xXKiidJayXx #Battlemage Talk

General Battlemage

Why do Battle Mages suck so badly? *This is a rant. Continue at your own risk.* Hi guys, everytime I get into a party there's some ridiculously OP class. Even the explorers at retarded strong now. A Dark Knight and I were in a party a short while ago. We were the same level and he only had half a tempest set with 6%STR on each. His range was 45K and mine is 40K. My Finising Blow (maxed) does 120k per line while his main move does 550K per line. Tell me how is this fair? I'm so close to giving up and playing my Night Lord. The mobility on Battle Mages are terrible. Finishing Blow has the smallest area. You have to walk straight up into the enemies face to hit them (Yes, I do know that I'm a Battle Mage and it's a close combat class but this