez of Demethos.
492. Yorkelyorkel, yorkelyorkel of Broa.
493. Tim0Tay, XTim0TayX of Windia.
494. Broccoleh, NotAMercedes of Scania.
495. XxAzbelxX, xxazbelxx of Broa.
496. FinalFate, Corsairshero of Bera.
497. iandum, iandum424 of Bera.
498. Anify, Anify of Windia.
499. Yetii, NotEpik of Yellonde.
500. RomneyUS, ImIran of Scania.
501. alfsaac, Xytares of Scania.
502. theblowing, BrandonPhan of Bera.
503. steven7x23, shiny134 of Bera.
504. xxguntankzxx, xxguntankzxx of Bera.
505. YouOnlyLiveOnce, LuIzSec of Windia.
506. chaiitea, Pohra of Windia.
507. ContagiousSmile, CoIourations of Broa.
508. Arceus1992, ArceusFantom of Windia.
509. flipboi, lenoirr of Scania.
510. JoJoINC, zettingz of Broa.
511. bowxdrylok, TELOSICO of Scania.
512. DemonsFromSpace, ShadMagiMan of Bera.
513. johncenaADV, sp200 of Broa.
514. thewazu, wazuppeopel of Bellocan.
515. MasterofBaiting, dxfighterdx of Scania.
516. FrannehR, frannydude of Bera.
517. steven7x23, shiny134 of Bera.
518. awesomeplayer2, DragonicFd of Galicia.
519. Kyava, Kyava of Scania.
520. mageshield, UitimateCb11 of Windia.
521. Genostigma, Genoskke of Broa.
522. MangoCoffee, MangoCoffee7 of Arcania.
523. EllieSeyYo, RushedArrow of Scania.
524. shadow4son, uncirculated of Khaini.
525. xRaikix, Sephorina of Bera.
526. KSFailure, UNeedAPal of Khaini.
527. DubstepAM, Verbalise of Bera.
528. awsomewaver, awesomewaver of Kradia.
529. daviddabest, iNyctophobic of Windia.
530. Genio, Jeeth of Bera.
531. willyt69, BrawIForFun of Bera.
532. looloosh, Giantss of Bera.
533. Mewzia, Mewzia of Broa.
534. Sephie, Guest534 of Broa.
535. Shineness, LovelessSinn of Scania.
536. DragonPHX, DragonPHX of Windia.
537. ShadeCaro, VeloShade of Khaini.
538. SuberKieran, SuberBlader of Bellocan.
539. dreamszz, Dreamsz of Bera.
540. 16thHour, HUF1984 of Renegades.
541. artdog, artdog of Broa.
542. thenob0dy, XcoldxX of Arcania.
543. HappyEverAfter, BankOfHeaven of Kradia.
544. Rorik92, Rorik92 of Windia.
545. xidamex, idamekendai of Scania.
546. Wintermelon, quarrybayHK of Mardia.
547. ThatBox, XxIceeBannxX of Windia.
548. Renown, iKnuck4Fun of Windia.
549. battleox288, MechGboy of Scania.
550. Green, illusion999 of Scania.
551. Rinarsaurs, RinarStrike of Khaini.
552. brandiano, JackMyDagger of Chaos.
553. Laker1294, D3xLeSs1294 of Windia.
554. DarkXHelios, LightXHelios of Windia.
555. ItsJeremy, ImmaOwnYouu of Windia.
556. zoneflare2, Zoneflare of Windia.
557. powermage13, powerdual14 of Scania.
558. xNightAngelx13, AppleCups of Bera.
559. CFXsdz, CFXsdz of Bera.
560. ChaiBAMF, ChaiBAMF of Bera.
561. Luongo26,WamblingStar of Bera.
562. colin83, CaptinsLight of Bellocan.
563. JasonAlonzo, Archeroic of Khaini.
564. aznzxblood, iSlashHearts of Bera.
565. iGotCode, iGotCode of Scania.
566. Cronnicossy, ChakraScout of Scania.
567. Kittuns, BishopKittun of Scania.
568. ericchung93, RUSmacked of Broa.
569. DeadMushrooms, StabJabCab of Windia.
570. ChoppyKyurem, SwaginKyurem of Zenith.
571. xXAranNightzXx, CombineEx of Broa.
572. OJChinchilla, DualPenices of Galicia.
573. Embrace, Breakzer of Mardia.
574. myshoe2, SadeBlade of Bera.
575. Amuchan1197, amuchan1197 of Windia.
576. Ludford, Vukr of ElNido.
577. 01928374655, EvilBunny219 of Windia.
578. mouse1996, PaIadinosawr of Kradia.
579. lukie1993, Specialfiery of Broa.
580. ZuLs, ZuLs of Demethos.
581. Dizz, iAmMcDizz of Galicia.
582. Nerox55, Nerox55 of Scania.
583. rivahe, Natriums of Scania.
584. kavalok, kavalok of Galicia.
585. john7420, AznxAranx of Broa.
586. MrPebbles, ArcticDiety of Galicia.
587. SupaAznMech, SuperAznEvan of Scania.
588. VileLunatic, vilelunatic of Scania.
589. Missy, fjoop of Bera.
590. SpankDracula, Tritaus of Windia.
591. yeaboi816, BuyPirateDVD of Bera.
592. Ratchetness, SwagFenrir of Scania.
593. DSStory, QatarSlayer of Windia.
594. TheMapleAzn, Cloudears of Windia.
595. marilanna, Bismuthe of Windia.
596. xProHeal, AntiiHeal of Khaini.
597. Katana678, ad2sticks of Scania.
598. GmsFjioa, GmsFjioa of Basil.
599. iEatCheeseLol, Kaizyn77 of Scania.
600. nknk20, Purplenurpl3 of Scania.
601. Reflexes, DrBreak of Galicia.
602. YarHarPrate, MakeKings of Windia.
603. maplerescue, crazytwinz of Khaini.
604. darkendays, LolStrIess of Scania.
605. telllos, deathcore13 of Broa.
606. slimepudding, CocoBadit of Mardia.
607. skyyryn, ShoGunElf of Scania.
608. Jukenut, Jukenut of Scania.
609. umikg, Christl0vex of Broa.
610. KieranGoRawr, MyRhymes of Scania.
611. MuffinsINC, Myawsomeacc of Scania.
612. LightNard, SirBigSwords of Galicia.
613. AsunaHatsuki, JSjett of Bera.
614. YoLoLoLo, YoLoLoLo of Windia.
615. shprits, DannyControlof Galicia.
616. Cheezzydude, Cheezzy4ever of Windia.
617. vhawk070, Vhawkez15 of Aquila.
618. Anify, Anify of Windia.
619. LeollGirl, xCocoMagicx of Bera.
620. kidpapafluff, kidpapafluff of Arcania.
621. Pippy404, Pippy404 of Khaini.
622. wertz49, PiousHealer of ElNido.
623. LocoCarlos, lSubZero of Broa.
624. nanook2264, DragonOfBaLd of Chaos.
625. tehorigin, lioxdz of ElNido.

List of NonSupporters
1. AnmolxD: (Aequimanus of Bera)
2. KaiXai: (Kaixai of Windia
3. 4everthebest: (winterfists of Broa)
4. supernoob: (xParalIax of Scania)
5. bigbater: (Kenntucky of Scania)
6. UnStealthed: (UnStealthed of Scania)
7. Cursarius: (Cursarion of Khaini)
8. SugarTurtle: (SugarTurtle of Bellocan)
9. dcf611: (StealYoBass of Khaini)
10. 32Marke: (32market of Broa)
11. View: (Riffany of Broa)
12. s0lite: (Dewli of Renegades)
13. darkmint88: (ArmSerch of Scania)
14. kingvenom33: (iKingSaints of Windia)
15. Tobipal7456: (Tobipal7456 of Scania)
16. brandonta98: (MisterTa of Windia)
17. JoloBandlf: (Henenoob of Windia)
18. Aerolyze: (CyXc of Bera)
19. RyanIsSmexii: (how2punch of Yellonde)
20. kut0123: (SenorAblaze of Windia)
21. randomrifter: (battle2k of Zenith)
22. EllieSeyYo: (Rushedarrow of Scania)
23. Crowhogan33: (cartecrow of Windia)
24. EggShellDrag: (EggShellDrag of Scania)
25. ElvenElessar: (ElvenElessar of Windia)
26. zoneflare2: (zoneflare of Windia)
27. drager260: (sheritin of Broa)
28. Nick321: (oxiymoron of Broa)
29. bloodowner94: (bigpie95 of Broa)
30. tinasdabest: (hearize of Zenith)
31. Swampert: (eshraq of Scania)
32. lemonlogan1: (beenrevived of Bera)
33. eddiereborn: (RevRenBam of Windia)
34. NumbaFourGo: (NumbaFourGo of Scania)
35. BimmieMcGee: (NevermoreXR of Scania)
36. ShadeCombo: (ShadeCombo of Khaini)
37. andrew924: (andrew924 of Bera)
38. MapleFacez: (iPencilSpin of Khaini)
39. Mhmmmm: (cheater668 of Khaini)
40. Broccoleh: (NotAMercedes of Scania)
41. sacklaca123: (EthanCK of El Nido)
42. LoveAsylum: (inspektah of Bera)
43. Tradie: (Attent of Scania.)
44. staydead: (itslotek of Broa)
45. Jurassic: (Enslavery of Bera)
46. mickery: (HypeXFreeze)
47. andretheman: (viragostar of Windia)
48. Shape: (EBReborn of Bera)
49. cheifbanidt: (SyntaxVoid of Windia)
50. iShottedSnow: (ImSair of Windia)
51. InvisibleToHer: (VTerry of Scania)
52. b212223b: (Concedes of Chaos)
53. supergameandw: (shootyer of Bera)
54. hermaqn: (jiper253 of Bellocan)
55. Bianca: (Unravelled of Scania)
56. TehResisting (TehResisting of Broa)
57. iNeedRice: (Syaika of Mardia)
58. Omnipathy: (Omnipathy of Chaos)
59. Bluerune137: (Bowmanjboy of Scania)
60. gabev: (reaperpro of Khaini)
61. 287stream: (Enthrallize of Windia)
62. IRainbow (l3uccaqueer of Windia)
63. MrMike: (SnowconeJr of Broa)
64. ericchung93: (RUSmacked of Broa)
65. Doofenshmirtz: (Spam of Nova)
66. Pereeia: (BelowZeno of Windia)
67. Sinistersx (PhantomXCIII of Scania)
68. 13243: (BerwxSlayer of Bellocan)
69. SacredSealed: (KsiSand of Bera)
70. Finn00: (ikzan of Bera)
71. Thephily341: (Philophobics of Scania)
72. Airflares: (TrupacShakur of Scania)
73. Echleon: (Echleo of Windia)
74. mathgeek147: (proritehere of Broa)
75. MixedFeelings: (MegaToasters of Zenith)
76. iEatCheeseLol: (Kaizyn77 of Scania)
77. shadowind7: (chrsBaM of Yellonde)
78. BurnedFrozen: (bislander of Khaini)
79. Aweceptic: (cloudceptic of Khaini)
80. FiendOverlord: (onesmackboom of Broa)
81. Kursed: (Trickable of Bellocan)
82. Syrupop: (BasedBooty of Scania)
83. Sovereignze: (Sovereignze of Scania)
84. xFatalDagger: (SkyPhenomena of Bera)
85. OrionTempest: (OrionTempest of Broa)
86. dbwnsdus: (dbwnsdus of Broa)
87. Bloodrill: (Dontspitonme of Windia)
88. Makashi34: (lifelifefu8k of Khaini)
89. hobo425: (ipwnyodada of bellocan)
90. thomson123: (LegendWyrm of Windia)
91. SwordsLust: (OxKnight of Windia)
92. MrTutty: (GallantDawn of Khaini)
93. fartlol1 (MyNoobCb: of Windia)
94. ImWada: (Couchage of Windia)
95. MaplerJoe: (JoeDaBM of Windia)
96. jsbk02: (JuSongB of Galicia)
97. Quazel: (Asyrium of Windia)
98. massFire: (RedVagabond of Kradia[GMS])
99. backfired: (XxepicfacesX of Khaini)
100. alltwo147: (The5thJeff of Windia)
101. Passcode: (Piscivore of Scania)
102. copox123: (69princ3ss69 of Broa)
103. DoesNotMatter: (RawriizUAE of Broa)
104. DemZak: (DemZak of Bera)
105. chivas: (Robertini of Windia)
106. thewazu: (wazuppeopel of Bellocan)
107. Momo123: (Destroiem of Bellocan)
108. Brendon853: (PhantomCard8 of Broa)
109. XStrangestX: (hilomofo of Chaos)
110. MyGunner: (Forenzic3545 of Bera)
111. auctionRyu: (Abyssel of Broa)
112. VoidOfDawn: (SageYu of Demethos[GMS])
113. EvilAnnieXD: (EvilAnnieXD of Scania)
114. bigbubba666: (LordBelroar of Broa)
115. AnmolxD: (Aequimanus of Bera)
116. Snovvy: (MTSnowy of Broa [well of course I do. ])
117. makinmonie: (EvilGambit of Demethos[GMS])
118. RisingRain: (LastMeteor of Bellocan)
119. SeeMeTwice: (SeeMeTwice of Scania)
120. Leinx13: (ReilQT of Windia)
121. Tempests: (ApatiIos of Bellocan)
122. OneLeftShoe: (shoe838 of Broa)
123. Solor18: (SolarAgony of Windia)
124. kidpapafluff: (kidpapafluff of Arcania)
125. MekaMC2: (SupreMC of Scania)
126. highhermit00: (ShootandKili of Scania)
127. qpGALLIONqp: (Viska of Broa)
128. hyperfire7: (MetalCoconut of Bera)
129. theifboyb105: (HoneyDewRice of Bellocan)
130. maplerescue: (crazytwinz of Khaini)
131. Nibeu: (xD3nls of Renegades)
132. Former: (Platinic of Windia)
133. nopaycheck: (X100preNell of Bera)
134. DexlessYeos: (DexlessYeos of Windia)
135. fundone: (fr0zenangelz of Scania)
136. kelvicious: (igotherachet of Bera)
137. BurningAfrica (Jews of Scania)
138. Dacarlover: (ComboManiac of Broa)
139. Xreniya: (ForIornIy of Bera)
140. ILikeCheez: (GoBuccYoself of Scania)
141. CreamyMilkJr: (ghdfhfghnbv of Broa)
142. Gregorius: (BullKathos of Broa)
143. MapleAddict47: (KJaz of Mardia)
144. ElectroRetro: (Fawj of Mardia)
145. Reiganz: (ixwild of Khaini)
146. KrazyShank: (MoreBlader of Bera)
147. AnmolxD: (Aequimanus of Bera)
148. norcalkid: (CarbonFibah of Broa)
149. rinnenganx: (lnnovational of Bera)
150. AvalonBlue: (Rucel of Galicia)
151. TalonShadow: (TaIonShadow of Bera)
152. xXSyKoXx: (xXSyKosisXx of Broa)
153. omegasereon: (DarkConjure of Windia)
154. laxxe23: (Zckl of Khaini)
155. awesomepossum37: (beastmode37 of Bera)
156. aznsoul: (PiiChhU of Bera)
157. PraisedAura: (KinkyBucc of Scania)
158. ixPiex: (xDyingAngel of Khaini)
159. LolzTummz: (ForceofASin of Windia)
160. xxlog1234: (TheProHitMan of Scania)
161. Fory: (SAlRS of Windia)
162. Veracious: (luxuriee of Broa)
163. hessamgol: (IPureLukShot of Bera)
164. Ropak: (Ocura of Windia)
165. coolninja111 (PierceingHit of Galicia)
166. iDinox3: (Sarangari of Khaini)
167. jaiveer: (AWiisePerson of Bellocan)
168. YouOnlyLiveOnce: (LuIzSec of Windia)
169. gerbilsquid: (arseniclover of Zenith)
170. ContagiousSmile: (CoIourations of Broa)
171. kooless: (k1132 of Scania)
172. StealthClaw (Tactfully of Windia)
173. ThunderPop: (NinjahNinjah of Bera)
174. crazybass: (youngndang of Scania)
175. SharingSkill: (SharingSkill of Bera)
176. SinsFTW: (TheGeekyKid of Bera)
177. Weregarurumon: (FantasticDR of Kradia[GMS])
178. MorbidMagus: (MagiKalemora of Renegades)
179. Gozfo: (Silveririsiz of Windia)
180. KostyaHeals: (iFistUNow of Scania)
181. Fugitives: (viaRaymond of Broa)
182. Maj0ra: (Maj0ra of Broa)
183. SoundofSnow: (L4pants of Scania)
184. xD3M3NT3D: (DementedBM of Broa)
185. kevtmai: (megamansfn of Broa)
186. gomlyolobro: (MrPmstr of Khaini)
187. EatingCrayon: (evililangel of Scania)
188. RiceTastesGood: (BentoCombo of Chaos)
189. Demonforce2703: (SIayKnight of Windia)
190. rubberchubber: (DrEckhart of Windia)
191. Slashermills: (IchiKyoushu of Scania)
192. Anthoy84: (ldylI of Broa)
193. Ness: (Shinkanstab of Scania)
194. ClassRunner: (CardRunner of Renegades)
195. eYeGoTChA: (SoCut of Broa)
196. DragonLove96: (CyborgLove of Mardia)
197. ratbran: (ratbran of Broa)
198. treeko90097: (PuffyLizard of Zenith)
199. Azule: (Elsworn of Galicia)
200. GENUiiS: (GenNL of Scania)
201. TimmyDaAzn: (timmy1234578 of Scania)
202. christmaseav: (Biillyy of Broa)
203. AnEzKill: (HideUrSkills of Renegades)
204. BroaCNTB: (StaarBuccs of Broa)
205. bokuwaomar: (ProfOmar of Broa)
206. SmittyKitty: (P4ndabe4r of Bera)
207. jc1206: (poohkonplue of Bera)
208. chaosdtar1: (MercxDraiga of Bera)
209. feeling: (swirlled of Bera)
210. MorbidMagus: (MagiKalemora of Renegades)
211. wrathofgod54: (Wolfmanx2000 of Windia)
212. Distance: (WithValor of Bera)
213. PoetryIsMeh: (PoetryIsFail of Mardia)
214. Glowy: (Snowla of Broa)
215. MushroomPoyo: (MushroomPoyo of Scania)
216. Kalemora: (AduIaria of Windia)
217. MyTiramisu: (TheWordGame of Scania)
218. evilslasher: (EbilSlash888 of Scania)
219. cqlqur: (Groomings of Windia)
220. HorrorFiIms: (HorrorFiIms of Windia)
221. MultiCakePie: (NeedToFocus of Windia)
222. chaceywayne: (RiggIes of Chaos)
223. ceraice: (XxCeraicexX of Khaini)
224. wilandjen1: (TryeHard of Broa)
225. XtraTZu: (Xtratzu of Broa)
226. Rocco1997: (Roccoco1997 of Mardia)
227. xlGunShotlx: (FaIlenShotX of Scania)
228. ox0Shad0w0xo (ox0ShAd0w0xo of Broa)
229. KeVouOwnS: (KeVouOwnS of Broa)
230. EchoOfDeal: (SixFeetBelow of Kradia[EMS])
231. andersenko12: (Devilarrow24 of Broa)
232. DopeReligion: (Dayshifted of Broa)
233. kosic3: (OnlyStark of Bera)
234. soccer2424: (LastMercede of Khaini)
235. Art0fBIadez: (iHermeSi of Broa)
236. kopred98: (orpheus98 of Eridanus [MSEA])
237. Lisaaa: (Lisapizzuh of Scania
238. jack0966: (edexcels of Broa)
239. bluegoobs: (Bluegooby of Bera)
240. xDerek: (Inertly of Bera)
241. Geo599: (Geozeph of Windia)
242. seatoina2: (Deem2Die of Broa)
243. shadowbird97: (shadowbird97 of Broa)
244. OopsMyBad: (QueenVinny of Galicia)
245. TroiSky: (EroticViet of Bera)
246. FireNOTPoisn: (ValueShopper of Broa)
247. Fairth: (Dayiathla of Galicia)
248. KH2NightLord: (PhantomFP of Scania)
249. Jaulian: (KingCrocc of Chaos)
250. jacob510: (ColdOldHeart of Broa)
251. WhiteGreyBlack: (ShyGuySoFly of Broa)
252. meso911: (Targus95 of Scania)
253. BaMnJam: (Effiictim of Zenith)
254. NeoTigra: (NeoTiger of Scania)
255. DodgerFan: (anothernoble of Galicia)
256. sushiisawesome: (Thiefman2527 of Broa)
257. BlindedFury: (FriedEnemies of Bera)
258. xbeasttamer: (xbeasttamer of Broa)
259. iRadoon: (MakingCake of Bera)
260. Pantburken: (Tacny of Broa)
261. TheSilverSun: (ToxicBtch of Scania.)
262. jonolas1: (xxjonolasxx of Bera)
263. julianso: (faqqits of Windia)
264. Brainicism: (Vulcanio of Broa)
265. Jinghang: (P0W3RR4G3 of Scania)
266. vincerulez17: (DahPhant0m of Windia)
267. CycloneShad: (CYCLONEDITS of Broa)
268. parasiteduk: (Vndddd of Windia)
269. Lockon2m3: (Epirexx of Windia)
270. j108jason: (magicsushiss of Broa)
271. AoiHorizon: (SoulSMA of Windia)
272. purba321: (Crazyjettz of Scania)
273. viridic: (VinnSword of Scania)
274. Shadowshades: (Shadowshdes of Galicia)
275. vzhustler: (xXTwstdAran of Broa)
276. ExSaber: (Smexalistic of Broa)
277. JudgmentLeek: (LeekRider of Broa)
278. Chubsin: (Chubsin of Khaini)
279. Longboarding: (MouldyBagel of Windia)
280. bathfamily: (EliteXDrone of Bera)
281. xbanxditx: (PhantomArsh of Scania)
282. akablackthug: (en3rgizers of Broa)
283. SteakyFishChops: (iDimSimz of Scania)
284. SpBlackout: (SpBlackout of Zenith)
285. ShinyNunchucku: (OneBotArmy of Bellocan)
286. SkuxxNinja: (DisloyalLeaf of Nova)
287. d3athkn1t3: (ColourfuLust of Mardia)
288. pha0011: (Recompete of Scania)
289. DxidunnoxD: (DBLarry of Broa)
290. freddyfish: (HugoTracker of Broa)
291. HAHAcelia: (hahacelia of Scania)
292. OhhTom: (OhhTom of Mardia)
293. TribalEMP: (Ashuraven of Windia)
294. Riisukun: (ModiOperandi of Marida)
295. thatKidBad: (Strategys of Scania)
296. TheRealTvsh: (TrystUAxD of Broa)
297. dq36402: (mecerulede of Mardia)
298. uMirin: (mathefker of Windia)
299. FMar: (Staryar of Windia)
300. StreetDreams: (cognitiv of Windia)
301. CrazyHolz: (xHollie of Windia)
302. AlphaBetaGamma: (PrototypePHM of Bellocan)
303. Penitent: (Psyfiend of Bera)
304. AccoladesMS: (Accolades of Scania)
305. Torexx: (BloodBladePL of Broa)
306. xTrU3: (iiDarkSinxP of Bera)
307. Pavchka: (Touzokuou of Broa)
308. frank0: (Palaic of Renegades)
309. SevereEpicz: (AceOfHectik of Scania)
310. iNeedXbowarrows: (BrutalStabs of Galicia)
311. TheWarrior495: (PhantomXD001 of Scania)
312. Anify: (CrazyHaru of Windia)
313. Toqa: (xMeFliesHigh of Bellocan)
314. spring786: (ChocoMocox3 of Galicia)
315. XmfpokeX: (Mfpoke of Galicia)
316. meikleman: (MeikleRawr of Bellocan)
317. Qybah: (Qybah of Bera)
318. pabs456: (DevilMayPabs of Broa)
319. irjtr27: (iLeapy of Scania)
321. IcicleArrows: (MechoSpirit Kradia[EMS])
322. nintenes: (Troooo of Yellonde)
323. jack0966: (edexcels of Broa)
324. Nimaah: (Maccis of Windia)
325. iLikeDragons: (DarkArm335 of Eridanus [MSEA])
326. andrewthepro: (EmperorPally of Broa)
327. TrueDemonx: (SoImpeccable of Broa)
328. shadepool7: (BabyJiYeon of Windia)
329. Pleb: (YogehBear of Galicia)
330. rhampton51: (stars51 of Mardia)
331. 6blue19: (KaiYail of Renegades)
332. tips1660: (losertipsll of Bera)
333. Herosgate: (NeuroIogies of Demethos[GMS])
334. ShadowBlade9: (BladeNinja9 of Windia)
335. iCastrateYou: (BlazinNotAzn of Broa)
336. yondaimeh661: (AureIi0 of Bellocan)
337. hummer195: (Ferrari195 of Broa)
338. x1mmortality: (Druqged of Scania)
339. MeMagicalPie: (DancingGlory of Kradia[GMS])
340. naki0san: (PirateEmity of Izar[MSEA])
341. opmeTK: (DefIective of Scania)
342. KhaozSHoTZz: (beeyondzeero of Windia)
343. Breezepoint: (ixlivexi of Broa)
344. dawmazing: (beastinonem of Khaini)
345. Ecoutie: (Qngs of Scania)
346. isinpoweri: (Jegule of Khaini)
347. Kabuto: (HadesSymbol of Mardia)
348. luigidude77: (Luigidude77 of Bellocan)
349. KevinKiri: (KevinKiri of Khaini)
350. rbbbehal: (NightKlawz of Broa)
351. Cities: (Transferinq of Scania)
352. countlof: (countlofz of Bellocan)
353. spacdur98: (arhceron of Renegades)
354. pandacore: (ieatgernades of Mardia)
355. issacrandom: (IssacDX of Broa)
356. boxercdd: (ActualMuscle of Broa)
357. kokass970: (SinOnLSD of Scania)
358. ddtankrock: (AksDb of Scannia)
359. YoImCannon: (Fhreak of Khaini)
360. twilightpho: (inomicecream of Galicia)
361. SmashDragoon: (SmashDragoon of Scania)
362. spongebox: (MarsNeedMoms of Broa)
363. foxxman301: (blodseraphim of Mardia)
364. soulcrafty: (Parature of Bera)
365. GreenyScott: (ResistGreen of Khaini)
366. Darwin: (Woolworm of Scania)
367. Brizzy: (Corsmaub of Arcania)
368. F7allmylife: (AxStripxPole of Bellocan)
369. ChannelOrange: (CORSAlRGUY of Scania)
370. CowsGoShazooo: (ElfBoobies of Scania)
371. DuhB0ss: (Pallysanity of Bera)
372. Chrisonmale: (AngelCorrupt of Scania)
373. shadowman621: (HaosStory of Bera)
374. Skyenets: (Fourks of Scania)
375. brunox: (ThisMySword of Broa)
376. Newbskillz: (NoSkillNoob of Broa)
377. MesmerizeD: (Paradox4444 of Scania)
378. MechOfRAWR: (Thunder3ucc of Khaini)
379. mybuttxx: (AbnormaIKids of Scania)
380. xxStrobe: (lStrobel of Broa)
381. FinalTrade: (BeMahFwiend of Khaini)
382. ZsarasHeroes: (SaraieBlood of Broa)
383. Strazberry: (Strazberry of Broa)
384. 268078243: (AngeIize of Scania)
385. iowncloud: (MushiCloud of Zenith)
386. skrybbl3z: (Keyush of Windia)
387. PenguinMoral: (PenguinMoral of Windia)
388. MmmmmHmm: (Buccs of Broa)
389. godlyangel13: (godlyangel13 of Scania)
390. BlGTlMERUSH: (Bivch of Windia)
391. Saltybandaid: (VividSkyway of Windia)
392. iCanSeeYou: (iLearnMath of Scania)
393. Rozhin: (ExcessuD of Windia)
394. Dralliw: (Jykz of Galicia)
395. aoebm: (aoehero of Khaini)
396. mickery: (HypeXFreeze of Broa)
397. Jamenex: (Stacard of Scania)
398. Yerenth: (GunsOfDex of Khaini)
399. Greenf00t: (Blindtolife of Mardia)
400. xShirayuki: (Combustious of Scania)
401. kkubik96: (ElecherBaM of Broa)
402. 4kush20: (NomedSIayer of Scania)
403. bigchi: (imjacklngoff of Windia)
404. KarmaKoin: (NooVacancy of Bellocan)
405. NooByur: (thetigerrise of Renegades)
406. GoHumpACow: (GoHumpAMoose of scania)
407. MapleSpirit: (ArchFury6 of Kradia[GMS])
408. pbjunky: (AImostLost of Broa)
409. Tregnaw: (Tregnaw of Zenith)
410. lovesupport: (Glaciare of Broa)
411. x4dminx: (Phantasizee of Windia)
412. PanfleSCA: (Kaotycs of Scania)
413. Bomber321: (Bomber123 of Scania)
414. 3moRaccoon: (SLlCKBACK of Mardia)
415. TheGrabber: (AlwaysAMage of El Nido)
416. waffleninjo: (waffleninjo of Windia)
417. imweetarded: (iHateDaSauce of Scania)
418. PerryStar2272: (EATTEHCHICEN of Galicia)
419. kyo01: (Kyo01 of Scania)
420. GeorgeJQ: (wG3ORG3w of Demethos[GMS])
421. davidnunez12: (davidnunez12 of Bera)
422. Rianael: (Rianael of Arcania)
423. Thrashal3: (PeepGang of Scania)
424. zmalqpxnskwo: (Well202 of Broa)
425. makinmonie: (EvilGambit of Demethos[GMS])
426. XNoobAranX: (Eepsilon of Chaos)
427. Capricious: (OrionGodTier of Windia)
428. BagYourFace: (dilorINC of Galicia)
429. vgirl9999: (Sorakomi of El Nido)
430. JeffieAran: (ElvishDawn of Galicia)
431. neesnl2: (DemonicRays of Scania)
432. TheMario: (Darknostical of Bera)
433. veecee92: (Chimmerical of Bera)
434. Elaines: (EIaines of Broa)
435. JaysEpicWin: (JaysEpicWin of Khaini)
436. SmashFace: (Freizing of Khaini)
437. darkorbit6: (bellechan78 of Khaini)
438. TheNewBeta: (PostRevamped of Renegades)
439. Theblueface8: (Blueface8 of Scania)
440. Zalator: (Zahore of Broa)
441. Lets69: (Khaini of CheifNein)
442. EddyKorea: (Manifestral of Renegades)
443. lilseventeen: (OnStrings of Broa)
444. siuttybears: (Tasmunt of Windia)
445. Quelcrist: (Quelcrist of Windia)
446. Fahla: (EveningLady of Bera)
447. ImSoSteezy: (revolutiond3 of Zenith)
448. SenorMagicPants: (iloveshafts of Windia)
449. GingerFister: (AbusesMir of Broa
450. sano4444: (StopTeasing of Bera)
451. Gornoux: (HandofTwos of Windia)
452. elvoken: (DaBrownShad of Khaini)
453. furrybladez: (NeoFurry of Broa)
454. gible1235: (HairStrike of Scania)
455. JadethePenguin: (iHSJade of Broa)
456. RandomDudeGuy: (Nixond of Scania)
457. mikeee: (Unresolvable of Windia)
458. IceBirdie: (aprilish of Scania)
459. XVi3tX: (MajesticViet of Bera)
460. wolfexe: (WoifX of Broa)
461. Dongha0216: (The07Player of Broa)
462. Ulquiorra821: (iGotDaDit of Khaini)
463. toad: (BattleSapo of Bera)
464. Bibimbap: (WarmCha of Scania)
465. lbjkingjames: (OddfuI of Broa)
466. Convergancy: (Convergancy of Bera)
467. Quote: (Honghuzi of Chaos)
468. Fourton123: (Teyphon of Bera)
469. TairyHesticles6: (Jokerinq of Renegades)
470. BreezyXx: (BreezyXx of Broa)
471. BlackJay: (ThiefShadowJ of Broa)
472. Se7enNights: (Se7enNights of Khaini)
473. Candiia: (Giameovv of Broa)
474. Darksword: (Its2Sharp4U of Scania)
475. OneCactus: (HoleSun of Galicia)
476. snails1495: (Caryola of Broa)
477. lycanthropod: (DragonSkiiL of Broa)
478. LegitShadow: (MyStormShark of Bellocan)
479. nitsua2789: (ZomgNit of Broa)
480. Derpildeen: (Zephaldeen of Windia)
481. Constantly: (Salvational of Khaini)
482. iCraveReactions: (MadeTea of Broa)
483. screwriod: (iDarkFallenz of Windia)
484. WoahItsGuyyy: (mercfma1 of Windia)
485. medion1337: (Simcaz of Windia)
486. Xaystorm: (Xayclone of Scania)
487. Draguo: (RobotrUs of Galicia)
488. dutchman: (KuikenBoy of El Nido)
489. Elveemei96: (dfaq of Scania)
490. Shivam101: (Nibberplease of Scania)
491. Yetii: (Rareyeti of Yellonde)
492. FrozenMoon: (FaceBUN of Khaini)
493. blablablapie: (Equiuin of Scania)
494. DuhHerroDere: (Xusd of Khaini)
495. Gee187: (KidBullseye of Scania)
496. Dicrey: (Rarzar of Scania)
497. GodOfSparks: (PurePoisonXD of Windia)
498. Reasonable: (Offbeated of Windia)
499. VitalKnight: (Itzakeyo of Broa)
500. Tabris: (Ilzheven of Bera)
501. Andy2761: (iWongBoii of Windia)
502. KaiKyuubi: (KaiKyuubi3 of Galicia)
503. Aquadoku4: (CorsairAqua of Bera)
504. cva321: (cva217 of Khaini)
505. Marxism: (Halfspace of Scania)
506. TheOneAran: (TheOneAran1 of Windia)
507. redblood: (iProHealerz of Scania)
508. RedKirby12: (JelliesHo of Renegades)
509. telllos: (deathcore13 of Broa)
510. cocobenz: (SiIphScope of Scania)
511. gh0st559: (GhostWarfare of Broa)
512. superlols: (HuyFong of Mardia)
513. TheHiddenMage: (iidanieI of Scania)
514. AranReechard: (AranReechard of Windia)
515. starlight4x: (starshotzzz of Bellocan)
516. flyingpigs: (iCausePainx3 of Scania)
517. xN3RDxK1Dx: (UANerd18 of Windia)
518. kizox: (kizox of Renegadse)
519. zarago: (ZaragoSin of Bera)
520. DontBeTrolling: (BaMModel of El Nido)
521. dlcell: (dlcell15 of Scania)
522. ItsRichyXD: (FreshSemen of Zenith)
523. Cbass50: (Hit911 of Windia)
524. andy11247: (Birthplace of Windia)
525. whatheduck: (DualVariety of Bera)
526. GoldenHeracross: (gOlDeNhErA of Windia)
527. trashed: (Fitzpleasure of El Nido)
528. Amulets: (Amulets of Khaini)
529. illestHerbFlow: (iHavehealing of Demethos[GMS])
530. guerratrades: (Overdragoon of Scania)
531. kratos223: (BulkUp of broa)
532. Whiter: (WhitePeoplez of Kradia[GMS])
533. yonatano: (Fantamms of Demethos[GMS])
534. Lynz: (PuffankIe of Bera)
535. Shikiddo: (iOutlawkid of Galicia)
536. suprafan: (0DragonGod0 of Scania)
537. iProxy: (XDrakoBlade of Yellonde)
538. MisterGhostx: (NickHealzYou of Bera)
539. Pirate8756: (Pirate8756 of Galicia)
540. CakewithSoup: (CakewithSoup of Windia)
541. Valtorec: (Valtorec of Scania)
542. slimekick: (IWantAWalker of Renegades)
543. Pwnagewafflez: (PayToWin of Arcania)
544. Kavan: (KavanPhantom of Renegades)
545. envenomed: (XxSTVaixX of Scania)
546. kayspace1: (FluffyBra of Broa)
547. BattleScar: (acewolfgangx of Scania)
548. LuizEvilx: (Unfaze of Broa)
549. Im2Noob: (Scubmarine of Khaini)
550. iMaple101: (HyperStabs of Bera)
551. chaoSlip: (eLancs of Scania)
552. Carte: (Shadawer of Demethos[GMS])
553. Ren1231: (NeoZeraph of Broa)
554. 7DeathBlow7: (RaningDB of Khaini)
555. cheshirefoxy: (PhantomzAria of Broa)
556. akablackthug: (en3rgizers of Broa)
557. EatsLegacy: (Eatsmp of Windia)
558. Bliiiink: (LacrosseStix of Mardia)
559. prodassin: (knownpast of Windia)
560. PausedGame: (PausedGame of Broa)
561. JKuri: (Twior of Broa)
562. sathu7: (iShadeLegend of Bera)
563. darktransit: (Darktransit of Windia)
564. Osdenther: (Fatalcure of Windia)
565. cax5455: (Punchinu of Broa)
566. koreandagg3r: (iTBolt of Bera)
567. Pe0p1e: (OldCartoon of Renegades)
568. Nope: (Toskayo of Windia)
569. Lillianaire: (LiLLiLiCiOUS of Galicia)
570. StayPimpin: (IDriveABenz of Scania)
571. vietking96: (bagassassin of Scania)
572. SampleID: (NotoriousKJ of Scania)
573. FallOfMan: (HumpBabies of Bera)
574. xxmatthero21: (matthero21 of El Nido)
575. Andreww: (AnaIExorcist of Bera)
576. andy412: (Mechanic509 of Bera)
577. Ratchetness: (SwagFenrir of Scania)
578. dcp88: (Sacred3478 of Nova)
579. CowsGoMoooooooo: (FrenchSalad of Scania)
580. SuzakuSeishi: (Hyouwell of El Nido)
581. Keithsoul: (KeithCditX3 of El Nido)
582. poopiedoopi98: (poopiedoopi9 of El Nido)
583. Eucalyptus: (WiIdgrass of El Nido)
584. Valued: (Excavates of Bera)
585. abilas26: (OneManShad of Bera)
586. xthatkat: (xPurpleLce of Scania)
587. Mapler314: (Oblvion0610 of Broa)
588. Silver5101: (RadiantGas of Zenith)
589. Dragon301: (aznrangerz15 of Galicia)
590. Haitienne: (Gaufriere of Broa)
591. LegitEnough: (reguiarshow of Bera)
592. yugidude: (Yugidude3536 of Bera)
593. remuchi: (EzMails of Yellonde)
594. xSchoolgirlx: (CakePocky of Bera)
595. ninja2997: (SilverwolfR of Windia)
596. ToastyPop: (EnmyRemnants of Bera)
597. Icemage222: (SignoreFred of Broa)
598. BrendanL: (LaGlory of Broa)
599. Haruke: (TehDualBlade of Khaini)
600. kira3760: (TheLostRuler of Broa)
601. Deimios: (Angelic of Scania)
602. lmm616: (AranReymar of Bera)
603. jjgpirate: (jjgpirate of Yellonde)
604. JonsDemon: (JonsDagger of Mardia)
605. Tenka: (XavierTenka of Yellonde)
606. AznGamer24: (Siinze of El Nido)
607. Bowser: (Pepermintbow of Windia)
608. Noobdit92575: (SoBatman of Mardia)
609. ViPrincess: (HiMeKisses of Broa)
610. TooSxcee: (RLDEmyPOLE of Arcania)
611. KowaiiNiisan: (UreshiiJames of Broa)
612. 2KLeaves: (2KFeurii of Windia)
613. ColinLam: (TresBeauty of Broa)
614. Yorkelyorkel: (yorkelyorkel of Broa)
615. kevin64811: (IAmEnPassant of Broa)
616. BuccOffPlease: (buccoffbro of Bera)
617. caelanseto: (solitarypt of Galica)
618. noodleacc3: (SakuraElves of Khaini)
619. Player45: (minheals of Windia)
620. inuyasha520: (MeepMeap of Bera)
621. iLuvMining: (oliveade of Scania)
622. pholox: (ohhAndrew of Bera)
623. JasonAlonzo: (Archeroic of Khaini)
624. tcloudn1te: (iTinkleEasy of Windia)
625. jurmp: (Jurmp of Broa)
626. NinjkaMag: (YotoPage of Bellocan)
627. Fiikachu: (iaycie of Broa)
628. oiwio: (Be4uGO of Khaini)
629. Morokoo: (Nocteus of Mardia)
630. Aeronomx: (Aeronomx of Scania)
631. derpinDrk: (CurseElf of Windia)
632. Stooge: (Avekz of Mardia)
633. CatchATrain: (Umperor of Windia)
634. eerie: (eerieshadow of Bellocan)
635. mickery: (HypeXFreeze of Broa)
636. BadCereal: (Kaaeevo of Scania)
637. Sheepking88: (SoulessDit88 of Scania)
638. lil2random: (lil2randomx3 of Broa)
639. hockeyman: (EvansDracos of Scania)
640. GuttsAndGore: (Gutzandgore of Broa)
641. DrDonkers: (ATDonkers of Windia)
642. alexie828: (PhantomCiele of Broa)
643. JustBeHonest: (Xaledes of Windia)
644. anisbro007: (heinousdude of Windia)
645. spatula: (MercenaryBoi of Windia)
646. Shayupi: (ShadShayupi of Scania)
647. 1stdumbkid: (DeadMeat2000 of Scania)
648. triiggerhappy: (triigerhappy of Bellocan)
649. Jawan: (MrFreeTEMPO of Khaini)
650. rai93: (RayIsNinja of Broa)
651. Raika: (SashaSnow of Chaos)
652. ConeFail: (GerbilFeces of Galicia)
653. ohba1480: (ohba of Bera)
654. jae923: (MwaGUSTA of Khaini)
655. bleachedguy: (PieTeEvan of Zenith)
656. iHezDied: (Usemarne of Broa)
657. orangeking11: (orange111 of Broa)
658. boblol69: (arannubbob96 of Scania)
659. ShadeCaro: (VeloShade of Khaini)
660. st9540734: (pxPIRATExq of Broa)
661. tobi98: (ImExo of Bera)
662. lVlarroan: (MercofMusic of Khaini)
663. wallnuts: (Wallnutts of Windia)
664. Walternate: (Walternate of Bellocan)
665. brandona88: (OoTWBoO of Windia)
666. Geredmer: (lycrai of Scania)
667. sallybahaha: (sallymonkey of Galicia)
668. motoconcho: (PepiDexless of Bera)
669. KenyanSoup: (Andylex of Khaini)
670. Thupie: (Swallowe of Galicia)
671. moremsplox: (xVMoshaVx of Khaini)
672. NightCodex: (Blizzardwoif of Demethos[GMS])
673. SuperSaiyan: (Assthetic of Broa)
674. strata99: (AdamTsssk of bera)
675. 4thJobSeries1: (4thJobSeries of Scania)
676. JoshJoshJosh: (Ziiirrrkkkk of Broa)
677. armeddragon: (ToDKusanagi of Broa)
678. HardKore113: (DubstepzYo of Broa)
679. Erag0n1: (Erag0n1 of Bera)
680. urwetdream99: (ItsMyMonkey of Chaos)
681. zeroorhero9x: (AranIceHeroZ of Scania)
682. kenshin948: (kenshin324 of Broa)
683. Zzyncookie: (ZZyncookie of Bera)
684. Valynard: (Valynard of Windia)
685. MultiSkills: (BrycesEBM of Windia)
686. marimois: (iGotMirLikeU of Windia)
687. FearYourself: (rnorphine of Broa)
688. b14z3: (BlazeDaAran of Bera)
689. iflickflies: (SavyStabs of Windia)
690. MesoDave: (SushiDave of Windia)
691. willca1: (willca4 of Scania)
692. Canes: (Cactes of Broa)
693. BankRobbery: (Hunt of Windia)
694. ColdFridge: (JesusRice of Broa)
695. Jingyang: (J2theY of Broa)
696. puretppc: (puretppc of Windia)
697. UltraMeda: (UltraMeda of Broa)
698. AlxMcDohl: (RaimyLebeaux of Khaini)
699. Sjoooberg: (Raasmouss of Chaos)
700. loret1234: (twistedskilz of Broa)
701. alex2040: (1337 of Scania)
702. AnnaDragon: (tailorswift of Arcania)
703. HeroWithRice: (HeroWithRice of Bera)
704. darkpolearm: (Darkrey3 of Yellonde)
705. CandNrock: (lHypnoOUA of Broa)
706. Kyndril: (xXkyndrilXx of Khaini)
707. Omrawr: (iTwistBlunts of Bera)
708. Clashofpower: (VexPwn of Bera)
709. faiheartles: (Xenofai of Broa)
710. NoNsensical: (SilverKimono of Windia)
711. linux99: (MLIBros of Bellocan)
712. blazzy: (itzbrandonxd of Broa)
713. Killyou2858: (Killyou2858 of Scania)
714. SupRyan: (StrangIing of Broa)
715. kloana: (iBanee of El Nido)
716. Crossfire242: (AxiSwagger of Bera)
717. Dualnl1: (Dualnl1 of Scania)
718. crazejason: (cheezxburgaz of Khaini)
719. PinkGreen: (AuraBlow of Kradia[EMS])
720. Danix20: (Sxkaia of Bellocan)
721. GeminiBladeZX: (GeminiMageZX of Demethos[GMS])
722. kooner729: (MrBulletMan of Scania)
723. toastyc12: (SugarSouffIe of Broa)
724. PureCaneSoda: (Auracuious of Broa)
725. 32CKait: (lpere of Scania)
726. gummygraham: (IceComputer of Scania)
727. Tokeb: (Dokeb of Bera)
728. iHezDied: (Usemarne of Broa)
729. Babycomb: (Chancakies of Bera)
730. benjamin2708: (BeanieBenjiC of Broa)
731. Dexless4R1E1: (ArielKHA of Khaini)
732. ZestySoup: (ZestyStab of Mardia)
733. epicpwn24: (TopicalLolz of Broa)
734. jaga001: (PhantomOO7 of Nova)
735. harnadek: (shirpashirpa of Khaini)
736. PyroWizard45: (DefierOfFate of Bera)
737. SuberKieran: (SuberBlader of Bellocan)
738. Fiercerain: (SkipperPiece of Scania)
739. Sssio: (Idomylaws of Broa)
740. destrutionx: (DarklordZX0 of Broa)
741. SushiRoII: (mauxanhh of Broa)
742. iMelodyxD: (xRaWrRxDx of Broa)
743. EarthlyGoose: (PropaneTanks of Scania)
744. Mystelteinn: (Mystelteinn of Broa)
745. xLoveKillz: (Sawdz of Windia)
746. eskomobob5: (TouchMyMoney of Bera)
747. Zylux: (MaskBearing of Broa)
748. xxrikku360xx: (miniansu7 of Windia)
749. xXAranNightzXx: (XAranNightzX of Broa)
750. Rianael: (Rianael of Arcania)
751. dew365: (SilenttSword of Scania)
753. o0dante0o: (TwistedRail of Broa)

April 7, 2013

45 Comments • Newest first


arise oh dead thread, arise!

Reply December 12, 2014

These are copy/paste of Snovvy's petitions

Reply October 12, 2014

Having a petition on basil on having him banned won't happen since game masters don't really come here

Reply October 12, 2014

a n i m e

Reply October 12, 2014

Hahaha, look at all these filler names he just randomly plucked from places just to fill up the supporters' section.

As Colress said so eloquently, "I disagree."

Reply April 20, 2013

I don't even know you ... why is my IGN here? ._.

Reply April 14, 2013

Won't work anyway, keep wasting your time OP.

Reply April 9, 2013

[quote=akablackthug]Well since coreview openly admitted to hacking, I will sign this petition to ban him. But OP, please correct your list of supporters because i can easily tell that it's fake[/quote]
Yeah, so nice ign. Did you happen to bot those energizers also?

Reply April 9, 2013

[quote=LikedBandit]Dude (or viet girl, I honestly don't even know anymore), I had more respect for you than this. To steal someone else's list of supporters and non-supporters for your very own greed is just low. You hacking 6:53 and then wanting someone else that didn't beat you to be banned for doing the same thing just pushes you down even further. Stop saying 'THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR SUPPORT!' when only 1 person who posted was actually on your side. You're just delusional because you can't get your own way.[/quote]
but his 6:53 was beat when he got it and he didn't get the gloves. after that he stopped trying

Reply April 8, 2013

Dude (or viet girl, I honestly don't even know anymore), I had more respect for you than this. To steal someone else's list of supporters and non-supporters for your very own greed is just low. You hacking 6:53 and then wanting someone else that didn't beat you to be banned for doing the same thing just pushes you down even further. Stop saying 'THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR SUPPORT!' when only 1 person who posted was actually on your side. You're just delusional because you can't get your own way.

Reply April 8, 2013

never signed this s***

Reply April 8, 2013

Lol, even if Scott were banned, he'd find a way to come back. Or Chris would hog dojo. Fake petition, Richard trolls every day and he hacks himself pls. okay I'm out.

Reply April 7, 2013

@vi3tGirlv58: Add me on your petition! Seems like he's completely ruining the game.

Reply April 7, 2013

@staydead: You don't know if another one will pop up. I doubt any other hacker wants to go every single day like coreview does. You actually need commitment to do that. All of the other hackers I've met want the gloves for the week and that's it. It always seems like Broans are the only ones complaining about hackers in dojo and this rank 1 spot hogger (that includes me). Scania? Nope. Windia? Nope. Bera? Nope. All nope. Remove him, then everyone including hackers can have the gloves every week. I don't have a problem with that.

Reply April 7, 2013

[quote=EatNow]@staydead last time I checked, no one else goes dojo every single day to intentionally hog the first spot. It's usually once a week for everyone else. Plenty of chances to get rank 1 even with a 9 minute time.[/quote]

That would be because there's no real point in hogging #2 spot every day and coreview has no contest. If you rid broa of him another will just sprout up. He's simply the posterboy of hacking because nobody can pass him, but I've seen plenty of low 7 minute times done by other hackers. No legit stands a chance so long as bubbletea has such op hacks. The fastest (proven) legit dojo time I've seen was Kelvins AB pre nerf and even a mediocre hacker could contest it.

Reply April 7, 2013 - edited

@nitsua2789 : Here's both of them, actually. The reason why people are duplicated on both supporting and not supporting lists is because he took two of the most popular petitions from last September.

[url=]Supporter List[/url] - Petition for Old PvP
[url=]Non-Supporter List[/url] - Petition to Unban MTSnovvy before MTS was Deleted

[quote=EatNow]@Andwoos anyone from any world can tell he's a hacker. It is impossible for a kaiser to obtain a time of less than 7 minutes legitimately. Only job able to pull that off legitly is AB (not even sure if ABs can anymore, with their huge nerf).[/quote]

You mean anyone that actually pays attention or participates in Ranked Dojo. After all, I don't pay attention to the times or participate in Ranked Dojo, so I clearly wouldn't know how to spot a hacker by their time.

Reply April 7, 2013 - edited

@Skarppp: kelvin must be so mad at you..

Reply April 7, 2013 - edited

[quote=EatNow]@staydead last time I checked, no one else goes dojo every single day to intentionally hog the first spot. It's usually once a week for everyone else. Plenty of chances to get rank 1 even with a 9 minute time.

@Andwoos anyone from any world can tell he's a hacker. It is impossible for a kaiser to obtain a time of less than 7 minutes legitimately. Only job able to pull that off legitly is AB (not even sure if ABs can anymore, with their huge nerf).

coreview is one of Broa's biggest sadists. I would love it if he got chain/ip banned like his other buddies, but hey, Nexon is only so competent.[/quote]

Oh you didn't know o.o .. I was chain banned along with all of my guild but I had all my accounts with my equips/ good chars temp banned so they were saved from the chain ban because I hadn't logged onto them in a couple weeks

Reply April 7, 2013 - edited

I [quote=Crescere]Are you Olaf?[/quote]

50% chance he is XD

Reply April 7, 2013 - edited

Are you Olaf?

Reply April 7, 2013 - edited

did you just add random people into your petition?

eh no thank you, I think you're just trolling

Reply April 7, 2013 - edited

I'm not even underpaying anymore lmfao
nice try tho

Reply April 7, 2013 - edited

[quote=Andwoos]Oh, for those of you wondering how you got on this list, [url=]this[/url] may look familiar.

@AsianPeople Thank you <3[/quote]

So we have the origin of the non-supporter list. Wonder how he got the supporter list.

Also, please remove me from your List as well, I've never spoken with you about any such matter.

Reply April 7, 2013 - edited

[quote=GrammarJew]Aren't you that guy whose "mom" made a thread that still makes the front page?[/quote]

You just made my day sir

Reply April 7, 2013 - edited

Richard, I've seen your times, and those are no where close to getting you #1 lol... so stop being a hypocritical fool (u use hacks yourself)

Reply April 7, 2013 - edited

Copy and pasting the list from mtsSnowy? You're full of Donkey poo, fyi, 8:43 wont get you #1.

Reply April 7, 2013 - edited

I'll join this petition.

Reply April 7, 2013 - edited

@staydead last time I checked, no one else goes dojo every single day to intentionally hog the first spot. It's usually once a week for everyone else. Plenty of chances to get rank 1 even with a 9 minute time.

@Andwoos anyone from any world can tell he's a hacker. It is impossible for a kaiser to obtain a time of less than 7 minutes legitimately. Only job able to pull that off legitly is AB (not even sure if ABs can anymore, with their huge nerf).

coreview is one of Broa's biggest sadists. I would love it if he got chain/ip banned like his other buddies, but hey, Nexon is only so competent.

Reply April 7, 2013 - edited

I support this

Reply April 7, 2013 - edited


Reply April 7, 2013 - edited

Scott! We love you. Please dont get banned.

Reply April 7, 2013 - edited

Who are you..? Stop putting my IGN on your stupid list.

Reply April 7, 2013 - edited

[quote=christmaseav]How am I on the non-support list?.... I don't recall talking to you, EVER. My character is also banned and this is my first post on Basil in a long while. Besides, didn't you leave/quit Dream alliance because you're a hacker yourself?


Oh, for those of you wondering how you got on this list, [url=]this[/url] may look familiar.

@AsianPeople Thank you <3

Reply April 7, 2013 - edited

@Skarppp: See, that's why I mentioned I'm not from Broa, so I wasn't going to call you a hacker since I didn't know. I just find it funny that he's essentially whining about someone 1-uping him and wants to see them banned for his own personal gain.

Reply April 7, 2013 - edited

[quote=vi3tGirlv58] HE IS A HACKER.[/quote]

[Citation needed]

And for that matter, where did you get that big list of "people who support you" ?

Reply April 7, 2013 - edited

Aren't you that guy whose "mom" made a thread that still makes the front page?

Reply April 7, 2013 - edited

[quote=Andwoos]Even though I'm not in Broa...

You give us one screenshot of him and his top time, yet he [b]always[/b] has the top spot and he's the only reason why you can't have the top spot. You could give us more, especially since you could have just given us his lowest time just to accuse him of hacking.

Also, I see you have VIP equips and a Lucky Guy medal. You could just try to buy a pair of gloves that match or better Dojo gloves.[/quote]

I'm not here to Deny I am not a hacker because if you're in broa you should know I am. But to come here and see this kid who has also hacked dojo and been beat, try to frame me even when other legits can get 7:16-8:10 and beat his legit time like nothing is annoying. Also this petition is fake. you can find multiple names under both support and non-supporters
Also 7:10 time. Don't make me laugh

Reply April 7, 2013 - edited

I can't express my happiness for all your support guys!

Reply April 7, 2013 - edited

Even though I'm not in Broa...

You give us one screenshot of him and his top time, yet he [b]always[/b] has the top spot and he's the only reason why you can't have the top spot. You could give us more, especially since you could have just given us his lowest time just to accuse him of hacking.

Also, I see you have VIP equips and a Lucky Guy medal. You could just try to buy a pair of gloves that match or better Dojo gloves.

Edit: This post does [b]not[/b] make me a supporter or a non-supporter. It's purpose is to signify that you are trying to bring a negative image of another player with extremely minimal evidence.

Reply April 7, 2013 - edited

The hell is this?

Reply April 7, 2013 - edited

To everyone who read this thread, this thread is fake. I did not sign any petition. To this guy- how dare you frame me.

edit- I'm #46

edit2- if coreview is #1 dojo hogger, what do you call UrSoQT?

Reply April 7, 2013 - edited

There are faster people than you not dojoing because of coreview, getting one person banned isn't going to help you. specially since he can just make a new character and still dojo faster than you by level 150. I'm just saying. Also take me off your list, you never asked for my support so I don't belong in either of your categories.

Reply April 7, 2013 - edited

I must agree with ^. Aoe(OP) got 6:53 in dojo a few months ago then quit Dream Alliance after he got his hacked dojo time (Biggest legit alliance in broa) and he is calling me a hacker. and a few of the broans on the list wouldn't sign this petition. stop making up fake names for this. sage. Also you just got 9:04 in dojo which is an easy time to beat for a legit even. goodbye to that

Reply April 7, 2013 - edited

You and your 6:53 DOJO TIME.

Reply April 7, 2013 - edited

Thank you everybody who is supporting me!

Reply April 7, 2013 - edited