

xWolfy #General Talk


Amazing MTS sell. I use my MTS for storage as I'm sure many other people do. When I put my items in MTS i put 1 price for everything which is 20,000 just in case i don't realize what I'm putting in there so nothing can go wrong. I never expected anyone to buy anything as it was all obviously overpriced and I only intended it for storage, but to my surprise someone had bought a clean 88 attack level 90 dagger from me for the price of 20,000. I almost had a heart attack when I saw the NX. I'm not sure if someone was trying to be nice or just wanted a clean dagger that badly, but this is my story of the day (written at 7:29 am after an all nighter ;p). I didn't mean to bore anyone with this but I just though for once I had luck in maple and I'

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