

Instrument Help

I don't know where else to post this so I'm posting this here. So I'm in band and I play the flute. I've been playing for more than two years and there is only one persisting problem. I have an extremely airy tone. Whenever I don't play with my section mates, they all sound very clean and clear. But when I join in, this extra fuzzy filter layer gets added on to our sound. I've tried fixing my embouchure while looking in a mirror and all that stuff. My teacher says I have a teardrop lip and that's what is hindering me from getting a clear tone. So, if you guys have any tips, that would be really helpful.

April 1, 2014

4 Comments • Newest first


wish i could help, but flute is seriously the only instrument i cannot play.

although, i hear that flutes use either 60 or 40 percent of air and the rest goes out of their flute. so you need to use a lot of air. also, firmly press on your keys.

Reply April 1, 2014

I quit the flute because of that and because I could only play B flat.

Just keep practicing.
But I wouldn't know because I stopped taking high school band seriously.

Reply April 1, 2014

take deep breaths and don't breathe every single bar
breathe every 4 bars
i don't play the flute
roll the flute i guess until you have a good sound
2 years isn't a lot honestly, you still have a lot of time to improve

Reply April 1, 2014

Learn to play an instrument that isn't the flute

Reply April 1, 2014