

xBeta #Buccaneer Talk

General Buccaneer

Upgrading my Equipment but where do I start? I'm level 151, but am using really bad equips. I want to upgrade my equipment, but don't know where to start. Can a well experienced Buccaneer point me in the right direction? I would list my current equipment, but please, just take my word on this one; it's really, really horrible, clean equipment. Not even 100% Scrolled, not a single bit of potential on any of it. I asked my alliance, and someone mentioned that I should always start off with the weapon, and worry about the rest later. So, should I really start off with the weapon? If so, I was considering buying a VIP Knuckle, but I don't know how much these sell for (I do however, know that they're sort of scarce, so finding one may or may not

General Buccaneer

Up to date revamped Buccaneer skill list I'm looking for an up to date list of all the skills the Buccaneer class (From 1st job through 4th) will have after the Pirate and Thief revamp, but I am having some difficulty locating one. I've looked through Shakar96 (It feels much easier to navigate through) and Orange Mushroom (More harder to navigate through than Shakar96, but that's my Opinion since I didn't start following Maplestory blogs until recently) I am not too good with navigating through Wordpress and memorizing all the updates KMS/KMST has so I'm having a hard time finding a simple list of skill changes that will tell me things such as: 1. Skill name and what job it falls under (1st job, 2nd job, etc...) 2. %Damage at level 1, 2, 3,

General Buccaneer

Buccaneer post-revamp 4th job skill build suggestions? Well, there isn't a set date for the GMS revamp yet, but it never hurts to speculate, and prepare in advance, does it? :p What I am hoping is that once the revamp takes place, pirates will get a choice to pick one free skill book for one of their 4th job skills (Like they did with Magicians, Cannoneers, Mercedes, and Demon Slayers). If we get one free skill book, I will be picking [b]Guard Crash: ignore 100% of a monster’s defense (including boss monsters) at a 40% chance (max level: 20)[/b] since, that will come in very handy for grinding and bossing. do you guys think that is a good choice? I'm predicting that this book will definitely be the number one choice. So, once I've got my