

xNightlady #General Talk


quotIm gonna get my level 200 friends to hack youquot Lol I had an interesting experience at mp3. I was on my priest, minding my own business, and this cheif bandit comes in and starts ksing me and my partner. I didn't yell at her, I silently waited until I leveled. Once, I leveled, I came back on my highest level main, ks'ed her with my friends for kicks cause she deserved it, then she stopped, faced us, and this is what she said. "Have fun tomorrow during 2x, a level 200 is gonna ks you all, I wrote down all your igns. f2" Which I responded with, "Well it's a good thing I don't train during 2x, cause I work on the weekends." and then she said "Well enjoy your accounts while you still can." f2 Isn't that the b


Character Recovery NX item---A duh way to make money for MS Well this is just an idea that came to my mind. A lot of people have fallen victim to having their characters deleted for whatever reason---a mean ex, not paying attention and deleting the wrong character, being hacked...etc. Wouldn't it be like...possible to create an item that costs like 40k nx and it would like recover a deleted character. Of course you wouldn't get all your stuff back, just a reset character, with plain ole equips, like 500k and basically anything they would give you for a basic character. (kinda like how they gave us free level 50 characters recently for anyone who had a character above 70) Would this be a bad idea? Nay or Yay?


Why are most lvl 180 maplers so snobby? (Level 180+ Maplestory players) I was chatting up some girl by apq, asking her some q's, she seemed friendly at first and I asked if she wanted to buddy since we both seemed to be interested in apqing regularly. I clicked her when she got quiet, and realized she's level 200 and expected her to vanish. She just POOF disappeared. Then again she had bright eyes... >.< (I'm so stereotyping because most people I've met with that face act quite dumb.) (::Ducks for cover from everyone with bright eyes who will see this::) HA! anyways... Oh and btw, if you're the girl I met at apq area in Windia, just so you know, this is dedicated to you. -End Rant-


Ever heard of someone getting hacked And you're like...whoa...that's crazy, cause you change your pw like everyday bro! D: No but seriously, ZEE NEXON POO has hit ZEE FAN. What would you do if you were hacked?---Quit? Start over? I would take it as a sign from this midget 11 year old, that I should maybe quit maplestory, have an awesome life, and then the hacker doesn't win...because he's still a LOSAH. thoughts? :) P.s. I will probably not live to see tomorrow, in pixel land, right? It's like an apocalypse around these parts..


I am up to here in cow poop with this Game. 1. How many years has it been since this game has been eating up real money and security isn't improved? You'd think these geniuses would have the sense to monitor ch 1 henesys, the most idiot-proof place to monitor for packet abusers. 2. How many reports does it take to actually grab a GM's attention and perhaps TAKE ACTION. 3. How many times do legit players have to be kicked around by packet-abusers and hackers before anything changes? 4. I used to love my server, but now I see that this game isn't worth it anymore. The majority of this game is filled with morons. Thanks to iLoveNegger for allowing me to see this. Have fun disconnecting the majority of Henesys for the lulz.

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