

Should I join Model Un?

My friends want me to join, but I'm hesitating a lot. First off, I don't even know what you do in MUN, so I'm hoping someone could explain that. xD

Secondly, I'm more of a shy and introverted person. I want to join MUN because I'm hoping it would help me with my public speaking skills (which is literally 0). But at the same time, I'm still scared to talk. Not only that, but there's a crap ton of smart people and I'm not even that smart, so I'm afraid of being wrong. I really want to overcome my fear, but I don't know if MUN is the right club to do so. >.>

Soo, yeah. I'd also like to know experiences of current/former members of the club.

October 4, 2013

7 Comments • Newest first


@Vinathi: It varies from conference to conference.

I'm not sure about where you live, but in my area, typical day conferences are $20-40, while bigger hotel conferences range from $160-$200.

Reply October 4, 2013

[quote=benjamin2708]You should definitely try it out.

I only started Model UN half a year ago, but every single conference so far has been amazing experiences for me.

I was in a similar situation as you were, where I had no public speaking skills whatsoever, but MUN has changed me. Not only does it improve oral language skills, but it also boosts confidence, as well as critical thinking.

Attending conferences can be expensive, but I think it's worth the price.[/quote]

You have to pay for conferences? How much did you have to pay? o_o

Reply October 4, 2013

You should definitely try it out.

I only started Model UN half a year ago, but every single conference so far has been amazing experiences for me.

I was in a similar situation as you were, where I had no public speaking skills whatsoever, but MUN has changed me. Not only does it improve oral language skills, but it also boosts confidence, as well as critical thinking.

Attending conferences can be expensive, but I think it's worth the price.

Reply October 4, 2013

Join it! If you really want to join don't let your fears stop you! The best thing for public speaking in my opinion is just doing it more often and getting more experienced. There isn't really a trick to make you automatically good at it but there are tips. It is a good extra curricular to have and at the same time it helps you develop very valuable skills. Personally I am not in MUN but do debate and I hear its kind of similar. Either way if you find it interesting (even better that your friends are in it) then you should definitely join. Don't let yourself be scared into doing something. Don't be intimidated by so called "smart" people, who cares what they think. I've met really stuck up smart people and honestly most of the time they're not even like naturally smart but rather they study a lot.

Reply October 4, 2013

I think it's something like Modeling the United Nations so
you talk about problems of the world and act out how you would have handled the situation.
I'm not 100% sure.

Reply October 4, 2013

i joined the student council so i could be closer to my kaichou-sama

Reply October 4, 2013

i was about to join this club but I had no time (twerk team and crap).

gl lol

Reply October 4, 2013