

willeh #Corsair Talk

General Corsair

Weird battleship glitch Okay so I found this very weird glitch today while playing my corsair, actually there were two glitches, but their effects were the same --- freezes the game for about 8 seconds, then everything goes back to normal. This happens whenever I dismount the battleship and then immediately grab onto a rope, by immediately I mean before the dismount animation finishes. Wherever I do this the game freezes at that single frame for about 8 seconds. If I waited half a second more for the animation to finish, then everything would be fine, same if I do this without the battleship or immediately after using recoil. Another time when this happens is when moving from on higher platform to a lower platform, again this only happens i

General Corsair

Corsair skill build, jolly roger or rapid fire? I've already maxed pirate's revenge, double down, ahoy mateys and saved 20 points for majestic presence since I couldn't find any book so far (if you have mastery book for MP, RF or JR I'll buy them!). Now I'm not sure if I should max RF or JR next, I'm planning to train mostly at lhc and maybe go on some boss runs once I find a nice guild, so which skill would be more useful to me? The +% attack of JR looks really good but since my range sucks I think maybe I'm better off just maxing RF first. Any suggestions? And p/c on corsair mastery books.

General Corsair

What to do as a sair? Ok so I just decided to pick up ms again after a 6 month break, and things have changed a lot. I find myself kind of lost here, I don't know where should I train, what can I do to make money, get equips, mastery books, etc. Overall I just don't know what do people around my lv range should do. I'm unfunded, so my dmg is pretty bad. Should I join a guild first so I can train faster and get some help? Or should I level up a bit and look for a guild? (I would assume that a lv137 nowadays is like nothing). Any kind of helpful advise is appreciated, thanks!