

wizardq #Firepoisonarchmage Talk

General Firepoisonarchmage

The rising fart conspiracy WARNING: There has been a rising fart conspiracy to completely rework the poison mist fart powers of the Fire Poison Mages. This must be stopped. ALL F/Ps are recommended to get level 10 paralyze before leaving the home, they are accusing farts of causing fainting:(, vomiting</3, and excessive abuse of the Nexon staff, this is an outrage! They have created a petition to turn our farts to water vapor to make them "safe". We must stop the conspiracy!

General Firepoisonarchmage

Just got an elewand6 Finally got an elemental wand 6, and I like the results! My range is now 6k-8k with meditation! paralyze also hits around 75k per hit! At level 130 i feel like I'm making good progress. Do you guys think 6-8k at 130 is pretty decent, I'm average funded so I'm hoping that my effort to get it wasn't for nothing. If you guys think its below average then please tell me so I know what to work on :/, no flaming or being a smart ass though please. Thanks! :D

General Firepoisonarchmage

Mobbing Post-RED Okay, I've been delaying this question for some time now hoping somebody else would ask it, but RED is around the corner and that hasn't happened yet. Right now, our mobbing pattern and our 1v1 pattern is focused around using ME as much as possible. When RED comes, ME will have its cool down removed, so does that mean we continue to spam Mist Eruption even on multiple mobs once we have all our possible DoTs on them? Would we just continue to use the Flame Haze + ME combo despite Flame Haze being single target? This should make sense since we try to use ME as much as possible now, so the same should apply after RED. Any discussion is appreciated. Thanks guys.

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