

xgrip2k5 #Updates Talk

General Updates

Shads after Big Bang SP distribution With Big Bang coming out we get a few new skills and im not to sure what im going to max. Assaulter - max Pickpocket - max BoT - max Meso guard - max Shadow partner - max Flash jump - max Meso explosion- max So after those skills which are all gunna be max your left with Shield Mastery Chakra Dark Flare Normally i would drop Shield Mastery but after BB the skill description changes. Instead of +100% shield def its now +100% wep/mag Def which sounds great! Then you have chakra which no longer has to be under 50% to be used which is a plus. And finally you have Dark Flare which reflect 1300% dmg delt. They all sound awesome but 1 of them isnt gunna get maxed. Right now im leaning towards not maxing Dark Fl