

Pierce at 28?

I decided to leave my pierce at level 28 because of the combat orders glitch where it disconnects you.

Does this make sence to people, or should I just max it and remember to cancel the buff?

Im just going to leave it at 28, and max it when they patch it.

January 23, 2012

5 Comments • Newest first


I takes me ~5 minutes to log in with my computer (entire client crashes), so ill just leave it at 28 until it is patched.

Thanks for the advice!

Reply January 30, 2012

The extra 20% damage isn't worth the disconnections. One way to look at it is that extra 20% amounts to 9,700 damage in the best case scenario with my current damage range. Compare that to the millions of damage I'd lose out on while I had to log back in, and you have a clear winner.

Reply January 26, 2012

Really, the 20% damage you're losing on pierce when you don't have CO isn't a big deal at all. Keep it at 28 until they patch it.

Reply January 25, 2012

I think leaving it at 28 sp is a good idea.

Reply January 24, 2012

Well there are two circumstances were it wouldn't matter at all and that is if you hit the cap even with lvl 28 pierce and the other being if you have a paladin training with you every time you are training seriously. Since neither category is what I presume you are under I would say its not a bad thing but eventually you should put those 2 points into it. It's not a huge loss of power but with a damage multiplier on each enemy you hit by the 6th enemy that does count for a decent amount of damage loss. If you don't want to put up with the hassle of canceling CO which is perfectly understandable I would say ye its not a bad idea but at the same time if you hardly train with paladins you're better off with that bit of damage. Ultimately I'd say its a matter of opinion I personally already had level 30 pierce when big bang came along and CO started dcing me and I didn't want to change my build around just CO. And since I started playing for the dynamic gameplay this was just another thing to keep me on my toes. You on the other hand might find it an unnecessary nuisance in an otherwise fairly linear level progression. In summary I'd say it's not bad but put those 2 points in before you hit 200.

Reply January 23, 2012