

xminhstah #Bowmaster Talk

General Bowmaster

Skill build help please So I'm close to maxing hurricane(lvl25 atm) and I'm not quite sure what to max next. Some people are telling to max marksmanship next then go elite puppet, but I myself am just no quite sure what to do. So I guess what I'm trying to ask is, would it be wise to listen to what these people tell me or should I just go for MW and then just wing it from there? I'm really confused and would love to hear you guys opinions. Here's a list of my skill build just in case you guys need it : Also please note that all my skills are 2 levels higher than they should be because of the 5 set empress effect thingy BE- MAXED SL- MAXED SE- MAXED Hurricane- 25 AFA- MAXED The rest should be at 1+2