

The Renewed Cwkpq Guide

New Guide to CWKPQ with old info but will be updating as I encounter new information

[b]To Be Added:[/b]
Different paths to CWKPQ entrance
More Boss Drops
More Bonus Drops
Job Specifications


I will explain each stage in detail and how the PQ works in essence.

[header]Basic Rules[/header]
You must be level 90+ to do the PQ, but i recommend being 110+ to actually do something especially archers.
You are only allowed to do the PQ 2 times a day.
After completing the PQ a 2nd time, you must wait 24 hours exactly to go again. (Also unconfirmed, It seems you could go once on 1 day, then twice on another day.)
Haste and Teleport are Required in order to complete the PQ.
You must wait between 2-5 minutes between each PQ. (It says you must wait 15 minutes between each PQ, but it's either glitched or changed)
---(Recommended you cc when you finish to go again) (Changing leaders and remaking expedition also works) (Some times have proven ineffective no matter what)
There are 5 MoN's per PQ. These are pendants with stats average to 10 Att, 10 M. Att, and 5 all stats.
These pendants are unable to be scrolled or gain potential and are also untradeable, however they are extractable for item crystals.

Each Stage will be different from the previous stages, but 3 of the stages are extremely similar to each other.
There are a total of 7 stages. The 6th stage is the boss stage and the 7th stage is the bonus stage.

[header]How to GET THERE[/header]

[b]For everyone:[/b]
You Can be Doored from the Crimsonwood Keep: Courtyard Map
You can family warp to the Crimsonwood Keep: Courtyard Map

[b]To get through Phantom Forest without flying mounts or high vertical jump skills like Bowmasters, Kaisers, etc:[/b]
1. Head to the Haunted House in NLC
2. Walk to the left to the Swamp Bog
3. Walk to the left some more to the Crossroads (2)
4. Take the 2nd portal from the right to Twisted Paths (1)
5. Go left until the first portal you reach (2nd from left) and take it to Twisted Paths (2)
6. Go right until the first portal you reach (2nd from right) and take it to Twisted Paths (3)
7. Take the portal you appear on (Far Right) to Crossroads (2)
8. Take the top right portal to the Forgotten Path
9. Take the bottom left portal to Twisted Paths (4)
10. Take the far right portal to Twisted Paths (5)
11. Go left until the second portal you reach (2nd from left) and take it to Crossroads (3)
12. Take the top left portal to Forgotten Path
13. Carefully make your way to the top left portal to Valley of Heroes 1
-Refer to Crimsonwood Mountain section for further details if required

[b]To get through Phantom Forest with flying mounts or high vertical jump skills like Bowmasters, Kaisers, etc:[/b]
1. Head to the Haunted House in NLC.
2. Walk to the left to the Swamp Bog.
3. Walk to the left some more to the Crossroads.
4. Jump up to the upper platforms and take the top right portal to the Forgotten Path.
5. Jump all the way up and take the very far top left portal to the Valley of Heroes 1.
-Refer to Crimsonwood Mountain section for further details if required

[b]To get through Crimsonwood Mountain[/b]
1. Pass the Jump Quest in Valley of Heroes 1 to get to Valley of Heroes 2. Tip: If you have enough HP or MP with magic guard, just walk through the pillar.
2. Pass the Jump Quest in Valley of Heroes 2 to get to Lower Ascent. Same Tip applies
3. Climb to either the Top left or Top middle portals to the Path of Strength or Path of Peril
4. In either Map, head to the top most portal to the Upper Ascent
5. Head to the top most portal to Crimsonwood Keep
6. When you finally reach the area with big red Crimson Guardians, head into the portal above them to the Courtyard.
7. Enter the keep.
8. Inside the keep, head left to find a portal on the stairs and take it to the top right of the map. Click the door to enter to the PQ entrance.

[b]To get to CWKPQ with Map of Phantom Forest and Marker of Heroism[/b]
-These are items obtained from quests in NLC which starts from Jack and John Barricade
1. Head to Haunted House in NLC
2. Walk to the left to the Swamp Bog
3. Take the Ninja Portal in the top middle of the map to Crossroads
4. Take the Ninja Portal at the top right of the map to Forgotten Path
5. Take the top left portal to the Valley of Heroes 1
6. Press up on the 1st statue right after the Sage NPC
7. Press up on 3 more statues to advance quickly through the map
8. Enter the portal to Valley of Heroes 2
9. Press up on the nearby statue
10. Press up on 3 more statues to advance quickly through the map
11. Simply Follow the path now to Crimsonwood Keep or refer to Crimsonwood Mountain section if you get confused

[header]Applying to CWKPQ[/header]

The CWKPQ no longer requires prequests or items to host the party quest.
In order for you to CWKPQ, you must have 2 of each class of mapler.
-Class: Jobs that counts towards this class
2 Warriors: Adventurer, Dawn Warrior, Aran, Demon Slayer
2 Archers: Adventurer, Wind Archer, Mercedes, Wild Hunter
2 Mages: Adventurer, Blaze Wizard, Evan, BattleMage, Kanna, (Xenon, Kaiser, Zero count as mages)
2 Thieves: Adventurer, Night Walker
2 Pirates: Adventurer, Thunder Breaker, Cannoneer-(count as 2 pirates), Mechanic

Phantom, Luminous, Demon Avenger don't count as any job upon sign up, but can still participate.

Angelic Buster can participate, unconfirmed whether it counts towards something.
Hayato can participate, unconfirmed whether it counts towards something.

Unsure Jobs:
Beast Tamer, Jett

If you have strong enough people, but not 2 of each job, then you can get fillers to sign up for the PQ, but not go inside. (Recommended for professional CWKPQers)

You have the ability to kick people and check the list just like a Scarlion and Targa Run.

The leader then Forms the group and enters alone, the other members must then click Jack to proceed inside to the 1st stage.

[header]Stage 1: Find the Portal[/header]

After entering the Party quest, you will see Jack again and many pillars.

One person must speak to Jack and then everyone must go to the 4th pillar and press up on it. This is the secret portal.
This pillar can be easily identified as a pillar right before a large Lion Shield on the wall

If you stay in this stage too long, monsters will spawn and give you a hassle.

[header]Stage 2: The Sigils[/header]

Upon entering, you will see some tower like structures with orbs upon them. These are called Sigils.
There are 5 sigils in this map.
Each sigil is connected to a certain Job.
The order of the sigils from left to right are:
Warrior, Archer, Mage, Thief, Pirate

CURRENTLY ANY JOB CAN ACTIVATE ANY SIGIL WITH A 3rd or 4th JOB ATTACK or A REGULAR ATTACK (glitch i would guess, but its been that way for a while)

Until the Glitch is fixed, this next part is basically useless.
To activate the Warrior Sigil:
Heros: --
Paladins: --
Dark Knights: --
Dawn Warrior: --
Demon Slayers: --

To activate the Bowman Sigil:
Bowmasters: --
Marksman: --
Wind Archer: --
Mercedes: --
Wild Hunters: --

To activate the Mage Sigil:
Arch Mage F/P: --
Arch Mage I/L: --
Bishop: --
Blaze Wizard: --
Evan: --
Battlemage: --

To activate the Thief Sigil:
Night Lord: --
Shadower: --
Dual Blades: --
Night Walker:--

To activate the Pirate Sigil:
Corsair: --
Buccaneer: --
Cannoneer: --
Mechanic: --

Activate all 5 sigils, and the portal between the thief and pirate sigils will open.

[header]Stage 3: The Sigil Jump Quest[/header]

Welcome to Hell. This will most likely be the hardest stage for all jobs. After you get used to it, it gets quite easy.

This stage will have 5 sigils again as well.
Use the skills to activate your respected sigil.
The sigils are in the same order now except that the sigils are now from the warrior on the bottom, to the pirate on the top.

It kinda looks like this: (The sigil locations, not the map itself)


When each sigil is activated, connected pillars will move along the jump quest.
These pillars knock you down to 100 hp unless you have a defense buff like magic guard.
Dark sight will not work and neither will an invincibility skill like Smokescreen and Holy Magic Shell.

At the end of the jump quest is an activation portal.
This activation portal requires the 5 sigils to be activated to open.
When open, 5 players must pass through the activation portal.
The portal at the [b]Entrance[/b] to the stage 3 opens up to stage 4.

[header]Stage 4: The Sigil Search[/header]

This sigils are now placed at the edges of a cluttered combination of platforms, fires, and stirges.
There is 1 sigil for each job, but there are extra sigils that are fakes. You can tell if they are fake if they don't spin or if they spin too fast.
The sigils spawn randomly, but generally:
Thief sigil is usually on left side
Mage and Archer Sigils are usually at the top
Warrior sigil usually is on the right
Pirate Sigil is usually on left or right
The stirges and fires disappear with accordance to the people standing on the platforms at the bottom of the map. (Which platforms does what-TBD)
When all 5 real sigils are activated, the portal opens to the next stage.

[header]Stage 5: Main Hallway[/header]

This room is an exact duplicate to the room back in the CrimsonWood Keep outside of the PQ, except for maybe a few things.
Each row has a statue.
There is a different door in the mid right of the room.
The Giant Statue is missing its weapons.

Here are each job's part.

Warrior: (Can be accessed by: Adventurer, Dawn Warrior, Aran, Demon Slayer, Kaiser)
At the Bottom Left of this map is the Warrior Statue.
It explains that you must kill the Crimson Guardians and advance to the statue.
Talk to the Statue after killing the Guardians to get the Sword.
Exit the room and place the sword under the mouth of the Giant Statue, just like in the Main Room in the CWK.

Bowman: (Can be accessed by: Adventurer, Wind Archer, Wild Hunter, Mercedes)
At the Mid Left of this map is the Bowman Statue.
It explains that you must kill these Black Guardians and then talk to the statue.
This is the hardest of the jobs because these monsters have 7 million HP. (Roughly)
There are about 7 of them.
When you talk to the Statue and get the Bow, Exit the room.
Place the bow at the far left part of his bottom right fist, just like in the Main Room in the CWK.

Mage: (Can be accessed by: Adventurer, Blaze Wizard, Evan, Battlemage) (Luminous cannot access)
At the Top Left of this map is the Mage Statue.
It explains that you must teleport past the walls and find the statue.
There are 3 different types of rooms.
1. The door spawns in the middle of the room. (The statue spawns in random spots, so search for it.)
2. The door spawns on the right side of the room.
3. The door spawns on the left side of the room.
Room #3 is glitched.
This means you cannot teleport back out unless you have a long enough vertical teleport or use Dragon Blink. To get out of this glitch, you must go near the far right side of the room, close to the statue. There is a small block that you can jump down to the platform below it, while hugging a wall. If you hold left while jumping down, you will fall all the way down through the floor and reappear at the door. That is how you get out of the glitch.
Talk to the statue and get the staff.
Exit the room.
Place the Staff on the top left hand of the Statue.

Thief: (Can be accessed by: Adventurer, Night Walker, Phantom, Xenon)
The Thief Statue is located at the Bottom Right of this map.
It explains that you use Dark sight and Flash jump to get around the map and close each Eye with your regular attacks.
When all eyeballs are closed, talk to the statue for the claw.
Exit the room, and place the Claw on the Top Right Fist of the Giant Statue.

Pirate: (Can be accessed by: Adventurer, Thunder Breaker, Mechanic)
The Pirate Statue is located at the Mid Right of this map.
It explains that you walk around in the room, hit the chests, and get the gun.
Find the gun in one of the 5 chests.
You then exit, and place the gun on the belt above the bow and next to the sword.

When all 5 objects have morphed onto the statue, the boss stage is then opened.

[header]Stage 6:The GrandMasters[/header]

There are 5 bosses here. Each boss drops a Mark of Naricain.

Someone will speak to the statue on the far right side, and spawn many monsters to include the Black Crimson Guardians, Windraiders, Stormbreakers, and Nightshadows.

When all of these monsters are killed, someone speaks to the statue again and spawns the bosses at all once.

The most preferred method for killing the bosses is to:
*Note* This is for people who cannot completely decimate the bosses.

Start with the Mage.

Kill the other 4 in any order of choosing.
Separate them through rushing skills if you have trouble taking them all at once.

The Mage can poison and zombify so bishops should be wary of healing, (unless you want to kill someone like me).
The Warrior can Buff and knockback. (Knockback unconfirmed)
The Archer can Stun and 1/1 (Unconfirmed)
The others are just attackers really.
These bosses are buffed from their older versions, so Level 130 and under non-warriors/mages may easily die.

List of Boss Drops:
Warrior Boss Red Nirg Drops:
Redner-Lvl 90
Mark of Naricain-Lvl 110 Pendant
Reverse Fennel -Lvl 120 Hat
Power Mane-Lvl 70 Hat
Askaron-Lvl 105 Two-Handed Sword
Machlear-Lvl 105 Pole Arm
Lapis Renewal-Lvl 105 Katana
Primm Vagabond-Lvl 105 Desperado
Lapis Sword-Lvl 105 One-Handed Sword
Reverse Bergamot-Lvl 120 Gloves
Reverse Taragon-Lvl 120 Overall
Bellum Spear-Lvl 105 Spear

Archer Boss Rellik Drops:
Spectrum Goggles-Lvl 70 Eye Accessory
Royal Adventure Suit-Lvl 80 Overall
Mark of Naricain-Lvl 110 Pendant
Reverse Rontano-Lvl 120 Shoes
Reverse Presto-Lvl 120 Gloves
Celestials-Lvl 105 Dual Bowguns

Mage Boss Margana Drops:
Smiling Mask-Lvl 25 Face Accessory
Arcana Crown-Lvl 70 Hat
Laevateinn-Lvl 105 (Staff or Wand)-unconfirmed
Mark of Naricain-Lvl 110 Pendant
Elemental Wand 1-Lvl 70 Wand
Reverse Hermosa-Lvl 120 Glove
Reverse Myst Blue-Lvl 118 Overall
Newborn Dragon God-Lvl 105 Fan
Reverse Cabatina-Lvl 120 Shoes
Elemental Staff 4-Lvl 103 Staff
Elemental Wand 3-Lvl 70 Wand
Lion Glass Scepter-Lvl 105 Beast Tamer Scepter
Turquoise Musketeer Cape-Lvl 95 Cape
Reverse Coral-Lvl 120 Hat

Thief Boss Hsalf Drops:
Nageling-Lvl 105 Dagger
Mark of Naricain-Lvl 110 Pendant
Crypto-Lvl 105 Claw
Blitz Helm-Lvl 70 Hat
Reverse Lubav-Lvl 120 Glove

Pirate Boss Nagrom Drops:
Reverse Conrad Henkel-Lvl 120 Hat
Gilded Titan-Lvl 105 Hand Cannon
Fish Fin-Lvl 105 Whip Blade (May be dropped from thief instead, or both. *Unconfirmed*)
Reverse Burgunt-Lvl 120 Overall
Reverse Faraon-Lvl 120 Shoes
Reverse Charlston-Lvl 120 Gloves
Crusio-Lvl 105 Knuckle

When all 5 bosses are defeated, someone speaks to the statue and then everyone proceeds through the door.
*Note* The next map is not a stage, just a hallway to the Bonus Stage.

[header]Stage 7:Bonus Stage[/header]
This stage is what it is. Bonus.

You will proceed into an empty hallway and then wait for the rest of your expedition to catch up before proceeding, to give everyone a fair chance at bonus.

When entering the bonus stage, there are many boxes scattered. Open the boxes for prizes.

There are a total of 30 boxes:
8 on the Top row split into 2 platforms.
8 on the 2nd row split into 2 platforms.
4 on the 3rd row split into 2 platforms.
4 on the 4th row split into 2 platforms.
6 on the Bottom row.

The prizes available are:
*Incomplete* *To be Alphabetized*
White Seal Cushion
Blackfist Cloak
Goldensoul Cape
Gun Att 70%
Knuckle Att 70%
Cape HP 30%
Cape MP 30%
Banana Graham Pie
Crushed Skull
Stormshear-Lvl 100 Spear
Green Mittens
Crimson Arcglaive-Lvl 100 Pole Arm
Berzerker-Lvl 90 Two-Handed Sword
Brown Adventurer Cape-Lvl 50 Cape
Red Belly Duke
Ssiws Cheese
Tao of Harmony
Tao of Sight
Tao of Shadows
Elemental Staff 7
Elemental Wand 5

[header]Ending Notes[/header]
Hope this guide helped anyone who didn't know how to do CWKPQ, how to get there, or what prizes are available.

February 28, 2014

8 Comments • Newest first


Perhaps you could provide a more detailed/updated guide on how to get to the Hall of Mastery map along with "The Totem of Death"

Reply February 28, 2014

[quote=Chinglez]You dimwit, there are 5 bosses now. You would know that if you read the patch notes

"The journey to Crimsonwood Keep is once more a grand adventure.

The Phantom Forest is a sprawling maze and the Valley of Heroes jump quest makes its return.
Once you reach Crimsonwood Keep, challenge the new and improved Twisted Masters. Not only have all the Twisted Masters been hitting the gym, but they have added a new member to their ranks.
[b]Nagrom the pirate will now join his fellows at the end of the Crimsonwood Keep PQ.[/b]."[/quote]

Please don't insult me, I know there's a fifth boss.
I just put up my old guide and am editing it since I cannot edit my old guide.
Have patience, I will place the information as I come upon it.

Reply February 28, 2014

You dimwit, there are 5 bosses now. You would know that if you read the patch notes

"The journey to Crimsonwood Keep is once more a grand adventure.

The Phantom Forest is a sprawling maze and the Valley of Heroes jump quest makes its return.
Once you reach Crimsonwood Keep, challenge the new and improved Twisted Masters. Not only have all the Twisted Masters been hitting the gym, but they have added a new member to their ranks.
[b]Nagrom the pirate will now join his fellows at the end of the Crimsonwood Keep PQ.[/b]."

Reply February 28, 2014 - edited

[quote=FluffyKing]Not bad, but you spelled the Swiss in Swiss Cheese as Ssiws.[/quote]

It is spelt as Ssiws cheese. If you pay attention to the storyline, you would know about Versal.

Reply February 28, 2014 - edited

[quote=FluffyKing]Not bad, but you spelled the Swiss in Swiss Cheese as Ssiws.[/quote]

It's actually ssiws.

EDIT: Ahh, too late.

Reply February 28, 2014 - edited

Item list needs updating and lul at all those skills.

Reply February 28, 2014 - edited

[quote=FluffyKing]Not bad, but you spelled the Swiss in Swiss Cheese as Ssiws.[/quote]

It's supposed to be that way. Ssiws is Swiss backwards.

Reply February 28, 2014 - edited

I just glanced at it real fast, didn't read through it but a few of the attacks don't seem renewed.

Arrow rain? Strafe? Those attacks were removed from bowmen during RED.

Reply February 28, 2014 - edited