

voltex89 #Chat Talk

General Chat

Father and son relationship Hello Basil First I want to mention that I am not here to troll. Me and my father never have been really close. I grew up with my mom while my father lived in another town about 30-45 minutes away. My mom raised me by herself mostly. My father never really came around except for christmas sometimes. I honestly think he did that so my mom wouldnt file for child support but she did in my teenage years anyhow. My father would come around for my birthday on some years though. Once a summer I would get to spend the weekend with him and some years he never showed up to pick me up. On one summer I got to spend a few weeks with him and he wasnt very nice to me. He made me work very hard and would often pick at me. He own

General Chat

15 year friendship died (Straight to the point) I have 4 friends and with me that makes 5 of us. (Chief, Kuja, Kirby, Snake, and Star which is me. Not real names obviously.) We all have known eachother since we were like 4 years old. We were the best of friends. Went to school together, had partys together, and played ms together. Eventually everyone grew up and got gf's. Now I'm not sexist or anything but this is where the real trouble started. Snake gave us all the boot for his gf and barely hung with us again. He and Kuja use to be really close buds. Snake never calls anyone anymore, doesnt chill with everyone anymore, and is mad in love with this girl who is his first gf. They are getting married soon. Kirby was the more quiet and shy o