xxfalconxx30 #Pirate Talk

General Pirate

ONLY Buccs get this cool MOVING CHAIR So...I forgot how to do this, but in the end result, you can move around with your Visitor (spaceship thingy) chair. 1) Use Transformation/Super Transformation 2) Sit on the Alien Chair (Should make you seems like you're sitting on the air) 3) Cancel Trans/ST 4) press left or right ONCE to stand up 5) Ride on mount 6) press the sit button ( Visitor's chair must be the first chair in set up) 7) cancel mount After canceling mount, you'll be on your visitor's chair, but you'll be able to move around+Jump on it. Enjoy

General Pirate

P/C On all My Decent Equips for my 3 Pirates (BIG LIST) With the weird prices nowadays, I would like to get a good estimate of how much my equips are worth: 111 Att Hammered 2 Lined (Rare) Concerto 80 Att Hammered Once 2 Lined (Epic, 4% attack Dex +8) Maple Cannon Shooter 99 Att Hammered 3 Lined (Rare, +5 Attack) King Cent 17/15/15/15 3 Lined (Epic, 6% Dex) Scarlion Helmet 15/10 3 Lined (Epic, Str +3%) White Pioneer (Traded my Hammered 20 dex sauna for this, good deal?) 3 Att, Dex +12 Hammered 3 Lined (Str +6%, All 2%) PAC 15 Att Hammered 2 Line(Rare) SCG 2 Att 4 dex FS Dex +2 Clean 2 Lined (Epic dex 4%) Spectrum Goggles. Thank you!

General Pirate

The Corsair PVP Thread Come all ye corsairs and share about your PVP experiences. Share your strategies! Feel free to ask questions regarding Corsairs in PVP as well! My experiences: - Power Boost and Battleship Cannon work [b]REALLY[/b] well at draining your opponent's HP (Be sure to pick those up when you see them) - I love killing people on the run. I don't even need to chase after them. Dismount ship and Air strike gets the job done. I've killed 5 people who tried to escape this way. :p