

I have an idea - Notification System

So everytime I post a new thread, I'm coming back to basil after a while and have to go to my forum page and then go in.
Or after I comment on a thread and waiting for the other people to reply I have to check everytime for theire comments.
What I was thinking about is producing a Notification System, so that everytime someone is posting at your thread, or mentioning your name, you'll be notified.
What do you guys thing?

May 14, 2012

2 Comments • Newest first


@DrHye Wow I didnt know about that !
Tnx lol.

Reply May 14, 2012

The Meebo bar on the bottom of your computer screen (not phone or tablet) has a button that says "Quoted." It shows all the time you've been quoted. A face if you haven't checked it using the Meebo bar yet, and a face if you've checked them all. Eventually the bar goes away if you haven't been quoted in a few days. Additionally, the Quoted tab won't show any quote if someone tagged you in their post by editing the already-posted comment.

Reply May 14, 2012