xbeasttamer #Gms Talk

General Gms

kewier/canaw/trollingexp is a scammer Hii i'd like to report a scammer in broa everyone his merch is canaw, his main is trolling exp, and his soon to be new main is most likely kewier. I was buying his titanium heart for 30b, but when he tried to unjustly change the terms of our agreement, I didn't want to go through with it and wanted my mesos back, but he refused saying he didn't want to lose his 10b that i paid up front as his answer to not refunding me. I'll take that i made a dumb mistake because I know I did, but if im going down, ur going down with me :p As for proof i didn't save the other bits when i left shop but i got something at least. [url=]http://i60.tinypic.com/n3pxzq.png[/url] [url=]http://i58.tinypic.com/mltgqs.png[/url] [