wangqile123 #Chat Talk

General Chat

Is Bullying Ever Justified? I've been wondering, is bullying of any kind ever justified? I'm very curious what people's opinions are on this controversial topic. These are some arguments that I've come up with to justify each side. Arguments Justifying: -Why should I suffer for someone else's acceptance? -People need to learn from unacceptable mistakes that negatively impact a multitude of persons. -Some form of social intolerance is necessary for someone to grow as a person. Arguments Against: -It is very harmful to a person's health, as shown by numerous studies -It can lead to suicide if no intervention occurs -Bullying is a cycle that leads to much hate, and causes the cycle to repeat in some instances. If you think it's justified, plea

General Chat

Is there any Canadian law against this? So I'm in the middle of a simulation for civics class called "Civics Mirror" that runs on the same laws and systems as the Canadian government(part of my civics course, worth 1/3rd of my mark). I was wondering if there was a law against giving away property while you're being sued for it? I was suing someone for breaking a law when they gave what I was suing them for away, and I want to know if it's legal to to such a thing. Please help me! (if you saw my other thread, I locked it because it was in the wrong section)