

x3vilx #Chat Talk

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9th grade enriched math Today I started school due to being on vacation. They were doing a review quiz and I was also doing it but one question was complicating for me. Keep in mind I haven't done this in grade 8. Also, I chose Academic but I hear they view your marks and some people are enrolled in enriched. There is no AP/Honor classes, just saying. So the question was to simplify 2b*2b^4. Me being a total idiot who has never done this before wrote down 4b^5. I'm pretty sure it's wrong, thanks.

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What type of laptopdesktop should I get with my budget Well, I wrote a descriptive paragraph about what i was looking for but in the end the stupid basil censor system ended up censoring a word even though i'm pretty sure the word wasn't used at all. Anyways i have a budget of 500$, but if required i can bump it up to 600-700$. I'd like a computer which is alright enough for some gaming, nothing too big. I was thinking more of an Asus but I'm thinking it might be over my budget. All your suggestions are very well needed, thanks.

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My accounting teacher So basically, my teacher constantly gives me lectures about how I'm always talking back to her in class or trying to be a "smart ass," even when it's me just correcting a mistake that she's done. Ever since these constant after-school speeches, she's always been looking for a way to drop my mark. She began to nitpick borderline mistakes and taking out marks because of it (e.g she says she couldn't see one of my underlines for my total although it was hidden due to the dark black ink from the printer EVEN though it was clearly there). That in turn dropped my mark from a 100 to 98. Next, we've recently just completed one of our unit tests. At one point, I decided to combine Office Equipment and Furniture into o