
Need a new reboot main, have some criteria, need some advice

So here's kind of what I realized my criteria was:
- Amazing mobbing (high and wide coverage)
- Hold down button ability to make MP3 easier; I would prefer to not be very active in my farming
- Very high stance (90-95+, pref 100), or a reliable substitute, as I hate getting knocked around
- Good survivability/tankiness.
- High bossing potential (funds aside)

Right now I have a 175 DA and a 157 DS, those are the two I'm considering for maining. DS seems to fit most of my criteria best (especially mobbing; IC is ridiculous), but I'm worried about its bossing potential; although it has 14 lines with Blue Blood, it always seems to end up near the bottom.

I like the DA. I'm worried about its bossing potential on Reboot because I've heard its optimal playstyle requires cooldown reduction on hat; and I've heard it's pretty bad without. Plus they don't have a hold down ability to make MP3 less painful.

Of course I could make a separate mule to farm MP3, and that'd take out the hold down requirement... but since I'm concentrating funds in one place and I'd need to do a lot of cubing to get meso up, I see using one class for both farming and maining as killing two birds with one stone, as I might get meso up gear on the way to getting higher dps gear.

Anyway, advice please. Tired of getting classes (like DrK *shudders at mobbing*) to 100 to find out I don't enjoy them. Need a more experienced hand here.

April 10, 2016

1 Comment • Newest first


@stoker: Thanks for the suggestions! Well yeah the thing is DA/Shade's hold down has a cooldown. Not really gonna fly lol. I've tried Cannoneers to 120, but haven't really considered maining one. I think it has bad stance, too. It's an interesting idea, though. BW is also in my list of considerations (not sure about its stance and such), and Mechanic is probably a decent idea, too. I think I'll try out BW next as I've heard their revamp made their mobbing quite ridiculous, and then a Mechanic.

I mean it's fine if a class isn't the best at bossing, I just need it to have good potential for it. I'm not sure where DS sits on that spectrum.

Reply April 10, 2016