

Cultural assimiliation bootcamp

Hey guys, for those of you who don't know much about me, well I came to the States 6 years ago, and it wasn't until the beginning of this semester that I actually have free time and socialize with people. Back then I spent most of my time studying and trying to get good grades. I've boosted up my confidence and courage to go up and talk to girls, after watching countless of Youtube videos on how to pick up girls and putting them into practice. However, I feel like something is lacking that I wasn't able to build connection with these girls I talk to, like I have no problem attracting them and get their numbers, but I can't seem to escalate to making deep connections with them, so I know something is wrong and I assume it's most likely due to my lack of cultural knowledge. So I want to ask you guys on giving me some tips on what shows do you watch or what kind of stuff y'all talking about in a daily basis, so that I can one more thing to talk about in my arsenal instead of memorizing cheesy pickup lines and try to get their numbers, lol.


November 30, 2013

7 Comments • Newest first


You need to understand pop culture present and past, politics, comedy, and typical American family values. You should watch all the VH1 "I Love The __" series (i.e. I Love The 70s, 80s, 90s, and New Millennium); the local news; political comedy shows; stand up comedy; every movie that has won an Oscar for Best Picture in at least the past 20 years; and briefly watch a few sitcoms about a family. The more you know about what is going on today, and how it relates to the past the more you'll have to talk about.

Reply November 30, 2013

No offense, but you sound like a total scrub. The way you think and the way you go about getting girls is just so dweeb. You need to not try so hard and loosen up. You think so weird and calculatingly; don't do that. This is real talk right here; no BS "tips." GO WORKOUT, get some friends (possibly a wingman), stop thinking of ways to "learn" how to get girls, loosen up, dress with more class, get more money, stop trying so hard, be more assertive, and stop being a creepy pushover; girls can sense confidence, it's like they can smell it, so stop being such a try-hard. Oh, and also have a hobby; preferably sports, but it can also be something sexy like dancing or cooking.

Reply November 30, 2013

You're not going to talk to them, get their number, then immediately have this deep connection. That chances of that happening are very slim. You have to talk frequently, relate to each other, then if it is meant to be, it will play out.

Reply November 30, 2013

Most girls like talking about Pokemon. Try that.

Reply November 30, 2013

Sounds like some psycho that thinks other people are just objects in some dream to control.

Waste of time relationships. or some quick carnival event, like a rollercoaster.

Reply November 30, 2013 - edited

[quote=TheDStar]lol watching youtube on how to pick up girl[/quote]

Yeah it might sound silly but that's how I did it. I watch a lot of videos from SimplePickup.

Reply November 30, 2013 - edited

lol watching youtube on how to pick up girl

Reply November 30, 2013 - edited