Support questions

So I am maining support, but I'm only a Silver II scrub, so I might need some improvement...

1) Which supports are the BEST aggressive/all-in? poking? All-around?

2) Is it even worth getting Relic Shield now?

3) How do I counter Lulu and Morgana? I have a feeling the two might become strong picks eventually.

4) Anyone knows a website to find good synergies/counter?

5) Popular support picks and why?

December 10, 2013

16 Comments • Newest first


I got placed Silver II at the start of S3 by filling in, and as such, usually got support. I'm Silver V now because I was trying to hit Bronze V and just gave up trying to lose because I was stuck in Bronze I ~30 LP limbo.

I mostly play support. My friends would call me a support main, although I usually just pick whatever seems fun that I can get. Half a year ago, my Plat friend told me I was a mid-Gold-level support.

1) Which supports are the BEST aggressive/all-in? poking? All-around?
I usually play some weird unconventional supports, which I'll list in brackets, and conventional supports in parentheses. Questionable "supports" that are still "conventional" are in curly brackets and I highly disapprove of their usage.
- Aggressive/all-in supports (3-Leona, 4-Blitzcrank, 2-Thresh, 1-Taric, {1-Annie, 2-Morgana post-6}) [1-Nautilus, 2-Zac, 3-Jarvan IV, 4-Shen, 5-Galio, 6-Kennen]
- Poking supports (5-Nami, 1-Lulu, 2-Thresh, 3-Sona, 4-Zilean <- Though all very high tier {1-Fiddlesticks, 2-Morgana}) [4-Galio, 3-Ezreal, 1-Kennen, 2-Ziggs]
- Sustain supports <often extension of poking supports> (2-Soraka, 1-Taric, 5-Alistar, 3-Sona, 4-Nami) [2-Galio, 1-Shen]
- Disengage supports (1-Janna, 2-Alistar, 4-Thresh, 3-Zilean, {1-Fiddlesticks, 1-Morgana} <- tied) [3-Ziggs, 2-Galio, 1-Darius]
- Unknown tier but speculatively good <Xerath post-rework, Syndra>

I'm not even going to acknowledge Zyra as a support in any form because I'm still butthurt over the major nerfs they blew all over her to keep her from being a decent mage. I pretty much only took her when I went mid even after the first nerfs.

Each champ is ranked in terms of favorability in its group by the number preceding.

2) Is it even worth getting Relic Shield now?
Supports with low sustain that still poke or melee supports that leave room open for their carries to be hit should purchase Relic Shield if their base health meets superior gold efficiency for the passive.

Otherwise, no.

3) How do I counter Lulu and Morgana? I have a feeling the two might become strong picks eventually.
Lulu: Try to keep a timer on her ult. Don't force fights unless you meet one of the three following conditions: 1- Jungler is visible on the map and elsewhere, 2- Lulu's ult is down, 3- the enemy is low on health. The fact that Lulu can silence and slow the support at the same time makes her good for hard engages if you're not a bursty support or something. For Morgana, just jump on her pre-emptively so she either wastes her shield or has to use it at an unfavorable time. Or is dead and can't use the shield. She's a good counter to single-cc/gimmick supports like Blitzcrank; Thresh can still deal with her because he just hits stuff and sometimes makes them come closer to his wonderfully large lantern. Once Morgana hits a certain level, you really want to be wary of her snares, because if your carry gets caught out in one of those, there's no escape.

Err, tl;dr: Make sure their ults aren't going to tip the scales in their favors. Either have a stronger ult or make sure their ult(s) are down. If you're losing in the first place, there's not much I can help you with, since usually early losses in lane are the adc's fault.

4) Anyone knows a website to find good synergies/counter?
There's a close to comprehensive chart somewhere. It gets reposted all the time in LoL communities. Synergies/counters should be self-explanatory, though; if you don't know them or can't theorycraft them, you should probably try reading the tooltips over again and ruminating over it.

5) Popular support picks and why?
For me, my favorite supports are Nami and Zac. It's a lot easier to play the former, though, since people don't forget that the first trade is a guaranteed win with Zac's passive on Nami. No, they just forget that her E exists. Much less detrimental.

For runes on my supports, I take standard my standard AD lifesteal ones (includes one crit chance mark) on ranged. On melees, I prefer to get hybrid penetration + movement speed.
Masteries? I've always been taking the pickpocket thingie on ranged supports because I play hyperaggressively with autoattacks. Other than that, you want the biscuit one to greatly improve your start and sustain (the mana is a lifesaver, I can't begin to tell you how much supports who use mana NEED IT). And I guess the rest depends on your preferences and which champions you're playing. I personally prefer playing sustain-geared so I can be as aggressive as I want without having to go back since I naturally recuperate.

Reply December 28, 2013 - edited

I main Janna support and I got to silver 5 only using her. Relic shield is best on melee support. I use spell thief on Janna. You have to be very observant of when enemies will attack your ADC, so that you shield them before they get hit. I can prevent my ADC from dying from most things that enemy supports use by using my ult, knocking them up with the tornado, using zephyr to slow them down, or shielding the ADC. The real problem is when they focus you and then you die, which leaves your ADC unprotected. I've tried Sona and shes is completely boring. Other support are okay. Blitz is just lame since hes too dependent on grabs and must have dumb enemies that don't know how to dodge skill shots for it to work. Even though I dodge 90% of the grabs, other people still grabbed way too much. People need to learn to dodge skill shots.

Reply December 27, 2013 - edited

1). Right now Support Annie is stupidly broken. She doesn't have the hard "all-in" capabilities of Leona or Blitz but she more than makes up for it by making it extremely easy to all-in thanks to her massive early game damage and consistent ability to have a stun up. As of right now, she has the best poke, early aggression, damage output and utility, with her only weakness being no sustain but given her massive zoning qualities you shouldn't be getting poked down too hard.

2). Only on melee's. It's not as great but I still think the upgrade works tons better on tanky supports who can peel and initiate without worrying too much about not having the speed boost.

3). Morgana is the second best support at the moment imo. Everyone talks about how OP Taric, Annie and Leona have been but forget that Taric and Leona are hard countered by Morg and she soft-counters Annie (you can shield basically anything until she can flash + ult, which is extremely hard to shield against) as well as having the longest lasting CC in the game now. Lulu is a top pick since they nerfed Fiddle's utility so hard with this patch and she now has the longest disable in the game but her lane presence isn't that strong and her damage output isn't great so you have to focus on CD and just straight up peeling.


I main support in Bronze. Won 22 straight games with Fid support and easily got to high Bronze I just playing support. Fought for the position as well. Also, Lulu doesn't have the best poke anymore lol

Reply December 17, 2013 - edited

[quote=KaMdAm]At low elo, I personally wouldn't main any roles but rather learn to be good at at least 2-3 roles so when you are at higher elo its much more suitable to main.[/quote]

In low elo, bronze - silver, literally no one mains support. Who ever is last pick is stuck with it. So support mains in bronze and silver usually get there role.

Reply December 14, 2013 - edited

At low elo, I personally wouldn't main any roles but rather learn to be good at at least 2-3 roles so when you are at higher elo its much more suitable to main.

Reply December 14, 2013 - edited

1. Best agressive and all in supports are thresh, annie, and leona. Best poke would be karma, and lulu. Best support all around in the current meta/patch would be all of the ones I just named.

2. It's not worth going relic shield even if you're a melee support. You want to get the final peice of the coin, for the shirelia active.

3. To counter a poke lane you need a lot of sustain, so maybe sona, taric, or nami would be good.

4. Bot lane is the only lane where counters don't really apply since there are 4 people in the lane. There's too many factors imo. (There are some obv counters like high vs low range champions)

5. Similar to your first question but, leona, thresh and taric if you want a really tanky support, since they can get gold now. Leona is really good at engaging/initiating. If you want a lot of utility karma is pretty good. Another good support for hard engaging and makin' plays would be annie.

Reply December 14, 2013 - edited

support soraka

max q, ap armor runes, 9-21 masteries

get crystalline flask +pink for start, buy sight stone and then rylais/randuins with athenes + cdr shoes

Reply December 14, 2013 - edited

[url=]Continuing from what i said...[/url]

Reply December 14, 2013 - edited

Best supports right now are Taric and annie, Taric is ridiculously op right now and he's about to get nerfed hue hue

Reply December 11, 2013 - edited

I chose nami... cuz i get alot of assists and a couple of kills in

Reply December 11, 2013 - edited

1. best suport is sona
2. no is better to get philosopher stone or heart of gold
3. to counter lulu and morgana u have to pick lux becoz with lux u have laser shield snare and aoe balls damage
4. [url=]but is mabe out of date[/url]
5. popular is nidalee becuz have w for ward and q for damage poke ( or taric because outragos)

Reply December 11, 2013 - edited

[quote=1kevqn]Blitzcrank is the best support known to man.

What @RaptorsFan: said is true, Talisman of Acsension is the best item ever for support[/quote]

Nah. Blitz is like tier 2 or 3. Scary-god tiers are Taric, Leona, and Thresh ---- Thresh especially.
Tier 1 = Sona, Lulu, Janna.

Reply December 11, 2013 - edited

nidalee for poke lmao

Reply December 10, 2013 - edited

Strong? I'd say kayle support. From my experience you can go full AP and still be great support.

Reply December 10, 2013 - edited

I don't like the relic shield, I prefer the Talisman of Ascension (I think it's called that). Better gold income imo and the active on it is pretty handy on most supports.

Reply December 10, 2013 - edited

1. All-in: Thresh, Blitzcrank (not really as viable in higher brackets), Annie, Leona, Nami, Fiddlesticks, Janna, Alistar, Morgana, Soraka (not aggressive, but you can 'all-in', and probably win if you know their ignite's down).
Poking: Zyra, Annie, Lulu, Sona, Karma (not really used much)
All-around: Sona, Zyra, Annie, Lulu, Janna

2. I don't really think so. If anything, I would only get it on a melee support (the execute damage only works on it anyways), or someone who can stack shields (Janna, Lulu). I don't really like any of the gold generation items as starting items, as you lose out on a lot of vision and sustain.

Here are some basic calculations on Relic Shield.
Assuming you use it on every siege minion (spawns 2:30, 4:00, 5:30, 7:00, 8:30, 10:00, enters lane at about 3:00, 4:30, 6:00, 7:30, 9:00):
You use two on melee minions at the start (2:00): 40g +50g
You get one back by the time a siege minion comes (3:00): 40 + 45g
You save one for the next siege minion (4:30): 40 + 45 g
You use one on a melee minion (5:00): 20 + 25g
You use one on the next siege minion (6:00): 40 + 45g
You save one for the next siege minion (7:30): 40 + 45g
You use one on a melee minion (8:00): 20 + 25g
You use one on the next siege minion (9:00): 40 + 45g

That means you have earned about 285 gold in 9 minutes,, which is essentially 6.33 gold/10 seconds, if you are considering that gold/10 seconds starts at 1:30. You also give your ADC 45 gold. This is all assuming you are both in the lane the whole time, and you get off these stacks as soon as possible.

3. Never really played against much of either. But for Lulu, you have to push or else she just free harasses you. If doing this, skipping gold generation items in your starting build is a [i]must[/i], since you're really open for ganks. Morgana's shield has a really long cooldown, so you can make use of this. Not much you can do about snares except dodge them. It is very helpful to ward the side bushes in order to see them coming sooner. Not much you can do about Soul Shackles, except keep a distance and maybe bait it out. Alistar, Vayne, Janna can easily push her away while the leash is active though.

4. You can probably find that on guides for individual champions.

5. Taric - Supports aren't spending gold on wards/oracle's anymore (just sightstone), so they can build more actual items. Taric now scales on armour rather than mana, so he can build tanky and still do damage.

Thresh - Able to build tanky and still be useful as well, with large amounts of crowd control (death sentence, flay, the box), and also his lantern is very, very useful.

Reply December 10, 2013 - edited