xFluffymanx #General Talk


Cygnus Knights only getting 5 points? Hey guys, I recently made a Nightwalker, and I know what makes Cygnus Knights so great (up to 120) is that they get 6 AP Points, to put into LUK, STR, DEX, and INT. So I made a Nightwalker, I used the level 30 and 70 Potion on him, so he is now level 70, and each level up from 10-70 I obtained 6 AP points. But every level after 70, I'm getting only 5 AP points. And I'm just wondering, if it's supposed to be like this, or if my character got messed up due to the Level 30 and 70 Potion (which wouldn't be surprising as it's an event from Nexon). So are Cygnus Knights always supposed to get 6 AP points after every level, or does it reduce to 5 after reaching level 70? Thanks a lot for reading this btw, as I