
P/c this tree branch nose in Cymk

Stats are 4matk, 8 slots 3l unique.
Pot is 3% int, 2% accuracy, 2% str.
It has a 2% all stat neb

Priced at 1.3b, should I buy it?

EDIT: its anvil'd to a crying mask if that changes the value

June 18, 2013

1 Comment • Newest first


I would, a 2% all stat neb alone is about 1b or so in Khaini, and it has a unique potential too. The only thing is that it kind of has a low m.atk, but even if you use it as a temporary you might be able to resell it for more when you upgrade.

Edit: I didn't read the 8 slots left; even better. Scroll with goodness chaos, and you might be able to get it to 20+ matk!

Reply June 18, 2013 - edited