

Lucian/LOL question

So assuming your team has absolutely no CC, would it be a good choice to get a Rylai Crystal Scepter on Lucian, allowing him to land his Ult A LOT easier?

BTW, since it is Lucian and this is Basil, I have a feeling that most likely everyone is gonna make some racist jokes, so... don't...

August 25, 2013

14 Comments • Newest first


[quote=KaMdAm]No CC? Can you list a whole team comp with absolutely no crowd control? I'm too lazy to think of one.
And to answer your question, no.[/quote]

Shyvanna top
Master Yi jungle
Mordekaiser mid
Sivir adc
Nidalee supp?

Does that work?

Reply August 25, 2013

[quote=KaMdAm]No CC? Can you list a whole team comp with absolutely no crowd control? I'm too lazy to think of one.
And to answer your question, no.[/quote]
well i mean it is possible to do
yi - jungle
katarina - mid
nidalee - support
fiora/mordekaiser - top

but to make a team like that is retarded.

Reply August 25, 2013

[quote=wk70129]Well I sorta got the idea that Rylai MIGHT be a somewhat okay idea considering that Lucian is a kiting, chasing ADC, so the slow might have helped. I COMPLETELY forgot about P/hage (darn Basil mods) . I haven't really bought him, it that's in your mind, I'm just sorta wondering if there are any other possible builds besides the common Meta ADC build

Edit: @KaMdAm any idiot who chooses to support as draven, jg as heimer, mid as sona, and top as karthus... well u get my point.[/quote]

Jg heimer works, ap sona... U have no idea how good she is if u know how to land ur aa

Reply August 25, 2013

You pretty much just wanna stack damage on Lucian to take advantage of his double attacks after skill uses. That combined with the scaling on your skills allows for pretty good bursting throughout most stages of the game. He's not a great ADC or anything, but I'd say he's still viable, I'm still learning him though so idk.

Reply August 25, 2013 - edited

[quote=wk70129]Well I sorta got the idea that Rylai MIGHT be a somewhat okay idea considering that Lucian is a kiting, chasing ADC, so the slow might have helped. I COMPLETELY forgot about P/hage (darn Basil mods) . I haven't really bought him, it that's in your mind, I'm just sorta wondering if there are any other possible builds besides the common Meta ADC build

Edit: @KaMdAm any idiot who chooses to support as draven, jg as heimer, mid as sona, and top as karthus... well u get my point.[/quote]

I don't think there are people dumb enough to play those respective roles and champions in a ranked game.

Reply August 25, 2013 - edited

Well I sorta got the idea that Rylai MIGHT be a somewhat okay idea considering that Lucian is a kiting, chasing ADC, so the slow might have helped. I COMPLETELY forgot about P/hage (darn Basil mods) . I haven't really bought him, it that's in your mind, I'm just sorta wondering if there are any other possible builds besides the common Meta ADC build

Edit: @KaMdAm any idiot who chooses to support as draven, jg as heimer, mid as sona, and top as karthus... well u get my point.

Reply August 25, 2013 - edited

No CC? Can you list a whole team comp with absolutely no crowd control? I'm too lazy to think of one.
And to answer your question, no.

Reply August 25, 2013 - edited

@Instinct: Lucian actually uses Botrk quite well (assuming you didn't know), I pass on triforce and take a frozen mallet or shiv, but that's just me.

Reply August 25, 2013 - edited

@darkorbit6: Forgot what all of the changes were. So I'm just going to trust you.

Reply August 25, 2013 - edited

Lucian counters Renekton's malaria shield.

Reply August 25, 2013 - edited

The ult is something I use defensively or to just decimate creep waves at the enemy or friendly base. It's easy to land as you can simply strafe, but it is also easy to dodge.

@misterfuji99 triforce also no longer has icy if that's why you recommended it

Edit: His ult scaled the number of shots with attack speed, if I remember correctly

Edit 2: An alternate formula for calculating the number of shots fired is 13 / 15 / 17 (+1 per 20.9% / 17.4% / 14.9% AS). This formula may prove more useful for calculating the efficiency of builds outside of the game where AS is presented as a % bonus rather than as attacks-per-second.

Also, Rylai's slow bonus is 15% with his ult.

Reply August 25, 2013 - edited

stop spraying! learn to aim a headshot come on its not hard

Reply August 25, 2013 - edited

Lucian is a trash champ. unless he has some insane 2/3.0 ap ratios on his abilities, then no, don't build rylais.

if you want to kite, get bork, mallet, or p(h)age/triforce.
Also if you were getting rylais to land your ult easier, you would be getting it as your 5th/6th item. by the time you get item 5/6 your ult is almost obsolete, because your autos will do much more with a standard ADC build.

Reply August 25, 2013 - edited

I don't see how you could think buying a Rylai's will help.

On topic though, if you can't land it through sheer aim/skill, slows won't help you. It's a bad ultimate, and it does bad damage, it'd be better to just use it for clearing minion waves, and -maybe- pressuring in lane.

Reply August 25, 2013 - edited