

xxryzinxx2 #Chat Talk

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E3 Assignment Help Hey guys, I have an entertainment marketing course so we had to choose a venue and my group chose E3. Anyways, I need to find some articles that made our event look bad, such as a celebrity doing something bad, etc for an "Ethical Issues" part but I can't really find any. So... I was wondering if anyone knows what happened at E3 one year that made it look bad? If so can you tell me the year/show me an article? That would be great. Yeah, but basil market is probably not the place for looking for help but most of the time you guys come through for me.

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How strong is Goku? Now guys, i'm going to see how many people over rate goku. IMO he is massively hyper sonic (never shown to go at speed of light) and I know many of you are going to say massively faster than light even though he's never shown to be that fast at all. He can destroy planets in one hit (he was never shown to be able to destroy solar system), when ranking someone in strength remember to guy by evidence not by intuition. Remember a galaxy is trillions and billions of times bigger than a planet, and at a power level of 8000 he was able to destroy a planet. Goku never had a power level higher than trillions and billions of times bigger than 8000, so I definitely am sure he isn't powerful enough to destroy galaxy. If you think h

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Is this racist? Hey guys, today my friend came up to me and gave me a scenario. He said that imagine a city where statistics show that all thieves are 70% Asian people, 15% of black people, 15% white people. He asked me would it be racist to be more cautious of asians if he owned a store and they entered. He says that it wouldn't be racist because he wouldn't be more cautious because they're "asian" but he would be more cautious of them because for some unknown reason asians resort to stealing due to the situation asians are put in at that city. He also says that all races deserve equal rights, are equivalents, and that he doesn't look down on any ethnicity. It was kind of a stump for me because it seems logical yet sort of wrong

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I may hate my father Well Basil recently I've been extremely angry at my father and I have decent reasons. So I feel like venting. Firstly, out of every person I know my father is the one who tells the most lies. This is not every now and then lies its extreme. For example, my dad often needs me to write his business letters, apply for jobs, etc. because he's terrible at using technology/the keyboard and can barely read English (also a reason why i'm extremely annoyed by him since he has been living in Canada for 13 years and has the reading level of an 9 year old, ridiculous). So to get him to improve I ask him to actually go online often and do typing tests to improve so he can do this himself. He says he would and tries it out but gives

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For Ontario G12s that applied to Uni Hello guys, i'm a senior in highschool and I recently applied to university. I applied to Laurentian, Guelph and UOIT for commerce. I wasn't good enough to get high 70s - mid 80s so yeah I didn't think I should apply to Brock/UofT/Waterloo because I probably wouldn't get accepted. I currently have low 70s so only UOIT and Laurentian will most likely accept me. Which one do you think I should go to? o.o Online it seems people mock both those Unis lol. Which one do you think is better?