
d/c at gollux still happening

I d/c at the head twice. someone d/ced at shoulders, some other guildie got through and got drops, how much hp you've taken down don't matter, neither does the time on the clock. All random. fix drops. didn't fix d/c. can't get drops anyway. rip. ggwp. ff20

December 10, 2015

5 Comments • Newest first


I d/c'd on one run at Gollux with no error message or anything, and then had another glitch, where if I left or died on a map with Gollux parts (shoulder, head, etc) all platforms would dissappear. It was odd. (Not the ground, just platforms above it) Was weird since I died out of nowhere on Gollux head at the gem part.

Reply December 10, 2015

i d/c in pink bean with my kaiser yesterday before the patch, i guess its something about some skills maybe.

Reply December 10, 2015

my windows 10 pc happens to dc randomly at super random times.

Reply December 10, 2015

Rush skills seem to be what causes the disconnects, try and refrain from using them.
(Atleast that's what I've been noticing)

Reply December 10, 2015